"Brother, the interest rate here is very low. If you borrow 100,000 yuan, you can repay it in 36 installments, and the monthly interest is only more than 3,000 yuan...."

The staff tried to persuade him while the iron was hot.

I guess his rhetoric successfully fooled many trainers who had no money but hoped to change their fate.

"Okay, I'll take out a loan!"

"Thank you, distinguished guest!"

In order to become stronger, to burn insects!

Qin Ze decided to take out a loan!

So Qin Ze successfully took out a loan to buy the most advanced breeding device. Looking at the eggs in the device, he felt very complicated now, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

"Burning Bug, Burning Bug, I, your master, have to bear a debt of more than three thousand yuan every month because you haven't graduated yet. You must be worthy of me."

Qin Ze's voice was a little sad. When he thought about the fact that he suddenly had a debt of one hundred thousand, he wanted to cry. The only thing he could do was to imagine that the Burning Bug's qualifications had reached the King level, so that he could temporarily forget the sadness of the debt and force a smile.

Caterpie:"Master, are you okay?""

Kapok Ball:"Oh my God, this shit shoveler is stupid, should I run away?"

Qin Ze:"Shut up!"

After Qin Ze sorted out his mentality, he planned to go to a place, which was one of the three gyms in Pengcheng, the Chiyan Gym, which was proficient in fire.

The gyms in this world were different from those in the original world.

The gyms in the elf world were all specialized in one attribute, while the gyms in this world could be of several attributes.

There were several gyms in each city, some were official and some were private. In short, the rules for opening a gym were the same.

First of all, the gym owner had to have six elves with strength that reached the gym level, that is, level 51-60.

Then, they had to be proficient in more than one attribute and have the ability to impart knowledge to others.

Finally, they had to pass the alliance assessment and win in fierce individual and group battles before they could open a gym.

There were three gyms in Pengcheng, one of which was official and the other two were private.

The official one was founded more than ten years ago, and later The first two gyms were established eight years ago.

As for why there are no new gyms later, some of the reasons are that capable people are too lazy to open gyms, or they do not have the ability to impart knowledge.

The most important thing is that it is too difficult to gather six gym-level Pokémon. Even if they are gathered, it is difficult to pass the assessment of the alliance.

So in the past eight years, no one has opened a fourth gym.

The Red Flame Gym that Qin Ze went to is private. It is said that the owner of the gym opened a large company with the accumulated tuition fees and even listed it on the stock market.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. Many trainers will start a business when their wealth reaches a certain level, so as to accumulate more wealth and cultivate their own Pokémon.

In order to practice in peace, the Red Flame Gym is located in the suburbs of Pengcheng. Although the place is remote, there are endless people studying there every day.

As a result, the homestay market here has developed robustly!

"One, two, one! One, two, one!"

There were five groups of twenty people in this suburb, leading the elves in running training. They were all wearing neat uniforms with a flame logo and the big word"Chiyan" in the middle.

Obviously, they were all students of Chiyan Dojo.

After Qin Ze walked for a while, he saw the largest building in the suburb, that is, Chiyan Dojo!

As soon as he arrived at the door, he heard various commands.

"Platypus! Spraying fire!"

"Flame Horse! Move at high speed to avoid it!"

""Fire Spirit! Flame Wheel!"

At the entrance, you can see many students commanding their spirits to use various moves to attack the training targets, or competing in pairs.

The training atmosphere is particularly good!

"Hello, how can I help you? Do you want to challenge me or sign up for a lesson?

A man with the word"coach" on his chest came over.

"Hello, I want to challenge you."

Qin Ze said straight to the point, not hiding his intentions.

As soon as he said this, the students who were training enthusiastically stopped their movements and turned to look at Qin Ze.

"Oh, you are here to challenge us. We haven't had anyone come to challenge us for a few days.

The coach looked surprised, then smiled.

"Come to challenge, you know the rules here"

"I know that I have to pay at least 2,000 yuan for the challenge fee. Every time I win, the money I pay will double. As long as I don't challenge again, the doubled money will belong to me. If I lose, I will give the doubled money to you."

Qin Ze replied.

This is similar to the principle that you will get money after challenging NPCs in the game.

In order to stimulate gym challengers and create income for gyms, the alliance has formulated such a reward and punishment mechanism.

Challengers must pay at least 2,000 yuan for the gym challenge.

If you win a game, it will double to 3,000 yuan, and if you win another game, it will be 4,500 yuan, and so on.

It can be said that this is the way for many trainers to get rich.

However, it is not that simple. All trainers who have the courage to accept challenges on behalf of the gym are strong players. It is considered lucky for two out of ten challengers to win the prize.

Others refuse to let go and lose badly in the end. When they can't pay so much money, they can only take out loans and live with debts and repayments from then on.

Therefore, challenging gyms, no matter how many times you challenge, is a very sophisticated gamble. The reason why Qin Ze came to challenge is that first of all, he has to find a way to make money to pay off his debts.

Secondly, he wants to learn more about fire attributes.

""Okay, I'll make the arrangements for you. Let me check the level of your Pokémon first."

The coach said.

According to the rules, the gym must first check the level of the challenger's Pokémon so that they can arrange for the challenger. If the level is too high, only the gym owner can come forward.

��If the level of the Gym Master is higher than the Gym Master, then the Gym has the right to refuse the challenge.

Qin Ze handed the Poké Ball containing the Growlithe to the coach and watched him put it on a professional instrument.

Then the monitor showed the level of the Growlithe.

"Level 18? How long have you been a trainer?"

The coach asked casually.

"Three weeks, I am a student at Pengcheng University."

Qin Ze replied

"Oh! Then you participated in the selection ceremony! It's rare to train Caterpie to level 18 in less than a month!"

This achievement shocked the coach and he had to look up to Qin Ze.

"I will go and arrange the opponents now."

After the coach finished speaking, he went to the student group to select people. After selecting a group of people, he led everyone and Qin Ze to the battlefield.

"Your opponent is Wang Lin, who has been in our gym for three months. His six-tail is also level 18, and his strength is quite good."

After the coach finished speaking, a tall man came out and looked at Qin Ze with a proud look on his face.


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