""Come out! Lava worm!"

After Wang Lin came out, he immediately released his spirit.

A lava worm with bright eyes and a strong look raised its head with a proud look.

"This is my trump card spirit, the lava worm. It will definitely become the king of the fire system in the future! It is your honor to be its opponent!"

When Wang Lin said this, he raised his nose, looking so arrogant.

Qin Ze almost couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this.

Brother, you are only level 18, why are you so proud?

"Challenger, please send out your elves!"

The coach ignored Wang Lin's flattery and urged Qin Ze.

Qin Ze released the Caterpie after hearing this.

"Get ready for battle! Catwoman!"

""Ah, Wuuwu!!"

Katie was also full of vigor. As soon as he landed, he looked up to the sky and howled to show his fighting spirit!

"Then the game begins!"

The coach threw his hands vigorously and announced the official start of the game.

"Lava worm! Harden!"

At this time, Wang Lin quickly ordered the lava worm to use a move that would increase his defense.

At the same time, he sneered at Qin Ze and said:

"Boy, don't say I'm bullying you. I'll let you have one move, so you go first."

Wang Lin crossed his arms, looking like he didn't care about anyone.

"Huh? You let me have a move?"

Qin Ze didn't expect the other party to be so arrogant, and showed a strange expression.

"That's right. Don't think that you can defeat me just because you are level 18. Let me tell you, since I entered the Red Flame Gym and trained hard for three months, my lava worm has become much stronger. Even if it is the same level, no one can defeat it."

"If I defeat you too easily, it would be too boring. I will give you a chance to leave some injuries on my lava worm, so that you won't have to fight so hard later but can't even do a scraping."

When Wang Lin said this, his eyes were full of contempt. It seemed that he really didn't think Qin Ze was that powerful.


The lava worm had already hardened, and its muscles were as if coated with a layer of iron. Its body was pressed against the floor, making it stand still like an old tree.

Hot air spurted out of its nose, and it stared at the Growlithe.

Lava worm:"Boy, come on if you have the guts!"

Growlithe:"You dare to mess with me?!"

Growlithe saw that the other party was so arrogant, and immediately gnashed his teeth in anger, his muscles tensed up, and his breathing gradually became hot.

When Wang Lin said this, the other students couldn't help laughing.

"Wang Lin, you are such a nice person that you actually gave him a special move?"

"In this way, even if the other party loses, they can still save face."

"Not bad, Wang Lin, you are quite considerate of others."

None of these students thought there was anything wrong with Wang Lin's behavior.

They all felt that they could not lose to a challenger of the same level.

As for why, it was because they were students of the Chiyan Dojo, and the training they received every day and the knowledge they learned were beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

"Hey, is this okay?" a student asked the others cautiously.

"You just came yesterday, it's normal that you don't know. Although Wang Lin has only been here for three months, his strength is quite outstanding. Did you see the way his lava worm stands? It is already tightly attached to the ground and is very solid. If you go up to pull it out now, you will definitely not be able to pull it up. Combined with the effect of hardening, it is very difficult to knock him down."

"Not only that, his lava worms are also very destructive. Because of his elite qualifications, he got charcoal that increases the power of fire as soon as he joined the gym. His fire-attribute moves are much more powerful than those of ordinary fire-type Pokémon! Coupled with our gym's unique flame enhancement techniques, the power is even higher!"

"So you can rest assured, even if you are hit by the opponent, you will definitely not lose or suffer serious injuries."...

Qin Ze looked at the people on the opposite side who were all pretending to enjoy the show, and couldn't help but let out a sneer.

If that's the case, then don't blame him for being ruthless.

""Catti Dog! Flame Wheel!"

Qin Ze immediately gave the order.

Catti Dog had been unable to bear it any longer, and now that it was finally able to move, it immediately burst into extremely hot flames.

Then it rolled into a ball, turned into a tire, and rushed towards the lava worm on the opposite side like a burning Mercedes!

The speed was so fast that it was unimaginable. All that could be seen was the traces of fire left by Catti Dog along the way!

"How come it’s so fast! And this flame!"

At this moment, Wang Lin suddenly felt something was wrong. The speed of Caterpillar’s Flame Wheel was beyond his imagination.

And he felt that this flame was not simple. He didn’t care about the agreement just now, and planned to order the lava worm to dodge directly.

But it was too late.


A loud crashing sound that could be heard at a car accident scene was heard.

The lava worm was knocked out like a ball.

"Dig a hole!"

The students watching were so scared that they quickly dispersed to avoid being hit by the lava worms.


Then there was a violent crash, and the lava worm slammed hard into the wall at the end, then fell lightly to the ground.

"Lava worm!!!"

Wang Lin was shocked when he saw this scene and ran towards the lava worm to check the situation.

However, the lava worm was already in a dying state and could not respond to Wang Lin at all.

"The walls here are very solid."

Qin Ze thought.

This move of Caterpie can definitely break a tree. It seems that the gym is built with high-quality materials to prevent the elves from demolishing it.

【"Caterpie defeats Lava Worm and gains 150 experience points, which doubles to 300 experience points."】

At the same time, the system's prompts also reached Qin Ze's ears.

"The lava worms have lost their ability to fight. This time, Caterpie wins."

After the instructor checked the lava worms, he immediately announced the result.

"" Wa...

"No! Wait! I want a rematch!"

At this time, Wang Lin shouted anxiously

""It was an accident just now. I wasn't ready yet! Give me another chance! I promise to beat him! You all know how strong I am. If I don't let him, I will never lose!"

Wang Lin couldn't accept the fact that his lava worm was killed in one move. He stood up anxiously and kept talking to the coach.

As a result, the coach showed an unhappy look and simply slapped him!


The slap was particularly loud. Wang Lin tilted his head in confusion, his eyes filled with shock.


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