When Wang Jiang heard that the drugs he was taking had been discovered, he was so frightened that he fell to his knees.

"AX banned drug! It is a drug that will cause irreversible damage to the elves. Although it can forcibly tap the potential and improve the strength, over time, the elves will suffer and become particularly dependent on the drug. Without the drug, the elves will go crazy and torture the body, but with long-term use, the body will eventually collapse! In the end, the strength will regress to level 1, or even death!"

Saint Anhu became more and more angry as he spoke, and he could no longer maintain his usual pleasant expression. He couldn't help but slap Wang Jiang in the face.

He was slapped down directly!

"In order to become stronger, you actually tortured the Pokémon like this. Are you worthy of being a trainer?!"

Saint Ann pointed at Wang Jiang and cursed

"What did I do wrong? What's wrong with wanting to become stronger? What's the qualification of my elf? Common level, isn't it ridiculous? What future can it have!"

I don't know if it's because he has nowhere else to go, Wang Jiang decided to break the jar and speak out his thoughts

"I have such a bad elf, so I have no future! I must find a way to become stronger. What does it matter if I use crooked ways? If I can become stronger, win the game and make money, isn't that good enough? The elves must also want to become stronger, and they are willing to do so."

"If you have any objections, you should have given each of us a higher-quality elf from the beginning!"

Hearing Wang Jiang's outrageous words, Saint An Fox was so angry that his beard was about to be crooked.

"You are so stubborn, go to the Elf Prison to reflect on yourself! Your behavior is enough to send you to jail for ten years!"

After Saint Ann Fox finished speaking, a group of elf police came in from outside the door, followed by dog elves such as Caterpie, Thunder Beast, and Little York.

The leading policeman greeted Saint Ann Fox, then immediately handcuffed Wang Jiang and escorted him away.

Qin Ze had been watching this"one, two, three" scene indifferently. After seeing the police leave, he took Saint Ann Fox's water cup and handed it to him.

"Principal, don't be angry about this kind of person,"

Qin Ze comforted


After drinking a mouthful of water, Saint Ann Fox sighed heavily and looked a few years older.

"Alas, it is really unfortunate for our school that such a person has appeared in our school. I can already imagine what the hot searches will be."

Saint Ann stroked his sparse hair with a big fox head and sighed repeatedly.

"Qin Ze, you must remember that no matter what the elves' aptitude is, as long as the trainer has captured them, he must be responsible to the end and cannot take shortcuts.

Saint Ann Fox looked at Qin Ze solemnly and said

"I understand, Principal. I will never do such a thing!"

Qin Ze promised

"Well, very good. By the way, since you have made a great contribution in reporting, I will give you a reward."

After Saint Anhu finished speaking, he took out a beautiful box and handed it to Qin Ze.

"Thank you, Principal"

"Open it and have a look."

After Qin Ze took it, he wanted to go back and open it, but seeing that the principal said so, he simply opened it on the spot.

As a result, when he saw clearly what it was, he had to take a breath of cold air.

It turned out to be the Sun Stone!

This is exactly the treasure that Kapok Ball needs to evolve! Is he so lucky today?

The system rewarded him with the Fire Stone before, and now the principal gave him the Sun Stone. In that case, Qin Ze's two elves can evolve!

This is undoubtedly a huge improvement!

"Thank you, Principal!"

Qin Ze suppressed his excitement and bowed to the principal.

""Haha! That's nothing. An outstanding student like you should be rewarded."

Saint Anhu laughed loudly, patted Qin Ze's shoulder hard, and gave him high hopes.

"By the way, Qin Ze, you performed very well in the competition. Even the owner Yin Yanshan praised you. It can be said that you have great potential. How about joining the school team of Pengcheng University and representing the school in the National University Championship in three months."

Saint Anhu said with a smile

"What! The National University Championship!"

Qin Ze exclaimed in surprise after hearing it.

The National University Championship can be said to be one of the grand events of Dragon Country, and it is also the goal of college students.

According to the rules, each participating university must send five students to participate.

This competition is open to the whole country and even the whole world, and there will be more than one billion people watching.

If you can stand out from the fierce competition, you will definitely be remembered by everyone and become a star of tomorrow!

And if you can become the champion, then the gold content is even more important!

Just like the four kings today, they have all won top results in the National University Championship.

And the champion is the champion of the championship for three consecutive years!

In other words, if you can win the championship in the championship, your future achievements may be infinitely close to the king or even the champion!

This is a huge attraction for any trainer!

""Principal, I'm just a freshman, am I qualified to participate in such a big competition?"

Qin Ze asked worriedly.

"Grade is not important, strength is important. I am optimistic about your potential, and there are still three months to prove whether you are qualified."

Saint Ann Fox said with a smile

"But I have to tell you that if you want to participate in this competition, you must have six elves, and each elf must be between level 35 and 40. As long as you can meet this requirement by then, I can recommend you to join the school team."

After Saint Ann Fox explained the conditions,

Qin Ze nodded thoughtfully. It sounds a bit difficult to gather six elves in three months, and each of them must be above level 35.

At the beginning, Caterpie had double experience and its own talent. It fought day and night to reach level 20 in one month. The difficulty of subsequent upgrades will become higher and higher.

What's more, Qin Ze has to distract himself to cultivate other elves. Three months seems like a long time, but it is actually very difficult.

"Okay! I'll try my best!"

Qin Ze will not give up just like that. It's a rare opportunity, so he must fight for it! He doesn't believe that he, who has the system, can't do it!

Saint Anhu looked at Qin Ze's determined eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

If he gave up just like that, he would be wrong.

"Then Qin Ze, have you thought about how to build your own elf team?"

Saint An Fox suddenly asked


Qin Ze didn't understand what Saint Ann Fox meant for a while.

"I want to ask you, how do you think the six elves should be configured to form a perfect team?

Saint Ann Fox asked another question.

"The perfect team should have different attributes and be able to deal with enemies of different attributes."

Qin Ze thought about it. According to the game, it is basically like this. A team with rich attributes can deal with enemies of various attributes.

"This idea of yours is fine if it's just a game, but if it's placed in the wild without rules, or in a life-and-death conflict, then your team can easily kill itself!"

Qin Ze thought there was nothing wrong with his understanding.


Saint An Fox seemed to have his own unique understanding

"Please tell me clearly, Principal."

Qin Ze understood that this was the principal's instruction, and immediately asked

"I tell you, there are no rules in the wild. Wild elves in the wild will not follow the rules and will use all means to attack you, even leading a large number of elves to fight in a group."

"Also, if they encounter an enemy that is life-threatening, they will not fight one-on-one, but will directly release several elves to attack at the same time, trying to resolve the battle quickly."

"In other words, most of the battles we trainers encounter in our lives will be group fights, so we must have strong team combat capabilities.

Saint Ann Fox said this very seriously, and every word was full of power.

Qin Ze listened very seriously and did not dare to be careless at all.

"If you match a team with multiple attributes as you said, do you know what the problem will be? That is, the group battle may affect each other's performance."

"Just like the power of water-type Pokémon and fire-type Pokémon cancel each other out. Fire-type moves may affect grass-type Pokémon. Ground-type Pokémon have to worry about the Pokémon that are restrained. If flying-type and fighting-type Pokémon fight together, flying-type Pokémon have to worry about whether they will hit the fighting-type Pokémon."

"If you are so cautious about each other, you won't be able to fully display your own strength, let alone fight in a team! This will lead to the rapid demise of the team."

"Therefore, a team of elves should preferably be composed of members with the same attributes. Even if they are not of the same attributes, they must have attributes that can assist each other, such as fire plus grass, water plus electricity, rock plus ground, etc. A team with two attributes, or at most three!"

"If you encounter a monster that is restrained, let the capable elves learn the skills to restrain it in turn. Of course, if conditions permit, you can look for elves with complex attributes to expand the attack range."

"Qin Ze, you also know that we���The king of a country or a powerful gym master all have unique attributes. Why is that?"

"The reason is simple. It takes too much time and energy to cultivate elves with different attributes! On the contrary, cultivating elves with the same attributes will save a lot of trouble. And if you cultivate more elves, you can make them improve together, whether it is to improve the level, strength, or skill acquisition of the elves....It will save a lot of effort. This is also the fastest way to become stronger."

After listening to the principal's words, Qin Ze showed a look of sudden enlightenment.

It is indeed the case.

Just like the sunny team, rainy team, and sandstorm team in the game, which one is not a property that can cooperate with each other.

The fire system opens the sunny day, assists the grass system's characteristics, chlorophyll, leaf defense, etc., and strengthens photosynthesis, and fires sunlight beams in one round.

The water system prays for rain to trigger the leisurely and moist body characteristics, and can also make thunder and storms 100% hit 0.

And so on, a team that assists each other is the best.

"Now you have fire and grass elves, the best choice is to build a team with fire as the main and grass as the auxiliary, so as not to regret it in the end because of random matching. I, the principal, understood this truth too late, and finally had to hide some elves and train a new batch to achieve today's achievements."

When Saint Anhu said this, he sighed heavily, his eyes full of regret.

"I understand, Principal, I will be careful!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qin Ze nodded vigorously. In order to avoid giving up the partners he had cultivated with great difficulty because of their attributes, he must think carefully about how to match the team!

"Now that you understand, let's do something more important, which is the rewards for the champion, runner- up and third place."

Saint Anhu has not forgotten this matter. Now that Wang Jiang's problem has been solved, the follow-up of the Rookie Cup must be handled.

So Qin Ze followed Saint Anhu out.

Summon all teachers and students to gather on the playground to watch the award ceremony for the champion, runner-up and third place.

Because Wang Jiang used banned drugs, his qualification was cancelled and replaced by Bai Yu.

The vacant third place position was Lin Tao.

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Qin Ze took the championship cup, the check for 500,000, and the medium-quality charcoal he requested.

Finally, he held up the trophy high and took a photo with everyone. The Rookie Cup came to an end.

"Qin Ze! This is all thanks to you! I would never have won the third place if you hadn't reported Wang Jiang, that bastard!"

Lin Tao shouted excitedly.

"This is all because Wang Jiang doesn't respect himself. It's right to report him."

Qin Ze said with a smile

""Thank you anyway, Champion. Do you want to celebrate together? Let's go out and have fun tonight! It's your treat!"

Lin Tao suggested with a smile.


"You just thanked me and then asked me to treat you. Thank you so much."

Qin Ze rolled his eyes at Lin Tao after hearing this.

"Forget it, I'll treat you, let's go up later, I have something to do."

Qin Ze quickened his pace after saying this, he was going to pick up Growlithe and Kapok.

After picking up the two elves, Qin Ze first gave them a snack as promised, and then took them to an empty corner.

Kapok:"Master, why did you bring us here?"

"Let me tell you, when I give you something good, you will no longer call me a shit shoveler."

Qin Ze said with a smile.

Under the doubts of Caterpie and Kapok, Qin Ze took out two evolution stones.

"Look, this is the Fire Stone and the Sun Stone, the key props for your evolution!"

Qin Ze said with a smile.

Hearing that it was related to their evolution, Growlithe and Kapok immediately opened their eyes wide, staring at Qin Ze with sparkling eyes.

Growlithe:"Can I evolve into a handsome Argyle?"

Kapok:"I...Can I become a wind fairy too?!!"

The two elves simultaneously released excited expressions.

"2.5 Hahaha... What do you mean? I'm good enough for you guys, right?"

Qin Ze boasted.

Then, he prepared to evolve the two Pokémon.

According to his impression, or the posture points he learned, it should be to give two evolution stones to each of them to make them evolve.

Thinking of this, Qin Ze threw the evolution stone over. Seeing this,

Growlithe and Kapok jumped up to catch it!

In the next second, the two evolution stones and the Pokémon emitted dazzling white light at the same time.

The size of Arcanine and Kapok became visibly larger, and their appearance was changing.

"Is this evolution?"

Even though the white light was dazzling, Qin Ze did not dare to miss any details, this was his important moment!

The first two elves he got in his life, the moment of glorious evolution!

When the light disappeared, the appearance of Growlithe and Kapok changed completely.

Almost two meters tall, the majestic-looking Windy Dog, and more than one meter tall, cute-looking Fairy.

The two elves got a brand new posture and stood in front of Qin Ze!

Windy Dog:"Ah, woo! This is my new form! So handsome!"

Fairy:"It's so furry and comfortable, evolution is really the best! Thank you, shit shoveler!"

Windy Dog and Fairy were both excited, no matter which elf they were, they could not refuse to evolve. Of course, there were also a few elves who chose to refuse because the evolved image was too ugly.

It's like some Haxorubes don't want to evolve into Dragonite.

"Wind fairy, you still call me shit shoveler, what should you call me now"

"Okay, shit shoveler."


PS: Thank you for subscribing, all the balls are subscribed!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Thank you: ⚡︎ m1

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