Qin Ze looked at the Wind Fairy helplessly. It seemed impossible to make her change her mind.

""Master! I feel full of strength and I want to fight!"

Wind Speed Dog looked at Qin Ze very excitedly.

After the evolution, its emotions were very high and it was eager to fight.

"Moreover! I feel like I have gained new strength!"

After the wind speed dog finished speaking, it suddenly disappeared from the spot, and the next second, it appeared behind Qin Ze.

Then it disappeared again and reappeared in the original position.

"Is this high-speed movement? No, is this a..."

Qin Ze immediately observed the Windy Dog with his eyes of appreciation, and found that the Windy Dog had actually learned super speed!

Only then did he remember that after the Caterpie evolved into the Windy Dog, it could learn super speed.

This is a good thing!

Qin Ze remembered that he still had a piece of charcoal that he hadn't given to the Windy Dog, but after thinking about it, he decided not to rush.

It had just evolved, and its foundation was not stable yet. It wouldn't be too late to eat the charcoal after strengthening its foundation.

"Now that we have learned new skills, we will go to the battle facility later.

Qin Ze was just about to take the wind speed dog to test its strength when his phone suddenly rang.

"Jingle Bell!!"

"Who is it?"

Qin Ze took out his mobile phone in confusion and found that it was an unfamiliar number, which made him even more confused, but he still answered it.

"Hello, Mr. Qin Ze, are you free now?"

The other party's voice was something Qin Ze had never heard before.

"Who are you?"

Qin Ze asked cautiously

"I am the one who will make you rich and stronger"

""Ah? Why don't you say you are Qin Shi Huang and want me to transfer 500 to you to help you unify the six kingdoms and then make me a general?"

Qin Ze's first reaction was that he was a liar, but the other party still refused to give in.

"Mr. Qin Ze, please don't hang up the phone like this. I am really sincere. If you don't believe me, go to the Dudu Lamini bar tonight, tell the bartender this sentence, and give him 500 yuan, and he will take you to a place you never expected."

After the other party finished speaking, Qin Ze received a text message.

"I'm going to buy Mr. Ramon a bloody maria"

"Later, you will know what I mean."01"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't believe it and don't come."

After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Qin Ze to hang up.

Qin Ze looked at the phone with a confused look on his face.

"What a strange guy, is there any treasure?"

This immediately aroused Qin Ze's curiosity, and he wanted to know what would happen if he went there.

As for whether there was any danger, he must be prepared.

At night, Qin Ze came to the Du Lamini Bar, which was a very famous bar on this street.

Every night, many people came here to play and relax.

"I have already told Lin Tao that if I don't send him a message in two hours, I will call the police."

After Qin Ze thought of this, he strode into the bar. As soon as he entered, he could hear the very exciting disco music.

At a glance, all the men and women were singing and dancing, and there were many hot girls with hot bodies, who were emitting strong hormones crazily, making many men unable to hold back their blood boiling.

If you look at the corner, you will find that many people are doing some unspeakable things.

"Handsome guy, would you like a drink?"

A girl with a nice figure showing her belly button approached Qin Ze with a glass of wine.

"No, I'll find someone."

Qin Ze said coldly, and walked to the bar.

He found a bartender and said to him,"I want to buy Mr. Ramon a bloody Maria."

Qin Ze took out five hundred yuan and put it on the bar.

The bartender paused when he heard this, then looked at Qin Ze, took the five hundred yuan, walked to the end of the bar, and talked to a bald man.

After listening to him, the bald man immediately looked at Qin Ze.

Qin Ze looked at him without any guilt.

The bald man walked directly to Qin Ze and looked down at him.

"Are you the new friend Ramon invited?"


Qin Ze replied

"Follow me."

After the bald man finished speaking, he turned around and Qin Ze immediately followed him.

The people in the dance hall seemed to be very afraid of the bald man. When they saw him walking, they consciously made way for him.

Then they looked at Qin Ze in confusion, wondering why he could follow the bald man.

This made Qin Ze feel as if he had accidentally joined an underground organization.

The bald man took Qin Ze for a long distance. Along the way, some people who looked like security guards came over and stopped others from approaching.

Finally, the bald man took Qin Ze to a door with the words"distribution room" written on it, opened the door without saying anything and went down.

This made Qin Ze even more confused, but he still followed him down.

This staircase was quite long. It took half a minute to reach the bottom, and there was another door.

You could hear bursts of shouting coming from behind the door.

However, when the bald man opened the door directly, a louder and louder noise kept coming out.

Qin Ze couldn't help but take a step back.

"Come here, young man."

The bald man waved to Qin Ze, and then Qin Ze walked over.

As a result, he saw a large space opposite the door.

There were more than a dozen rings surrounded by barbed wire.

There were elves fighting on them.

If you look closely, you will find that these elves seem to be carrying knives on their bodies, some are wearing armor, some are wearing iron gloves on their fists, and some are even holding chainsaws.

When they fight like this, blood is flying and it is full of violence.

"OK! That's it!"

"Get rid of it!"

"I've bet a lot of money, I must win!"

There were many spectators around each ring, shouting and cheering, and they seemed to be enjoying this bloody and violent fight.

"Is this the...The rumored underground battle field!"

After seeing this scene, Qin Ze couldn't help but shout out in surprise.

The so-called underground battle field is the kind of informal battle competition.

If you want to hold a battle competition, unless it is a super small one with only a few people fighting, otherwise any large-scale competition must be reported to the Elf Alliance.

Pay the fee and let the people of the alliance supervise to avoid it from becoming a gathering to make trouble.

This sounds good, but the problem is that the fees paid are quite high, and sometimes the competition is held at a loss.

So this kind of competition appeared early on, hiding it from the Elf Alliance and not reporting it, spending less money.

Commonly known as the underground battle field, there are many places.

It's just that there are many kinds of gameplay in this underground battlefield later, and the most powerful one is the banned elf competition gambling!

The Dragon Country's Elf Alliance strictly prohibits gambling in elf competitions, the purpose is to prevent someone from deliberately manipulating the winning or losing in order to make money.

This is undoubtedly a development of trainers, and the cultivation of elves has no benefit at all!

Therefore, the Elf Alliance is very strict in cracking down on gambling in elf competitions. Once discovered, the price to pay is not small, and it may even be Revoke the qualification of the trainer.

In order to make money, the underground battlefield takes risks and allows gambling, which attracts many spectators and players.

After all, gambling makes money quickly, and everyone wants to get rich overnight.

This has led to the underground battlefield being unable to be completely eliminated. Even though the Pokémon Alliance has stopped and eliminated it several times, there are still a few underground battlefields.

By the way, in order to make the game more exciting and violent and attract spectators, the underground battlefield specially rents out various props that are not allowed to be used by the Pokémon Alliance, just like the various weapons worn by the Pokémons on the ring now, which will be accompanied by close-range moves to cause additional damage.

After leaving the game, the props must be returned to avoid any trouble caused by taking them out. What

's even more outrageous is that banned drugs are also sold here to temporarily improve the strength of the Pokémon.

This kind of thing that destroys the Pokémon's body should not be done in theory, but many trainers can't help but use it in order to make more money.

In this way, both trainers and spectators are involved in this illegal industry, and naturally no one dares to tell it out, making it more secretive.

"Hey, Qin Ze, you are here as expected."

Just then a man with purple hair and two hot girls came over.

"Are you that Ramon?"

Qin Ze pointed at the other party and asked. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"That's right. I have been watching your games during the Rookie Cup. I think you have great potential and can shine in the underground arena. How about participating? You can make money quickly. You also want more money to buy resources to train elves."

Ramon smiled and looked at Qin Ze

"Is there any benefit for you to tempt me to come here like this?"

Qin Ze asked with narrowed eyes.

"Of course it's to make money. I bet on you to win, and if you win I make money, and if it boosts popularity, the boss will also reward me."

Ramon expressed his thoughts

"Oh, so you are a pimp."

Qin Ze nodded with a look of sudden enlightenment.

Ramon couldn't help twitching when he heard such a description.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a joke."

Qin Ze said without blushing or beating his heart

"Hahaha! It's okay. I can afford it.���Come on, let me show you the environment."

After Ramon finished speaking, he patted the buttocks of the two hot girls, asked them to leave, and took the initiative to serve as Qin Ze's tour guide.

"By the way, the rule here is that any electronic devices are prohibited. Please turn off your phone and accept inspection."

Ramon reminded Qin Ze of this.

Then the bald man took out a metal detector and checked Qin Ze.

After hearing this, Qin Ze sent a message to Lin Tao and turned off his phone.

"If you don't get any information by six o'clock, I'll call the police."

But Qin Ze thought about it and thought that if this place dared to open, it might be able to avoid inspection. Forget it, since we are here, we might as well make the best of it.

After the inspection, Qin Ze followed Ramon to look around.

"By the way, many of the wrestlers here don't want to show their faces, you too, do you? Do you want to wear a headgear?"

Ramon took out several wrestling headgear styles and asked Qin Ze to choose.

Qin Ze picked one at random and put it on.

When passing by the ring, it is easy to get stained by the splashing blood.

Sometimes, you will suddenly see an elf being knocked down on the iron net, with its face particularly prominent.

In short, it looks very weird.

Qin Ze specially used his appreciation eyes to look at it and found that most of the elves here are more than ten levels, and very few are at level twenty.

"The level of your trainers here doesn't seem very good."

Qin Ze said curiously

"This is just a small place. You are not qualified to go to a big place. How is it? How do you feel?"

When he said this, Ramon looked at Qin Ze curiously.

Many newcomers would be scared to death by the atmosphere here, and they didn't know how this genius would react.

However, to Ramon's surprise, Qin Ze's reaction was very calm.

"Disgusting, tainting the Pokémon battle, persecuting Pokémon, but it seems like there is no way to deal with it."

This is Qin Ze's most intuitive feeling. He doesn't like this kind of competition, but it seems to be very consistent with the actual life and death fight.

When it really starts, naturally, no matter what means are used.

And if it weren't for the pressure of life, which trainer would come?

"I like your honesty and hope you can win more money for me."

Ramon laughed heartily.

""Oh oh oh oh!"

Just then, the audience nearby suddenly exclaimed.

On the ring, a Heracross was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and opposite it was a Mara.

Mara's trainer was a hot blonde girl. Even with a mask covering the upper half of her face, she could still give people the feeling of a stunner.

That's because she was wearing very hot clothes now.

She was wearing the clothes of a female wrestler.

The blue short vest made her chest look quite full.

The lower body was a simple briefs, which portrayed her plump buttocks with full curves and flesh, and the small shorts could hardly cover it.

Her legs were wearing blue boots, which made her exposed upper legs look quite white and tender.

Such a sexy beauty, with her hands on Mara, walked back and forth, raised her legs and danced, as if she was dancing on a pole.

This made the male audience around her roar with great excitement.

"Thank you fans~~"

The female trainer blew a kiss to the audience, bringing the mood to a climax

"This little girl is really amazing. She has won ten games in a row today."

Ramon said with admiration.

"Her code name is Han Bing, but her behavior is completely different. In short, she is very strong. She suddenly came here to compete the day before yesterday and attracted a lot of spectators. She can be said to be a cash cow."

""Oh oh."

Qin Ze looked at the Ma-la after hearing that. It was actually level 21.

It seemed to be the most powerful elf at present.

"Hey, your match has been arranged, hurry up and get on stage, time is money!"

Ramon said, pointing to a ring

"So fast."

Qin Ze said in surprise and immediately walked onto the stage.

"By the way, how much money do you plan to bet on yourself?"

Ramon asked.

Qin Ze thought about it and answered:"Two hundred thousand."

Ramon:"That's a big sum, I hope you don't waste it."

"You are my opponent? You look so thin!"

Qin Ze's opponent is a strong man with naked upper body and wearing a hood. His spirit is an Abi Lang.

This Abi Lang looks full of fighting spirit and keeps punching.

"A weakling like you is actually my opponent. It seems that I have secured my eighth consecutive victory tonight! I advise you to say goodbye to your elf in advance, lest my Abi Lang accidentally kills it!"

The sturdy man laughed loudly, looking down on Qin Ze.


Don't worry: ⚡︎ m1

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