Not only him, but the audience also thought so.

After all, Qin Ze looked very thin and weak, and he didn't look like someone who would appear in a place like an underground battlefield.

In their eyes, he was just a little sheep who had strayed into a wolf's den.

"Where did this little brat come from? Could he not have graduated from high school yet?"

"Are you here to experience life? How foolish! Are you here to seek death with your elves?"

"What kind of elves do you think he can send out?"

"It's either Rattata or Popo."

"Alas, I really feel sorry for his spirit, having such a stupid master."

The audience in the audience kept making sarcastic remarks, thinking that Qin Ze was here to embarrass himself.

"Dear audience! Let's welcome the newcomer who is joining the underground battle for the first time! Codename: Student A!"

Beside the ring, there is a high platform with a host standing on it!

""Student A"

Hearing this childish nickname, Qin Ze couldn't help but look at Ramon.

Ramon just smiled helplessly and made an apologetic gesture.

""Everyone, please look at the odds!"

The host pointed to the big screen hanging on the ring.

There were photos of Qin Ze and the strong man on it, and the odds of the two were written below.

Qin Ze, 1 to 10 (that is, if you bet on Qin Ze, if you win, you will get 10 times the principal)

Rough Boxer: 1 to 3 (if you bet on the strong man, if you win, you will get 3 times the principal)

"Now you have one minute to place your bets!"

After the host finished speaking, the screen began to count down.

"Is there any need to ask? The bet is definitely on the violent boxer!"

"That's right, 1 to 10, looks very attractive, but in reality you can't get it."

"It's just a bluff to attract people to place bets, it's like throwing money into the sea"

"Just bet on the rough boxer."

Everyone was not optimistic about Qin Ze, thinking that betting on him to win was equivalent to wasting money.

Qin Ze didn't care about these, anyway, he would bet on himself.

He looked at Abby Lang, who was only level 18, and was no match for Qin Ze at all.

""Student A must win, I bet a lot of money!"

Ramon shouted to Qin Ze.

Qin Ze just nodded.

Then the one-minute betting time was up.

The game officially began

"Hey! Quickly release your elves. Abi Lang and I have won seven games in a row today! If we defeat you, a weakling, we will win eight games in a row. Hurry up and sacrifice yourself!"

In response to this, Qin Ze just released the wind speed dog indifferently.

""Ah, woo, woo!"

As soon as Arcanine appeared, it roared to the sky, attracting a lot of people's attention.

At this moment, everyone was stunned and looked at Arcanine in disbelief.

Arcanine is a very rare Pokémon. Even the pre-evolved Growlithe cannot be seen here.

No one expected that this plain-looking and weak Student A would actually have an Arcanine!

This made those who were not good to Qin Ze just now look unhappy.

"Hey, we're not making a mistake, are we?"

"Could it be that this student A is really strong?"

"Impossible! Don't forget that even if Growlithe is only level 1, it can evolve as long as it has a Fire Stone. In other words, Arcanine may just be strong on the outside but weak on the inside!"

"That's right! Rough Boxer, quickly beat up this speed dog!"

The surrounding players didn't think this speed dog would be that strong, so they kept shouting, urging the Rough Boxer to quickly get rid of Qin Ze.

This made the Rough Boxer calm down.

"Haha, I was scared. It looks scary, but it's just strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Some guys can't wait to evolve after getting the evolution stone, but this can't change the level gap!"

"Abby Lang, use the sonic punch to beat it up!"

After giving the order, Abby Lang's fist gathered white light, and his body quickly rushed in front of the wind speed dog, punching the wind speed dog in the forehead!

"Haha! You lost! This is your eighth consecutive win!"

The rude boxer shouted in surprise.

However, when he saw the eyes of the wind speed dog, he couldn't help but take a step back.

""Ah, wuwuwu!" (Are you tickling me?)

The roar of the wind speed dog scared Abby so much that he took a step back.

""Sacrifice yourself and charge."

After Qin Ze calmly gave the order, the wind speed dog stomped on the ground, pushed forward with force, and hit Abbylang in the chest.

Before the wind speed dog could run and accelerate, Abbylang was directly knocked out and hit the iron net heavily, which deformed the iron net!

It was this blow that directly put Abbylang into a state of near death.

"How is it possible? Is this wind speed dog so strong?"

The rude boxer opened his mouth in shock and looked at the dying Abby Lang in disbelief.

Not only him, but also the audience around him opened their mouths in disbelief.

"This round is won by Student A and his Windy Dog! Loser, please leave the stage immediately!"

The host is used to this kind of scene, and urged the rough boxer to leave the stage. The other party could only quickly put away Abby Lang and leave

"Student A, do you want to continue the competition? The rude boxer originally won 21,000 in prize money, which now belongs to you. If you continue to participate, you will get 3,000 more if you win the next match, and so on, until you are defeated. Your prize money will belong to the person who defeated you!"

The host shouted to Qin Ze

"Continue the game."

Qin Ze wanted to continue the game. Although he won four million, he didn't mind winning more while the odds were still low. The resources needed to train elves were a bottomless pit.

"Who's next?"


Just as the host finished speaking, a masked man in a rugby uniform jumped onto the stage.

"I saw your performance. That rough boxer is not that good. I am much better than him!"

After the other party finished speaking, he released a Shawa Lang.

"Level 19? He is indeed a little bit powerful, but that's just the way it is."

Qin Ze looked disdainful after seeing Shawarang's level.

"Bet now!"

It's one minute to place bets. Through the screen, Qin Ze learned that the other party was called the rugby masked player.

His odds were 1 to 2.

Qin Ze has now reduced it to 1 to 5.

It seems that after showing strength, the odds will be lowered.

"Ramon, I want to bet on me, all two million."

Qin Ze said calmly

"What a generosity! Boss, it was right to bring you here!"

Ramon was very happy to see this, and immediately helped Qin Ze place a bet, and he also spent a lot of money! When the others saw this, they hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether they should follow

"Maybe this guy is just lucky. Rough boxers are strong on the outside but weak on the inside. That doesn't mean anything."

"That is, some people win the first game and lose the next one!"

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and place your bet on the football masked player!"

Many people are still not optimistic about Qin Ze's strength, thinking that one victory means nothing.

After a minute, the game continues.

"Shawarang! Whirlwind Kick!"


Just as Shawarang turned 180 degrees and was about to kick him, the wind speed dog appeared beside Shawarang and slapped him onto the wire mesh with one claw. Shawarang was on the verge of death.

At this moment, the whole audience fell silent again. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【The host's Windy Dog defeated Abby and Shavaron, and gained a total of 365 experience points】

【After doubling, it is 730 experience points. 】

Qin Ze heard the system prompt sound in his ears. It is really good to make money and accumulate experience points.

Another one-shot kill!

This scene made everyone in the ring open their mouths wide and couldn't close them.

"Oh my god! Another one-hit kill? Is this wind speed dog actually very powerful?"

"Oh my! Did we underestimate Student A?"

"I just bought a football mask for 100,000! That was all my money! And it's all gone! I regret it so much!"

"I lost 200,000! If I had known, I would have bought this guy! Then I would have made a million!"

"I have thought about it. I will bet on Student A when I borrow money later."

Now the audience has changed their opinion of Qin Ze and began to think that he is very capable.

"Good! Congratulations to student A Jin, who has accumulated 24,000 gold! Now he has won two games in a row! Is there anyone who wants to compete with him?"

The host shouted to the surroundings!


Just then, a man wearing only a pair of swimming trunks, with muscles all over his body and wearing a mask, strode onto the stage, followed by a fast-swimming frog.


Qin Ze was a little surprised when he saw the frog.

He didn't expect to meet a Pokémon in the final evolution stage here.

So he immediately checked the data of the frog.

It turned out that it was just level 20, and it was also a common level.

It seems that when the frog was still a mosquito-repellent frog, he couldn't wait to get the water stone to make it evolve, so as to improve its strength as soon as possible.

"Boy, I think you have some skills, but I will end them! No matter how strong your wind speed dog is, it can't beat my fast swimming frog!"

The man in swimming trunks pointed at Qin Ze and shouted confidently

"Oh? Will the opponent this time be the strong man in swimming trunks? This is the man who won five consecutive games today! And he is using the fast swimming frog that restrains Caterpie! Will he win? One minute to place your bets now!"

After the host aroused the audience's emotions, he immediately encouraged everyone to place bets.

This time, Qin Ze's odds were 1 to 3, while the man in swimming trunks was 1 to 2.

After seeing that it was the man in swimming trunks who came on stage, those who were about to bet on Qin Ze hesitated.

After all, the attribute restraint was there.

"I don't believe that Student A will win! I want to bet on the strong man in swimming trunks!"

"That’s right, his Poliwag is very powerful and has defeated many fire-type Pokémon. Arcanine is definitely no match for it!"

"I've already borrowed 100,000 yuan, so I'll bet on the strong man in swimming trunks to turn things around!"

Many people chose to bet on the strong man in swimming trunks.

After all, the water element restrains the fire element, which is a fixed cognition of everyone.

"Ramon, keep betting for me, bet all 10 million on me to win."

Qin Ze continued to entrust Ramon to bet for him. The victory in the last round turned his 2 million into 10 million.

While his odds were still high, he naturally had to bet all.

"`.Haha! You are so arrogant. I am looking forward to your expression after seeing the money turn into water."

The strong man in swimming trunks sneered and said, then took out a capsule and threw it to the fast swimming frog.

The fast swimming frog took it and ate it immediately.

The next second, its muscles swelled half a circle, and its eyes were full of bloodshot, waiting for the wind speed dog!

"Banned drugs!"

Qin Ze was surprised when he saw this scene.

"Haha, there are no rules here, and taking banned drugs is considered normal! If you don’t even understand this, just go home and suck your milk!"

After the strong man in swimming trunks sneered, the one-minute betting time was over.

"Ah! He actually took medicine. This means Student A is the winner. I shouldn’t have bet on Student A!"

"I bet 50,000, oh no, I’m done for!"

"Your fifty thousand is nothing. I borrowed two hundred thousand from a loan shark. I'm really going to jump off the building now!"

Some people who bet on Qin Ze complained bitterly after seeing that the fast swimming frog took banned drugs to improve its strength. They felt that they bet on the wrong person.

They shouldn't have thought that Qin Ze could win and were greedy for the odds!

This made the group of people who bet on the strong shorts man laugh.

""Swim Frog! Keep firing water guns!"

The man in muscular shorts immediately gave the order!

After receiving the order, Swim Frog immediately raised his hands, and water guns were sprayed from his palms one after another, sweeping towards Windy Dog like a machine gun!

""Arcane, Flame Wheel."

Qin Ze ordered calmly.

After receiving the order, Arcane immediately spun around, flames emanating from its body, and it kept spinning like a tire!

""Stupid! What's the point of using fire against water attacks!"

The strong man in swimming trunks shouted disdainfully after seeing this scene.

But the next second, something happened that made him dumbfounded.

All the water guns fired by the fast swimming frog would evaporate rapidly after touching the flames on the wind speed dog. It had no effect at all.

Then the wind speed dog quickly approached the fast swimming frog!

Scared���The Frog immediately fired the water gun at maximum power, but he could only watch the water gun continue to evaporate, unable to stop the attack of the Windy Dog!


As the explosion sounded, the fast swimming frog was blown away, hitting the wire mesh and spreading outwards. It almost broke through before it bounced back and entered a dying state. After seeing this scene, the people who were originally wailing non-stop shouted excitedly!

Qin Ze actually won, they won three times the money! Now they don't have to jump off the building!

On the contrary, those spectators who were optimistic about the strong man in shorts looked ashen. Now it was their turn to jump off the building. They all knelt on the ground in annoyance and wailed continuously!

"Brother! You have already won 30 million now!"

Ramon shouted excitedly

"Then keep betting!"


Ramon was so happy now. Sure enough, his vision was right. He could make a lot of money this time!

So Qin Ze continued the game.

Even if Qin Ze crushed three people in succession, he couldn't resist the enthusiasm of someone challenging him.

First, many players were arrogant and thought that as long as they used despicable means, they would definitely win, and then the high prize money would be theirs.

Second, Qin Ze bet tens of millions every time, and the organizers naturally wanted to win his money, so they had to find a way to arrange people to compete.

If the level here was not too low, they would probably have to arrange people at level 30.

They could only find a way to find players starting at level 20.

However, no matter how many came, even if the opponent let the elves take various weapons, they could not defeat the wind speed dog!

Instead, Qin Ze won more and more!

Up to now, Qin Ze has won ten consecutive games, with odds of 1 to 1, and his money has won more than 200 million!


Don't worry: ⚡︎ m1

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