"This sound is from the underground battlefield!"

Qin Ze's face changed. Could it be that those American gangsters have found this place!

Come to think of it, this Candlelight Spirit is so valuable, how could those people give up? They will definitely try their best to find it everywhere.

But how did they find this place?

Oh, yes, some of the people who left the underground battlefield came to live here.

Those people must have thought that the Candlelight Spirit was taken away by the trainer, so they came here to investigate.

Qin Ze opened the door curiously and heard the noise. Then he simply plucked up his courage and walked towards the hall.

The hall was brightly lit at this time, and two groups of people were arguing.

One group was nurses, security guards, and people from the Pokémon Center, and the other group was foreigners in black suits.

"I don't care what elves you are missing, you can't just barge in and investigate! If you want to investigate, call the police!"

A slightly plump female nurse shouted in a dignified manner.

She seemed to be someone with status here.


The foreigners on the opposite side kept shouting and trying to squeeze in.

"Do you really want to be beaten in a foreign country?"

The slightly plump female nurse yelled and immediately released two Poké Balls.

A Iron Palm Warrior and a Raichu were released.

They stared at the group of people on the opposite side.

Seeing this, some foreigners on the opposite side showed anger and took out Poké Balls, as if they were going to really start a war.

Then someone who looked like a leader immediately stopped them to avoid the intensification of the conflict.

"What, have you calmed down? Do you want me to call the police now? The police are here, you can ask them to help you find what you are looking for, but I don’t know if they can be seen in public!"

The slightly plump female nurse glared at the leader and shouted. She was not afraid of the other party's fierce appearance.

After saying something, the leader took his people away.

Seeing them leave, the nurses breathed a sigh of relief.

"Head nurse, thank goodness you're here"

"But what are those people doing? Even if the elves are lost, they don't have to force their way in to investigate like bandits."

"That is, who are they themselves?"

"I think they are not good people, call the police quickly, otherwise they will be targeted."

The people in the Elf Center were talking about what happened.

After seeing this, Qin Ze carefully retracted his body and exhaled. Fortunately, those people left, otherwise it would be troublesome if they found him.

They are gangsters. If they knew that the goods they got at great risk were stolen by Qin Ze, they would torture him to death.

"Anyway, it's not safe nearby now. They will definitely be investigating nearby. I will leave this city early tomorrow morning, hide outside, and practice at the same time."

Qin Ze thought so. He had originally thought about training here for a while before leaving Pengcheng to travel, expand his knowledge and strengthen his strength.

Now is the perfect time to advance this plan.

Just when Qin Ze was about to go back, he suddenly saw Candlelight's Poké Ball shaking.

So he opened the Poké Ball and released Candlelight.

I saw Candlelight jumped onto Qin Ze's shoulder, its light yellow eyes showing some sadness and resentment.

Candlelight:"Those bastards are here, they are not good things, they don't give me enough food every day and abuse me, you must not fall into their hands."

Seeing that Candlelight is so worried about himself, he is actually hiding his inner fear.

It seems that Candlelight has really been tortured by those guys and has a psychological shadow.

"Don't worry, Candlelight Spirit, I won't fall into their hands, and I will keep getting stronger, and make you stronger and stronger, and then I will bring you to trouble them, and take revenge with interest!"

Qin Ze smiled and stroked Candlelight Spirit, comforting her cold head.

Candlelight Spirit:"Thank you, Master."

Candlelight Spirit immediately hugged Qin Ze's face with joy.

It looked so cute that it could melt people's hearts.

"Ahhh~~ It's time to go back to bed. It's so late and I'm so sleepy."

Qin Ze yawned loudly as he walked towards the room.

""Hey, wait? Are you sleepy?"

Qin Ze suddenly noticed something and immediately looked at the candlelight spirit.

As a result, he saw that the flame on the candlelight spirit's head was burning very vigorously, while the main body was still holding Qin Ze with a smile on its face.

"Hey! Don't act cute to gain sympathy while taking away the life force of your master!"

Just like that, Qin Ze had a son who could make him filial and strong.

The next day, Qin Ze left the Elf Center with a little sleepiness. Last night, in order to prevent the candlelight spirit from stealing his life force, he woke up several times and almost couldn't fall asleep.

This little guy, although he has no ill intentions, just likes to play like this.

As the master, Qin Ze still needs to spend more time on education.

"I remember the ration production house, it's just across the street."

Qin Ze looked across the street, he was going to make the top-notch Pokémon rations given by the system today.

If an individual wants to make Pokémon rations, he must have special equipment to do it.

However, this kind of equipment is often very expensive and difficult for ordinary people to buy, so a kind of service has emerged.

That is to rent rooms and equipment, allowing trainers to make rations and reduce the cost of use.

Many trainers can't afford too advanced rations, so they do it themselves to reduce costs.

Or some people think they have genius ideas and can develop a new variety of rations and sell them for money. Of course, most of this kind are living in dreams.

Those who can develop new varieties of rations, which one of them did not spend huge energy and resources and a long time to make them.


At this time, Qin Ze noticed that there were many foreigners walking around. This seemed normal, but it was not simple.

This made Qin Ze have to speculate whether those Americans were disguised as tourists to find the traces of the Candlelight Spirit.

But Qin Ze was not worried. When he participated in the underground battle, he covered his face. No one thought that the Candlelight Spirit would be here.

So he raised his head confidently and walked away with big strides. Such a high-profile appearance would not arouse suspicion.

After arriving at the Elf Ration Production House, he heard a constant stream of voices inside. Many people were queuing in the hall.

"I tell you, this time I developed a new ration, which will definitely seize the low-end market and make a lot of money."

"Is this true? You said the same thing last time and got kicked out of the company."

"That's because they don't have good vision. I have already thought about my future life of wealth and luxury."

"I don't have as many fantasies as you do. I just want to reduce expenses. Those high-quality rations are too expensive."

"I hope the rations I developed this time can replace those low-end ones."

The people waiting in line in the hall have their own ideas and are full of considerations for the future.

"Mr. Qin, your number is 108. There are more than 30 people in line ahead of you. Please wait."

The staff said with a smile.

Qin Ze looked at the people in the hall after hearing this. After all, there were fewer equipment rooms for making elf rations than people who wanted to do it themselves, so there would naturally be a queue.

The rent here is calculated by the hour. When the time comes, no matter what the result is, you must come out immediately, even if you renew the contract. You must agree on the time at the beginning.

Otherwise, if you renew the contract and add time in the middle, the people behind you will have to wait for a long time.

It is just such a long world, Qin Ze can use it to collect materials

"Can't you help provide materials here? Do you have the materials I want?"

Qin Ze handed the list of materials he needed to the staff. After the staff took it, they looked at it indifferently.

He didn't know how many materials he had collected for others, and they were basically low-end and mid-range. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Many people want to make high-quality rations with low-grade materials, but they don't know that some are not even as good as the lower grade.

So this staff member preconceived that Qin Ze also wanted low-grade materials.

But when he saw clearly the materials and quantities required on the list, he couldn't help but take a breath.

Each of these is a high-grade material, and the price of so many added together is an astronomical figure!

Then the staff couldn't help looking Qin Ze up and down. No matter how he looked at it, Qin Ze didn't look like such a rich man. He wouldn't be playing a joke on him, right?

""Sir, we can collect the materials you want, but they are all high-grade materials, and in such large quantities, they will cost at least 16 million. Do you have that much money?" the staff member asked.

Qin Ze didn't say much nonsense and took out his bank card and put it on the counter.


Just such a simple word made the staff swallow hard. Did they really meet the God of Wealth? []

Although some local tyrants usually come here to spend a lot of money to make food, the starting price is at most one million.

How can it be so exaggerated? Those billionaires have their own special production studios and will never come here.

The staff carefully picked up the bank card, as if holding something particularly heavy, and did not dare to swipe too much.

Then he tried to swipe the card.

"16 million, deduction successful"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

After seeing this result, the staff couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. This is actually the real thing!

""I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'll call our store manager to come and receive you in person!"

The staff member bowed respectfully to Qin Ze, then carefully returned the bank card to Qin Ze, and finally ran away to make a phone call.

This made Qin Ze look confused.

After a few minutes, a thin man in a suit ran over anxiously, stretched out his hand to Qin Ze,

"Hello, I am the store manager here, my last name is Ye, may I ask your name?"

Shop manager Ye asked quickly

"Qin Ze."

Qin Ze simply shook hands with the other party and put on his name.

"Mr. Qin Ze, we have understood your request. Don't worry, we can collect the materials you need as soon as possible in a short time. In addition, to show our sincerity, we will open a VIP room for you for free."

Manager Ye went straight to the point. This is a big customer worth tens of millions. No matter what, he must have a good impression of this place!

"Ah, there is no room here, do we have to queue up?"

Qin Ze looked at the crowd behind him in confusion.

"We have specially prepared a room for distinguished customers like you. Please follow me."

Manager Ye replied with a wry smile, then bowed and showed Qin Ze the way, with a very humble attitude.

This made Qin Ze feel the benefits of being rich.

Then Qin Ze followed Manager Ye and left.

This scene made the people in the queue behind them explode, and they all looked at Qin Ze's back with confusion and excitement.

"Who is that person? Even the store manager came to receive him personally!"

"Just now I heard that person spent more than 10 million to buy materials!"

"More than 10 million, where did this rich man come from!"

"My God, it costs tens of millions to make rations. Is this the world of the rich? I cried! No wonder the elves of the rich are so powerful!"

This group of people are envious, jealous and hateful. Of course, Qin Ze doesn't know.

When he arrived at a room with luxurious decoration and excellent equipment, he saw a group of people carrying batches of materials in.

"Mr. Qin, I will tell you how to operate it....."

Manager Ye personally taught Qin Ze how to operate the machine, and Qin Ze quickly learned it. (Qian Zhao)

So he let Manager Ye go out and concentrate on making elf rations.

A month's supply would take one day to complete, just right for exercise.

For the elves, fight!

At the beginning, what Qin Ze did was���With his clumsy hands and feet, the finished product was so delicious that people didn't even want to look at it, let alone eat it.

Then Qin Ze used his ability as a top student and made a decent ration after trying it several times. The three elves could accept it.

Windy Dog:"Delicious! I want more!"

Wind Fairy:"Not bad, not bad, shit shoveler, I can make you a cook."

Candlelight Spirit:"I want more!""

"First of all, Wind Fairy, who is the cook?! Secondly, if you are full, don't eat anymore, it will only be excreted and you can't digest and absorb nutrients. This is more than 10 million worth of food, absorb it well, don't excrete it and waste it!"

Qin Ze scolded helplessly.

More than 10 million, now there are only three elves. When the team expands to six elves, it will cost about 30 million, which is several hundred million a year.

Alas, why do I feel poorer the richer I am?

Forget it, let's talk about the future later. If you can give good conditions, you must cultivate them well. After

Qin Ze made a month's worth of rations, he left here. After he ran out of them, he would go to other places to make them. Anyway, there are many such ration rental centers in each city.

"Mr. Qin Ze, this is your supreme VIP card. You can get preferential prices at any ration production studio in Longguo."

Manager Ye handed a card to Qin Ze with a respectful face.

Qin Ze thanked him and left. It was already evening. He spent the night safely.

The next morning, Qin Ze took the high-speed train to Huadu. There was a C-level realm in Huadu that was not available in Pengcheng. He planned to practice there.


Say goodbye: Bất Hủ

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