Qin Ze prepared about a month's worth of elf rations.

Then he put them into the system's space backpack.

I have to say.

The system space is really useful.

The 20 cubic meters of space is as big as a room.

It is enough to put all the elf rations and Qin Ze's other props.

Then he went to buy the top-level elf training props and set off on the journey to Huadu.

In the high-speed rail station, Qin Ze waited for his shuttle bus and released three elves to let them move around.

"The eggs of the burning bugs are still not moving, and I don’t know when they will hatch."

Qin Ze looked at the eggs in the incubator and inspected them with his eyes of appreciation, but he still couldn’t see anything.

Then he looked at the Candlelight Spirit who was playing with the Wind Fairy and the Wind Speed Dog.

According to the setting, the flame body of the Candlelight Spirit can speed up the hatching of the Pokémon eggs.

In the game, you just need to put the Pokémon with the flame body characteristic in the team.

If you put the Candlelight Spirit in the device to hatch eggs, plus the equipment���Will the power of the egg further speed up the hatching?

Qin Ze thought so, and then shook his head.

Forget it, it's better not to do that. How long will the candlelight spirit stay there? She is not willing to stay in a sealed place for a long time. What

's more, it will be troublesome if something goes wrong.

Thinking of this, Qin Ze stuffed the device into his schoolbag and stopped thinking about it.

"Anyway, I have time now, so I might as well try the weight hand ring."

Qin Ze said as he looked at the three elves who were having fun.

Then he took out a black metal ring from his bag.

After hearing this, the three elves immediately came to Qin Ze.

This weight ring is an auxiliary prop for training the elves' bodies.

Once activated, it will release an invisible gravity, increase the weight of the elves and press on the body, making it impossible for the elves to move normally.

If you want to overcome it, you must wear this ring for a long time to gradually get used to gravity.

The advantage of this kind of training is that when you take off the ring and return to a normal gravity environment, your body will become very relaxed.

The speed alone will be greatly improved.

It is what many trainers will buy for training. A treasure for training elves.

But this kind of prop that can release gravity is quite expensive.

The most common ring that releases more than half of the gravity starts at two hundred thousand.

Qin Ze bought the top-level one, which can release five times the gravity. He bought three at a time, spending nearly ten million. It took less than half a day to spend so much money. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been heartbroken.

The three elves looked at the three rings curiously, and they didn't know how to use them.

Qin Ze patiently opened the ring. The design of this ring is very user-friendly, and the size can be adjusted freely.

It is small enough for Candlelight Spirit to wear it, and large enough to be put on Windy Dog twice.

It is very convenient

"Let’s try twice as much first."

Qin Ze let the ring release twice as much gravity as soon as he arrived.


The next second, the three elves fell to the ground like lead balls.

They looked extremely painful, and they couldn't stand up despite trying their best.

Even the strongest Windy Dog barely stood up before being pushed down.

"Is twice as powerful?"

Qin Ze looked at the effect of the ring in surprise, and immediately adjusted the ring to one and a half times gravity.

This time, Windy Dog, Wind Fairy and Candlelight Spirit instantly felt a lot less pressure.

Although there was still a sense of oppression and it was quite uncomfortable, they could barely stand up straight.

"This is the function of the gravity ring. From now on, you must wear it every day during training to increase the burden and strengthen your body. As long as you can withstand five times the gravity, I believe your strength will be greatly improved."

Qin Ze carefully explained the function of the gravity ring and the subsequent training plan.

After listening to it, the three elves had different expressions.

Windy Dog was excited. No matter how hard or tired it was, as long as it could improve its strength.

And the Wind Fairy sighed helplessly.

Obviously refusing to make herself so tired.

And the Candlelight Spirit looked playful.

While there was still some time, Qin Ze let them adapt to the gravity that was half times more than normal.

It happened that the station was very large and playful elves could be seen everywhere. This little training was nothing.

Windy Dog and Wind Fairy both looked tired.

Only the Candlelight Spirit seemed to be calm and not affected by the pressure of gravity at all.

""Wow, Zhu Guangling, you are so amazing."

Qin Ze said in surprise.

He didn't expect that Zhu Guangling, the weakest in the team, could adapt so well.

When Zhu Guangling heard the master praising it, it immediately showed a proud smile and then made a few moves to prove its strength.

""Windspeed, Wind Fairy, you have to learn more. You are the seniors, how can you be overtaken by the juniors?"

Qin Ze used this to encourage Windspeed and Wind Fairy.

After hearing this, the two of them looked at the lively Candlelight Spirit and felt a little embarrassed, so they tried their best to straighten their backs.

""Hey, Armstrong, why do you look so tired?"

At this moment, a boy next to Qin Ze looked at the armstrong lying on the ground with an anxious look on his face.

The armstrong looked exhausted and had no vitality at all.

"Ah~~Wrist strength,~~How come you...Ahhhh~~~"

The owner of the wrist strength was so concerned that he couldn't help yawning continuously and looked particularly tired.


After seeing this scene, Qin Ze felt familiar and had to frown. Then he suddenly remembered something and looked at the candlelight spirit.

It happened that the flame above the candlelight spirit's head was burning quite vigorously.

Now Qin Ze finally understood why the candlelight spirit was so powerful!

So he immediately rushed over, turned off the ring, and then picked up the candlelight spirit and ran towards the corner!

The next second, the originally exhausted wrist strength and his master recovered a little bit of energy, with a confused look on their faces.

"You idiot! Don't take away other people's vitality and use it as your own power! You can only do this when I order you to!"

Qin Ze angrily scolded the Candlelight Spirit.

Candlelight Spirit:"Okay, I won't do it again."

Qin Ze:"Really? You agreed so readily!"

Candlelight Spirit:"Really, I promise that I will never absorb the vitality of other people and elves without your consent!"

Qin Ze:"How do I know whether what you said is true or false."

Candlelight Spirit:"If I do this again, I'll be a dog!"

Qin Ze:"Okay, since it comes to this, I believe you."

Candlelight Spirit:"Woof."

Qin Ze:"Huh?"

Candlelight Spirit:"It's okay, hehe...."

After this farce, Qin Ze waited for the high-speed train to Huadu.

Two hours later, Huadu

"First go to the Elf Center to restore the Elf's physical strength, and then go to the C-level secret realm."

Qin Ze checked the navigation on his phone on the street, looking for a place. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hey, there is a gym nearby that focuses on psychic skills, the Meidie Gym."

When Qin Ze was looking at the navigation on his phone, he found a gym nearby.

Qin Ze had heard of the Meidie Gym. The owner, Lin Meidie, was a psychic spirit trainer. She was very good at using psychic spirits.

The students in her gym were mostly psychic spirits, and they were very strong.

"I haven't fought a psychic Pokémon before, so I'll take this opportunity to give it a try."[]

So Qin Ze decided to change his schedule, first go to the Challenge Gym, then go to the Pokémon Center, and finally go to the Secret Realm.

The Charm Butterfly Gym is near this street. Unlike the Chiyan Gym, which is located in the suburbs, it is directly located in the city center with the heaviest traffic.

Perhaps because of the location, there are quite a lot of students here.

Different from the training method of the Chiyan Gym, the students here are trained in super powers under the guidance of the coach in order to improve the compatibility with the psychic-type Pokémon.

In his previous life, Qin Ze would definitely not believe in super powers, but in the Pokémon world, it is normal.

"Focus and let go"

"Focus all your eyes on the spoon and bend it with your mind."

"Now you have been hypnotized by me, you are now a little bird."

At a glance, there are all kinds of weird teachings everywhere. The special training for developing superpowers here includes twisting spoons, hypnosis, moving objects with the mind, and even predicting the future, astrology, tarot cards, etc.

If you don't know, you might think you have accidentally entered a cult organization.

"I want to ask, can you ensure that everyone here develops superpowers?"

Qin Ze couldn't help but blush.

"That's not necessarily the case. Most people don't have supernatural talents. They can only focus on cultivating tacit understanding with the elves and borrowing their power to do something."

The coach in front of him was a man dressed as a monk, who looked like a high monk.

"Then challenger, I will arrange someone for you to fight against now."

After the monk coach finished speaking, he looked around and saw a girl huddled in a corner, drawing something.

"Lily! You come over here and fight the challenger!"


The girl named Lily raised her head with a look of shock.

"Ah, what? You are free now. Come quickly. You have been drawing all day. You need to spend some time training!"

The monk coach scolded unhappily.

"I am not just drawing, I am recording my creative inspiration. Do you know that scaring me like this will scare away my inspiration? I have to eat a lot of sweets to replenish my brain nutrition so that I can come up with inspiration. Oops, my blood sugar is low. I'm going to buy some candy."

Lily pretended to be weak and wanted to leave here.

"You have used this excuse so many times! As a gym student, you should not waste your money after paying the tuition! Your elves are still waiting for you to help them become stronger!"

The monk coach couldn't help but yelled angrily.

Lily saw that she couldn't fool him, so she could only come over helplessly.

"This, is it okay?"

Qin Ze looked at Lily with a confused look on his face.

"Don't look at Lily like this, her strength is pretty good, it's just that she likes to study her own things and neglects training."

The monk coach shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Lily walked in front of Qin Ze, looked him up and down, and then for some reason, she suddenly moved closer to Qin Ze, her eyes widened and stared at Qin Ze's eyes.

"Hey! What are you doing?

Qin Ze was startled and stepped back immediately.

"Ah! It's you, the evil messenger who tempted the hero to face the challenge, but in fact has already laid a trap waiting for the hero to fall!"

Lily uttered a bunch of inexplicable words and kept approaching Qin Ze, causing Qin Ze to retreat again and again, with a depressed face.

What is this woman doing? What kind of evil attempt is this, a righteous hero! Is she a second-year syndrome?


The monk coach yelled helplessly, and only then did Lily stop.

"Then let's start the game."

The monk coach just pretended that what happened just now never happened and arranged for the two sides to fight.

"Come on, evil apostle, no matter what despicable means you use, justice will not fail!"

Lily put on a posture as if she was going to use a big move, challenged Qin Ze, and suddenly reversed her position.

"Is this woman really okay? She won't be contagious, right?"

This was the first time that Qin Ze had the idea of backing off from the fight.

"Now let's play rock-paper-scissors to decide whether to go first or last."

Qin Ze and Lily punched at the same time, and Qin Ze won.

"Ah! You are indeed an evil messenger, you actually saw through my thoughts. But I will tell you, even if you can see through people's hearts, you can't defeat me!"

"Help! Should I call the police?

This was Qin Ze's truest thought. How could he be so unlucky to meet such a chuunibyou opponent?

Then Qin Ze decided to send the elves later, and Lily sent them first.

"The first hero under the hero's banner, use the holy sword called the spoon to cut off the evil in front of you! Come out, Yongjira!"

Lily was releasing the elves, and somehow, she uttered a line from an RPG game, and then quickly threw out the elf ball.

A Yongjira jumped out from it.


Qin Ze looked serious when he saw Yongjila, and observed Yongjila's situation with an appreciative eye.

Level 22, gym qualification!

"Windy Dog! Get ready for battle!"

Qin Ze didn't dare to be careless and released the Windy Dog directly.

"This match adopts a one-on-one battle. The match begins!"

The monk coach lowered his arm and shouted. The next second, Qin Ze spoke first.

"Windy Dog, so fast!"

"Yongjira, teleport!!"

Faced with the mysterious and high-speed attack of the wind speed dog, Lily did not hesitate to use teleportation to deal with it.

When the wind speed dog appeared, Yongjira had already disappeared from the spot, causing the attack to fail.

""Left! Chase!"

Qin Ze immediately ordered, letting the wind speed dog continue to chase Yongjira at a great speed.

When Yongjira appeared, even if it was just an afterimage, Qin Ze would immediately order the wind speed dog to adjust the direction immediately.

However, Lily was not a pushover. When she heard Qin Ze's order, she immediately let Yongjira move again to avoid it.

In half a minute, several rounds were carried out in a row, and no matter how the wind speed dog chased, it could not touch Yongjira at all.


Lily immediately changed the order.

When Yongjira appeared, Arcanine missed.

Yongjira immediately released a strange power that covered Arcanine's whole body.

The next second, when Arcanine was about to use super speed, he suddenly found that he couldn't use it!


Say goodbye: Bất Hủ

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