
Qin Ze's face changed when he saw that the wind speed dog was hit by the immobilization technique.

The immobilization technique is a skill that will make the last move used unable to be used again for a period of time!


While Qin Ze was still thinking, Lily immediately gave the order.

Yongjira immediately burst out with powerful telekinesis, covering the whole body of the wind speed dog.

Then the wind speed dog suddenly seemed to be caught in a big net and was pulled upwards. The frightened wind speed dog kept struggling, but no matter how hard he struggled, he could not get rid of the shackles of telekinesis.

"Play basketball!"

The next moment, Lily continued to give orders, but the orders were quite strange.

Then, Yongjira swung his hands up and down alternately, making basketball-playing movements.

Then, Windy Dog followed the movements of Yongjira's hands rising and falling, and his body kept falling to the floor, then rising again, and then being smashed down again, repeating over and over again, which looked very easy to remind people of an old friend.

"Is it possible?!"

This was the first time Qin Ze saw the effect of telekinesis. It was not the kind of direct damage in the game, but it could really control the opponent's body.

If he wanted to get rid of it, he would have to have more power than the opponent's telekinesis!

However, Arcanine and Braum were at the same level, so the only way was to

"Wind Speed Dog uses Flame Fang! Remember to compress the flame!"

Qin Ze immediately gave the order

"Huh? What are you thinking about? Even if your Wind Speed Dog uses Flame Fang at this time, it can't hit my Yongjira."

Lily couldn't help but feel a little confused when she saw Qin Ze giving such an order.

However, Qin Ze showed a mysterious smile.

"You will know why later."

The wind speed dog endured the discomfort and pain of being thrown around, gathered the flame energy in its teeth, and compressed it as much as possible.

At the same time, it also made sure to close its mouth tightly to avoid failure due to the impact up and down.

When the flame energy in the wind speed dog's mouth became strong enough, it gritted its teeth!


A strong explosion erupted from the mouth of the Wind Speed Dog.

At this moment, sparks flew and smoke filled the air. The powerful telekinesis that Yongjira used to bind the Wind Speed Dog was instantly dispersed by the explosion.

As a result, Yongjira seemed to be hit a little and had to take two steps back.

"You actually used this method to get rid of it! That would cause great harm to the elves!"

Lily exclaimed in surprise

"Humph, don't underestimate my wind speed dog."

However, Qin Ze showed confidence.

""Move at high speed! Flame fangs!"

The next second, a head with a flame afterimage rushed out from the smoke and quickly approached Yongjira.

Before Yongjira could react, the wind speed dog opened its flaming fangs and bit Yongjira's arm.

Then the upper and lower jaws exerted force again, compressing the flames in the teeth, flowing into Yongjira's arm along the wound caused by the bite, and causing an explosion.


At this moment, a series of low explosions sounded in Yongjira's arm, and then hot blood and gunpowder continued to spurt out from his arm to his shoulder.


Yongjila roared in agony. His arm was temporarily disabled and could not be used normally. Of course, it could be cured with current technology.

""Yongjira! Mental Blade!"

Lily shouted hurriedly.

She didn't expect that after being hit by her ultimate move, Arcanine could still fight like this, and she didn't expect that Flame Fang could have such power.

Yongjira endured the pain, his eyes showed determination, and then he concentrated his mental power on the soup spoon, and then attacked Arcanine like swinging a sword.

A blade formed by superpowers appeared and chopped directly on Arcanine.

It left a very hideous and deep wound on its body, and a lot of hair fell off!

"Very good, teleport!"

Lily wanted to use this to force the wind speed dog to let go of Yongjila, and then let Yongjila teleport immediately to increase the distance, and then torture him with telekinesis. She didn't believe that Qin Ze would use the same move twice in a row, regardless of the safety of the wind speed dog.

""Hold on tight!"

Qin Ze shouted at this time.

He saw that the wind speed dog also had a sharp look in his eyes.

He endured the pain of the wound and clenched his teeth tightly.

If it were other elves, they would subconsciously open their mouths quickly after being hit by this mental blade.

But the wind speed dog was different. It was a person who refused to admit defeat in its bones. In addition, it was tortured by gravity when it was on the high-speed train, and it had long been accustomed to pain.

So it would not succumb to the pain just like that!!


This further intensified the pain of Yongjira's wound, and the teleportation that was about to be completed was instantly interrupted.

In fact, if it was the previous Yongjira, he would definitely be able to teleport immediately and get away from the wind speed dog.

However, due to the severe injury to his arm, it was particularly painful, causing him to spend more energy and concentration, so he could not complete the teleportation so quickly.

And it could be interrupted!

""Throw it left and right repeatedly."

Qin Ze quickly ordered.

The wind speed dog raised its head and lifted Yongjila up, then slammed it to the ground, and then shook its head again and smashed Yongjila to the other side.

Repeatedly shaking its head and smashing Yongjila.

In just a moment, many potholes were smashed on the floor on both sides of the wind speed dog.

""Yongjira! Hurry up and use the spiritual blade!"

Lily ordered anxiously.

She wanted to use the attack to interrupt the fierce offensive of the wind speed dog.

However, at this time, Yongjira was unable to respond to the expectations of its master. It was now hit so hard that blood was gushing out of its body.

Even the soup spoon that it was proud of could not be held steadily.

When the wind speed dog stopped, Yongjira had lost its ability to fight and entered a state of near death.

"Yongjira lost his ability to fight, and the wind speed dog won. This battle was won by the challenger Qin Ze!"

The monk coach immediately reported the result.

At the same time, he looked at Qin Ze and the wind speed dog with a little surprise.

Although Lily's behavior was strange, she was still strong, otherwise she would not be allowed to be absent-minded and not train.

I didn't expect that this unfamiliar challenger could win in a short time. It was really surprising.

Many people who don't understand superpowers may panic and don't know what to do after Yongjira controls the movement of holding the elves.

"Congratulations to Windy Dog for winning and getting 780 experience points"

"After doubling, it is 1560 experience points"

"Windy Dog did a great job. All my efforts on you were not in vain.

Qin Ze looked at the nasty wounds on Windy Dog's body and the blood in his mouth.

His eyes showed distress.

Then he immediately took out the spray medicine to treat Windy Dog's injuries.

""Yongjira, you've worked hard."

Lily stroked Yongjira, with a look of heartache on her face. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But Yongjira did not comfort Lily like other elves, but rolled his eyes at Lily, and it was unclear what he was saying.

It seemed as if he was protesting against something.

Only Qin Ze understood Yongjira's words.

Yongjira:"I told you to train more often, but you didn't listen. Now you've embarrassed me."

Qin Ze smiled after hearing what Yongjira said.[]

Even though Brave and Kirara is just an average Pokémon, it has great potential, and the evolved Alakazam is even more powerful.

If it has an unreliable owner, it will be bad luck.

""Okay, okay, don't be angry, just treat it as a failure habit in the future."

Lily seemed to understand what Yongjira meant, and helplessly stroked Yongjira's head, like comforting a baby.

This made Yongjira have to give a bigger eye roll.

"Hmm? Can you understand what Yongjira said?

Qin Ze noticed something was wrong and immediately looked at Lily in surprise.

"Yes, as long as your mental power is strong enough to connect to Yongjira's mental power, you can communicate through telepathy."

Lily said as if it was a matter of course.


Qin Ze understood immediately after hearing this.

This is a unique ability of psychic elves and trainers who are good at psychic elves.

Psychic powers are very mysterious and can do many incredible things, including telepathy, and communicate with trainers.

It is said that some elves and trainers with strong telepathy do not need to spend time giving orders in battle. They can directly understand each other's ideas and carry out various tactics, saving time and preventing opponents from guessing.

Of course, some trainers with insufficient mental strength may never be able to achieve the effect of telepathy with psychic elves in their lifetime.

"Let’s not talk about this, your Arcanine!!"

At this time, Lily suddenly shook off Yongjira and ran directly to Arcanine, staring at it intently.


This made the wind speed dog look confused and couldn't help but take a step back.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you trying to be a scoundrel because you lost?"

Qin Ze immediately stood in front of the wind speed dog.���Staring at Lily

""No, get out of the way!"

However, Lily pushed Qin Ze away and looked at the wind speed dog up and down as if she was tasting something. She also kept changing her position and observing from different angles.

This action made Qin Ze and the wind speed dog look confused.

"Alas, it has started again."

The monk coach next to him seemed to understand Lily's situation very well, and couldn't help but cover his face helplessly.

"It's you! It's you!"

The next second, Lily couldn't help but yelled out loud, and excitedly grabbed the face of the wind speed dog and looked at it face to face.

""What? What are you doing?"

Qin Ze felt puzzled and asked immediately.

"Hey! Your name is Qin Ze, right? Can you let your wind speed dog be the hero in my movie?"

Lily approached Qin Ze with anticipation, almost poking her nose into Qin Ze's nose.

Seeing a beautiful girl suddenly approaching him like this, Qin Ze couldn't help but take two steps back.

As a result, before he could step back, his shoulders were grabbed by Lily's hands, and he was forced to keep a zero distance to look at her.

"I am planning an online movie now. The characters are all elves. I have found other characters, but I am missing a male lead! I think your wind speed dog is very powerful and looks like a star! Can you be the male lead of my movie? I will never treat you badly!"

Lily said her request. She was still making a movie, which surprised Qin Ze.

"Lily, stop fooling around. You said it was a movie, but it was just a short film. Who are you trying to fool?"

The monk coach couldn't stand it anymore and immediately went over to pull Lily away.

"The short films together make a movie!"

However, Lily kept making excuses, even in a serious tone.

"Let me tell you, I am participating in a short film competition and I need to submit a short film. If I win the prize, the reward will be quite generous and I will definitely share it with you and your Windy Dog. So please help me. It is really hard for me to find a male lead as outstanding as Windy Dog! I believe that once it appears on camera, it will capture the hearts of many people!"

Lily forcibly got rid of the coach's hand and ran to Qin Ze to ask.

This time Qin Ze was well prepared. When she came over, he immediately stepped back to keep a distance.

"Well, I'm not interested in filming, and I have to go to the secret realm to practice."

Qin Ze immediately wanted to refuse, but before he finished speaking, Lily immediately clapped her hands excitedly.

"That's great! I'm going to shoot a short film in the secret place. I'll only shoot for one or two hours a day when I have nothing to do. It won't interfere with your training, and I'll be your sparring partner! If you can beat Yongjira once, you'll have several chances to do so, and you can get a lot of experience points!"

In order to let Arcanine be the hero, Lily didn't hesitate to let Yongjira be the punching bag.

This made Yongjira so angry that he ignored his injuries, ran behind Lily, and punched his master in the head!

"Forget it, I don't think Windy Dog would be interested, right?"

Qin Ze said while looking at Windy Dog.

Windy Dog:"The male lead is the kind of powerful guy on TV.���"It looks like it's fun!"

Damn, the wind speed dog seems to be very interested. I should have known that I shouldn't have let it watch TV series when I was free.

""Ahem, you have to focus on training now, you don't have time to get involved in this kind of thing."

Qin Ze immediately reminded the wind speed dog.

His goal was very clear, which was to settle down in the strongest elf valley, and he couldn't waste time on other things.

What's more, Lily gave him a very unreliable feeling.

"Ah, no, so narrow-minded? Alas, poor heroine, when will she meet her hero?"

Lily suddenly looked melancholy, and then threw out a Poké Ball, and it turned out to be Kirlia.

Kirlia seemed to know what her master meant, and couldn't help wiping away tears, then turned around, looking at Qin Ze and Windy Dog with a pitiful look.

"Isn't this the posture of my wife who hasn't evolved yet?!"

Seeing such a cute Kirlia, Qin Ze couldn't help but take a breath.

What man who loves Pokémon doesn't regard Kirlia's evolved form Gardevoir as his wife? In almost any version, as long as Gardevoir can be obtained, there will be many people who will choose Gardevoir as one of the first choices for the team. Qin Ze was one of them in his previous life.

Although Kirlia hasn't evolved into Gardevoir yet, she also has her own unique charm.

With a small body, fair skin, slightly long green hair, and bangs that slightly cover the eyes, she gives people a feeling of being easily shy, and looks more petite and cute, full of the desire to protect her.

"Gardevoir is a mature girl, and Kirlia is a loli. Oh! What are you thinking?! Don't let your imagination run wild!"

Ding.... Bất Hủ

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