"Color is emptiness, emptiness is color, not to mention that the other party is not a human! It's an elf!"

Qin Ze immediately tried to calm himself down and calm his emotions.

So he took a deep breath, and even closed his eyes for a while to let himself relax.

Then he opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Kirlia's tearful face.


Too cute, he actually rejected such a cute Kirlia, is he still a human?

No! Calm down!

Qin Ze took a deep breath, and didn't look at Kirlia's cute appearance, but looked at Windy Dog.

As a result, he saw that Windy Dog now looked like a fangirl, sticking out his tongue at Kirlia, which looked very funny.

Windy Dog:"So cute, master, I want to be the male lead!"

Qin Ze:"You bastard! Cheer up for me, are you worthy of your majestic title and bloodline?!"

When Qin Ze saw that Arcanine was so unpromising, he couldn't help but slap it on the head to wake up this unpromising dog head!

Arcanine:"Master, please!"

However, Arcanine was completely conquered by Kirlia's beauty, and kept using its big dog head to support Qin Ze's body and act coquettishly.

Qin Ze rolled his eyes speechlessly, thinking that his ace Pokémon couldn't resist beauty??

Old snake-skinned Pokémon.

But when he thought that it was Kirlia and would evolve into Gardevoir, Qin Ze couldn't help but sigh.

"Forget it, my elf seems to be interested, so I'll be the male lead in your short film.

Qin Ze reluctantly agreed.

"It's a movie, but it's split into short films!"

Lily immediately urged, and Qin Ze changed his words.

""Yes, yes, this is a movie."

Qin Ze was even more troubled by Lily's persistence.

"Welcome you and Wind Speed Dog to join my film production team. I am the director and producer, Lin Lili."

Lili smiled sweetly and stretched out her hand to shake hands with Qin Ze.

"My name is Qin Ze, anyway, it can delay my training."

Seeing this, Qin Ze could only let it go and smiled and shook hands with Lin Lili.

"No problem, I will practice with you as a reward."

Lily smiled with her white teeth, looking really happy.

""Lily, I am very happy that you have a new partner in your business, but I want to remind you of one thing. Yongjila's arm is still bleeding."

At this time, the monk coach next to him suddenly reminded her.

At this time, Lily noticed that Yongjila's face had turned pale. He was weakly raising his severely injured and bleeding arm to remind his master that he needed treatment.

"Ah! Sorry, Yongjira, I'll take you to the hospital right away!"

Lily said anxiously, and immediately put Yongjira into the Poké Ball and ran to the special medical room for treatment.

Qin Ze just shook his head helplessly, and then looked at the wind speed dog.

At this time, the wind speed dog was staring at the back of Kirlia reluctantly.

"Stop looking, let's go! I'll teach you a lesson later!"

Qin Ze slapped the head of the wind speed dog again, put the wind speed dog into the Poké Ball, and left the gym.

The next day, Qin Ze went to the entrance of the C-level secret realm in Huadu as promised and met Lily.

"Qin Ze! Here! Here!"

Lily waved her arms excitedly and shouted to Qin Ze from a short distance away.

Qin Ze immediately went over when he saw this.

"Qin Ze, I will give you the script later and teach you how to act! Don’t look at me in my twenties, I am actually quite capable as a director. Under my guidance, your spirit will definitely become the best actor!"

Lily patted her big chest and promised with confidence.


Qin Ze had no objection, and then looked around.


At this time, Qin Ze found something wrong, that is, it seemed that there were only him and Lily in the crew.

"Well, I want to ask, why are there only two of us? Where are the other staff? Are they on the way, or have they gone to scout the location first?"

Although Qin Ze is not an insider, he also knows basic common sense.

Filming requires the cooperation of some staff.

For example, photography, lighting, sound recording, makeup, etc.

But why is there no one here?

"Ah, there are no staff members, just the two of us."

Lily replied with a wink.

"What! Just the two of us! How dare you film a movie!"

Qin Ze heard this and thought he was fooled. His pupils immediately widened in shock.

"Yes, after all, I am not very rich, how can I afford so many professionals, so we can only do everything ourselves."

When Lily said this, she lowered her head with an embarrassed look, poking her two index fingers

"Ah? We, you don't mean to tell me that we will do all the work in the early and late stages, right?"

Qin Ze's expression gradually became unsettled.

"Yes, the elves are responsible for filming, and we have to do the photography, lighting, sound recording, and makeup. But don't worry, I will handle the post-editing. At most, I will ask you to help with a few elves' voices."

When Lily said this, she couldn't help but smile awkwardly to apologize.

Qin Ze was confused when he heard this. Was he fooled into a scam?

"I want to ask, have you approached many people for cooperation before, but were rejected by all of them?"

Qin Ze asked with a gentlemanly smile.

"Hey, yeah, how did you know that? You're so awesome!"

After hearing this, Lily immediately showed an admiring look and blinked at Qin Ze.

"I guessed it. Goodbye."

Qin Ze said with a cold face, turned around and was about to leave

""Don't! You promised me! You can't go back on your word like this!"

Seeing that Qin Ze was about to leave, Lily went up and hugged Qin Ze's waist, begging him not to leave.

"There are still three days left before the submission of the competition papers. If I can't find anyone to help me, I will miss this great opportunity! I beg you! I will listen to whatever you say, and you can do whatever you want to do later. I will agree to it. Please!"

Lily's voice was particularly loud, and her words became stranger and stranger as she spoke. It sounded like something completely different. There were already a lot of people here, and this commotion immediately attracted the attention of everyone around.

No matter how you look at it, it looked like a couple having a quarrel or something.

Qin Ze was stared at by a group of people with inexplicable eyes, and had to cover his face in embarrassment, then slowly turned his head.

He saw Lily's cute and pleading look on her face, which had to be said to be quite lethal.

"I'll help you for the sake of Windy Dog, but remember that your elf should be used as a sandbag so that my elf can easily gain experience points, and how much reward will there be after the short film wins the award."

Qin Ze asked

"The third place will get 100,000, the second place will get 200,000, and the third place will get 300,000!"

Lily replied immediately.

"Okay, no matter what place you come in, as long as there is a prize, you have to give me 60%"

"No problem, it's a deal!"

Lily agreed immediately, grabbed Qin Ze's hand, and slapped it hard. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In this way, Qin Ze temporarily boarded Lily's pirate ship.

The C-level secret realm is different from the D-level secret realm. It has a larger range and more supplies. There are more and more powerful elves.

The strongest elves here reach level 40, and are more violent.[]

If you accidentally provoke them, you will die.

The environment here is a large forest, hills and lakes, which is particularly beautiful, like a resort.

It can make people forget their unpleasant troubles for a short time.

Well, only for a short time.

"OK! All parties, please pay attention! Get the lights ready, and the photographers should follow up!"

Lily looked like a director, wearing a hat and holding a rolled-up book. It would be even more perfect if there was a small stool behind her.

Qin Ze, who was carrying a light stand, looked at Lily speechlessly, and then looked around. The photographer was Yongjira.

It also looked like it had no desire to live, and it seemed that it was often asked to do so by its owner.

Then a night owl flew in the sky, holding a microphone in its feet.

It was also Lin Lili's elf, responsible for receiving the sound.

Then in the middle were the two protagonists, Windy Dog and Kirlia.

Windy Dog wore a simple armor. The cheap armor looked more noble because of its majestic temperament.

Of course, Kirlia attracted the most attention.

Being dressed up as a little princess was particularly healing.

This was also the only motivation for Qin Ze to insist on helping.

"Qin Ze, have you taught Windy Dog and Wind Fairy?"

Lily came over and asked

"I have made it clear that they can already do what you asked for. Don't worry, my elves are all very smart."

Qin Ze is still very confident about this, the only problem is...

Qin Ze looked at the wind fairy who was wearing a witch's robe next to him.

He looked at Qin Ze with a depressed face, and then looked at Windy Dog and Kirlia with a bit of jealousy.

Wind Fairy:"Shit shoveler! Why are they the glamorous protagonists, and I am a witch villain! This is unfair!"

Qin Ze:"I don't want to, this is not a short film arranged by me, so I'll let you down, anyway, you are evil-hearted, just right to be a witch!"

Wind Fairy:"Shit shoveler! What did you say!"

Qin Ze:"Nothing, hurry up and help, didn't we agree to add food?"

Wind Fairy:"I don't care, I want to be the protagonist next time!"

Qin Ze:"No problem, I'll write the script for you!"

Qin Ze said perfunctorily, next time? He won't do it, where is the next time!

"Good! Now the action actors are in place!"

Lin Lili shouted excitedly.........

Afterwards, Arcanine kept running with Kirlia on his back.

Explosions kept occurring along the way.

In Lin Lili's script setting, this section is about pursuers chasing Princess Kirlia, and the knight Arcanine desperately protects and takes Kirlia to escape.

The explosions along the way were naturally the effect required by Lin Lili.

Originally, they wanted to buy a bunch of explosive supplies, but the funds were not enough, so Qin Ze helped out and asked Arcanine to compress the flames to his feet and release them while running to achieve the explosion effect.

Then the wind fairy dressed as a witch chased in the sky with a strange smile on her face, which was very much in line with the title of Black Heart Cotton.

This chase scene looks simple, but it is actually difficult to shoot well in one go. It requires constant adjustments and multiple takes to find the most suitable part.

After shooting for more than half an hour, Lin Lili immediately called a halt.

"Cut! This time it’s perfect! This is it! The three actors have worked hard!"Lin Lili is like an old director.

After hearing the end, the wind speed dog immediately sat down tiredly. This feeling is much more tiring than fighting.


At this time, Kirlia smiled and stroked the face of the wind speed dog to express his gratitude, which made the wind speed dog cheer up immediately.

"This first scene is so great! The combination of Arcanine's mighty protection and Kirlia's pitiful appearance is so romantic! And the villain played by Windy is also very good, which increases the tension!"

Lin Lili concluded excitedly

"In this case, my elf version of Beauty and the Beast will definitely win a prize!"

"Beauty and the Beast."

Qin Ze twitched his lips in silence.

Disney also exists in this world, except that Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse have become elves, but their copyright issues are still the most stringent.

If they knew that there was an ignorant woman who remade their Beauty and the Beast, I wonder if they would send a lawyer's letter overnight.

"Forget it, as long as this crazy woman is happy."

Qin Ze held his forehead helplessly.

"Qin Ze, come over to help with dubbing. You need to dub your Windy Dog, and I'll dub the Wind Fairy.���"Voiceover for Kirlia!"

Then Lin Lili pulled Qin Ze to do the post-dubbing.

Although Lin Lili looked quite messy, she was still very professional and reliable.

Qin Ze, a novice who was not even half a bucket of water, quickly mastered the dubbing skills. She dubbed her own Arcanine with a very strong and powerful voice, which greatly improved Arcanine's image as the protagonist.

After this busy work, it was already dusk.

The filming was temporarily stopped, and Lin Lili fulfilled her promise. She served as Qin Ze's sparring partner and sent Owl and Brawl to fight Qin Ze.

And she really did it, deliberately losing to Qin Ze, so that Qin Ze's two elves could easily gain experience points, and at the same time become more familiar with the fighting methods of super powers.

After Brawl and Owl were near death, Lin Lili immediately treated them with tree fruits and let them rest, and then continued to lose to Arcanine and Wind Fairy, so that the experience points gained by Arcanine and Wind Fairy continued to increase like running water.

"Windy Dog Experience +1560."

"Wind Fairy Experience +1560."

"Windy Dog Experience +1560."

"Windy Elf Experience +1560."

Such prompts were repeated continuously, allowing Windy Hound and Windy Elf to quickly accumulate experience.

Seeing this, Qin Ze simply sent out Candlelight Spirit to fight a higher-level battle. In the end, he would lose on purpose anyway, so he might as well let Candlelight Spirit get experience points. It was a good opportunity to study Candlelight Spirit's fighting style.

In this way, with the two elves acting as sandbags, Candlelight Spirit successfully upgraded to level 19, Windy Hound to level 23, and Windy Elf to level 21 and learned poison powder.

In the end, Yongjila and Nighthawk finally couldn't stand it anymore and refused to continue to be sandbags. Qin Ze gave up and didn't need them to practice with him anymore.


Say goodbye: Bất Hủ

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