The Punishment Pot!

Hoopa was ecstatic at this moment!

He finally found the Punishment Pot that sealed his original power!

It was because of the existence of this artifact that his original power and form were sealed.

But... as long as the Punishment Pot is broken, what originally belonged to him will return to him!

Hoopa impatiently began to gather all his energy in his hands, and then hit the Punishment Pot!


Hoopa's voice resounded throughout the entire mountain range.

As soon as his voice fell, a crack appeared on the Punishment Pot.

Then, with a snap, the entire Punishment Pot shattered.

At this time, a huge change occurred on Hoopa's body!

Layers of white light covered Hoopa's entire body!

Hoopa's originally small body became very huge, and the braid on the ground on his head also became huge and stood upside down. The original two arms became six, and each arm was covered with a golden ring.

In addition, there was a dark round hole on the chest of Hoopa in the liberated form, which seemed to be able to swallow everything!

These lights were condensed from Hoopa's energy!

""My shape is back! My strength is back!" Hoopa shouted excitedly!

Hoopa broke through the cave and flew in the air!

Hoopa's heart was filled with enthusiasm.

""Ahahaha! I finally have the power again!" Hoopa roared to the sky!

He was so majestic at this moment.

He was like an eagle soaring in the sky, soaring wantonly.

In Hoopa's eyes, he was the king at this moment, the most powerful existence on this continent!

He was the sky, he was the earth, he was everything.

""Hahaha! The long-lost energy has filled my whole body!"

Hoopa laughed arrogantly.

The valley in front of Hoopa was shaking all the time. The mountain in front of Hoopa was also shaking.

Wherever he passed, everything was destroyed.

All the buildings were razed to the ground.

Along the way, everything Hoopa encountered was destroyed, and all the creatures were swallowed by the black hole in Hoopa's chest!

Hoopa flew upwards for hundreds of miles before he stopped.

And the place where Hoopa stopped had long become a wilderness, with endless weeds, and not even a weed left.

At the foot of Hoopa at this moment, there was a deep pit.

The bottom of the deep pit was pitch black, and you couldn't see the bottom at all.

Hoopa felt that he was extremely bored alone, and then took out the golden ring.

The golden ring instantly floated into the air, and a space-time black hole was formed with the golden ring as the center!

""Come out! Groudon!"

An elf with a red body like armor appeared from Hoopa's golden ring!

If people saw this scene, they would definitely be shocked!

Because, the elf Groudon summoned by Hoopa is a very powerful mythical beast!

But at this moment, the eyes of this Groudon, which should have been clear, turned into a lifeless red!

The mythical beast Groudon was controlled by Hoopa!

After the seal was released, Hoopa's most powerful ability was to use his golden ring to distort time and space, and to teleport any object in the world to any location!

Whether it is an object, a human, an elf, or even a mythical beast, it can be teleported and summoned by Hoopa through the distorted time and space generated in Hoopa's golden ring!

The elves summoned by Hoopa with the golden ring will Being controlled by Hoopa, obeying his orders!

Hoopa was very satisfied when he looked at Groudon, the one he summoned. Hoopa took Groudon to wantonly destroy everything around him. Venting his power made Hoopa feel happy.

Only in this way can he truly feel that he has regained his own power! It is not enough to take Groudon to destroy everywhere. Hoopa has a new idea.

His current strength is enough to call the wind and rain!

Then why doesn't he really summon a rain?

Hoopa immediately implemented this fun idea of his. He used the golden ring to distort the space and teleport the rain that was originally falling somewhere to where he was.

Hoopa was drenched in the rain and cheering. He felt very satisfied that he could truly control his own power and squander it wantonly.

"After"Calling the Wind and Summoning the Rain", Hoopa felt hungry, so he took out his greatest treasure - the golden ring.

Hoopa teleported a table of delicacies to himself and began to feast on them with Groudon.

Originally, this table of delicacies was prepared by a high-end restaurant for its guests.

A table of delicacies disappeared strangely! This puzzled the people in the high-end restaurant, and they even checked the surveillance!

Through the surveillance, they actually saw that before the table of delicacies disappeared, a golden ring of unknown origin appeared there out of thin air, and then the golden ring swallowed up all the delicacies on the table like a black hole!

This scared them so much that they immediately reported the matter to the people of the Elf Alliance.

And this was not the first time that the Elf Alliance had received such feedback.

Short In just one day, many things disappeared mysteriously. Among these mysterious things, there is one characteristic!

That is, a golden ring will appear!

The Elf Alliance checked the surveillance video sent by the restaurant.

After seeing the golden ring that appeared in the video, he was stunned... because this golden ring looked very much like the golden ring on Hoopa's body!

But wasn't Hoopa sealed in the Pot of Punishment and sleeping?

A horrible idea suddenly popped up in the leader's mind.

Could it be that the sleeping Hoopa woke up and found the Pot of Punishment to unlock the seal on his body?

If this is true, Hoopa will definitely wreak havoc! At that time, people will not have peace!

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, the leader of the Elf Alliance immediately sent people to investigate the matter.

"I hope it wasn't Hoopa who broke the seal.……"

The leader's eyes were full of worry.

Because what happened in the desert city"Desert City" a hundred years ago has become a major historical event.

At that time, Hoopa appeared in Desert City and summoned many mythical beasts. He wreaked havoc in Desert City and made people miserable.

Later, a mysterious man appeared and reversed the situation.

In order to stop Hoopa from continuing to destroy, the mysterious man used the artifact Punishment Pot to seal Hoopa's figure and strength.

Hoopa has been sleeping since then, and the Punishment Pot that sealed him was hidden somewhere by the mysterious man.

After the leader recalled the historical events of a hundred years ago, he felt uneasy in his heart.

Because his intuition told him that what he was afraid of might really happen...

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