The matter of Hoopa made the leader of the Pokémon Alliance very worried, but he had another very important thing to do at the moment.

That is, the gorgeous competition jointly organized by the Pokémon Alliance, the Seven Colors Gym Group, the Night Sea Group and the Dark Hunting Group is about to begin.

At that time, the bosses of the four major forces will need to come forward to be judges in the gorgeous competition.

At this moment, the Pokémon Alliance cannot slack off. The four major forces are very friendly on the surface, but they are secretly competing with each other behind the scenes.

So this time, he wants to invite someone to participate in the gorgeous competition.

This person is Qin Mu.

At this moment, Qin Mu is collecting money in the Dragon Gym and watching his apprentice Mary fight with the trainers.

Since the end of his last personal interview, more and more people have come to the Dragon Gym to challenge. Although most of them are here to see Qin Mu under the opportunity of the challenge, Qin Mu welcomes them with pleasure. Everyone who comes is a guest, and there is a fee for coming to the gym to challenge, so it doesn't matter whether the other party is here to see you or really challenge you.

Mary has been busy accepting battles recently, and she is also very busy.

Qin Mu looked at the time, it was almost six o'clock.

Thinking that Marie was really tired recently, Qin Mu planned to let Marie finish this round and then close the gym.

Qin Mu said to the trainers who were still waiting at the door and wanted to challenge:

"Everyone, I'm really sorry, it's already the closing time of the Dragon Gym. Trainers who want to challenge, please come back next time."

After hearing what Qin Mu said, a few people complained that they had been waiting for a long time and begged Qin Mu to be flexible.

But Qin Mu refused one by one.

"I am really sorry. My apprentice has taken on too many battles on behalf of the Dragon Gym. She is really exhausted. As a master, I must consider her. I am really sorry."

After hearing what Qin Mu said, everyone stopped complaining and praised Qin Mu as a good master. Some people who already liked Qin Mu admired him even more.

After the Dragon Gym closed, Mary reported today's situation to Qin Mu.

"There are a total of 45 people who came to challenge the Dragon Gym today, and three of them passed the challenge."

Listening to Mary's report, Qin Mu nodded.

"Did you win against these three people by letting them win, or do you really have the ability?"

Mari scratched her head and said with a smile,"I did let them win a little, but those three people are also very strong."

In order to prevent the Dragon Gym from maintaining the reputation of"the most challenging gym in Kalos", Qin Mu ordered Mari to have at least three trainers successfully pass the challenge every day.

In this way, more and more people will come to the Dragon Gym.

As his apprentice, Mari's strength is not bad, and with the blessing of Mega Charizard X, it is indeed difficult for a trainer who is not really strong to win the challenge.

"Oh, by the way, Master, I heard from the trainer who came to challenge me today that the Grand Contest is about to begin.

Mary suddenly remembered that the most talked about thing by the people who came to the Dragon Gym today was the Grand Contest. She thought that Master would be interested in this, so she mentioned it to Master.

""Gorgeous Contest?"

Although Qin Mu didn't know what this gorgeous contest was, he felt that it was another good opportunity to improve his reputation!

"What is the Gorgeous Competition?"

Before Qin Mu asked, Princess Diancie, who had always been sticking to Qin Mu, asked.

Mary explained to her:

"The Grand Contest is a world-class event and a kind of elf competition, jointly held by the four major super powers in the Kalos region."


Princess Diancie was a little interested and asked,"Diancie wants to know what the glamour contest is about?"

Mary continued:

"The competition is generally divided into two stages. The first stage is for the participating elves to show their appearance, and the second stage is for the participating elves to perform their moves.

The scores of the two stages can be combined, and the elf with the most points wins."

When Qin Mu heard this, he thought, isn't this the"beauty pageant" in the elf world?

He felt that Princess Diancie, who was clinging to him and couldn't be shaken off, was very suitable to participate in this gorgeous competition!

You know, Princess Diancie has a nickname called"the most beautiful elf". If she participates in the competition, she will definitely be the champion.

Qin Mu immediately expressed his thoughts

"Mary, don't accept challenges on behalf of the Dragon Gym these two days."

When Mary heard what Qin Mu said, she thought she had made some mistake and her master didn't allow her to fight on behalf of the Dragon Gym anymore. She panicked.、

"Master, did I do something wrong to make you angry?……"

Seeing Mary like this, Qin Mu knew that she had misunderstood and quickly explained

"It's not what you think. I want you to participate in this gorgeous competition with Princess Diancie."

"Let Diancie participate in the gorgeous competition? It sounds like fun! Diancie wants to go!"

Qin Mu was satisfied to hear that Princess Diancie was willing to participate, but he saw that Mary didn't look very happy.

"Master, do you really want me to attend?……"

Mary was a little reluctant to go, because she knew that her master asked her and Princess Diancie to participate in this gorgeous competition just to win the championship, and she was afraid that she and Diancie would not cooperate well...

Seeing Mary like this, Qin Mu suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Mary, if you are willing to go to the gorgeous competition with Princess Diancie, then Master will……"

Qin Mu's words successfully aroused Mary's curiosity.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Mary looked at Qin Mu with her big eyes wide open, puzzled.

"If you participate in the gorgeous contest, I will teach you the secret of taming the beast."

"I'll go! I'll definitely go!"

After hearing what Qin Mu said, Mary almost instantly agreed to go to the gorgeous competition.

This is the secret to taming the beast! Not to mention participating in the gorgeous competition, even if it means going through fire and water, in order to get the secret to taming the beast, Mary is willing to give it a try!

At this time, the Dragon Gym, which had already closed, still had a guest.

"Mary, pour a cup of tea for the leader.

Qin Mu instructed Mary. The person sitting opposite him was the leader of the Elf Alliance.

"Director Qin, you don't have to be so polite."

The leader took the tea and said politely

"I wonder why the leader came to the Dragon School in person at this time. What's the matter?"

The leader put down the tea in his hand, his face full of smiles.

""Master Qin, don't worry. I'm coming to the Dragon Gym to bring good things."

Hearing the leader say this, Qin Mu became more curious.

"Oh? Qin is really getting more and more curious about what good news the leader has brought."The leader stood up, walked in front of Qin Mu, and took out a badge from his pocket.

"On behalf of the Pokémon Alliance, I hereby confer upon Director Qin the title of a top-level trainer."

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