"Dragonite needs to be level 60 to evolve into Dragonite, thus completing the transformation."

Zhao Yi explained with a smile, but did not mention the matter of the three-headed dragon. After all, he had no materials in his hand, and he had never even seen this series of Pokémon. It was impossible to explain. It would not be too late to talk about it after he had samples in the future.


Some people took a breath of cold air. Only then did they understand why they had not discovered Duolongqi's evolution.

Yan Hu stopped and glanced around with his tiger eyes.

"Everyone, I don't want you to spread this matter. Go back and keep your mouth shut. You all know what the current price of Dragon Messiah is. I won't say the rest. It's a great favor for King Zhao Yi to tell us this. I hope you won't forget King Zhao Yi's kindness."

He just learned Zhao Yi's name from Zhang Sui.

The current price of Dragon Messiah is the same level as that of Chouchou, and it is sold as a rare Pokémon.

Chouchou is an evolved type discovered in this world, because there are too many people in this world, and the more people there are, the more diverse their aesthetics are, so there will be many ugly people.

After those people bought Chouchou, Chouchou lost themselves in the praise day after day and year after year, and really thought they were beautiful, so they directly maxed out their beauty and evolved into Milotic, and the price has skyrocketed since then.

Dragon Messiah is because the unique attribute of Ghost Dragon has hit the XP of many people, so compared with Pokémon of the same race, there is a lot of premium.

But no matter how much premium it is, it is far cheaper than the Quasi-God Cub!

"Director Yan, King Zhao Yi, please rest assured. We are not fools and we know the importance of this matter!"

Some people immediately responded and looked around cautiously, fearing that some idiots would reveal this matter.

This is the closest they have ever been to the quasi-god, and they can't let some idiots ruin their good fortune!

Seeing that these people understood what was going on, Yan Hu nodded with satisfaction and led Zhao Yi and Zhang Sui back to the Elf Bureau, his office.

After pouring a cup of tea for both of them, Yan Hu rubbed his hands, sat in front of Zhao Yi and asked

"Zhao Yi, the king of heaven, this... can you explain what's going on? Please don't think too much, this is because every king of heaven needs to write a general life trajectory, just give a general idea, no need to be too detailed."

This is a character introduction, used to write a biography.

If you become a king of heaven, naturally someone will write a book and biography for him.

"There's nothing to hide, that's it.……"

Zhao Yi smiled slightly and told how he subdued the Liebite Land Shark family. He said that his motive was to go to Dahei Mountain for a stroll, but he met the round land shark.

He now has two quasi-gods at the peak of the heavenly king level, and his power is enough to crush all conspiracies and tricks.

After hearing this, Yan Hu and Zhang Sui were dumbfounded, as if they were listening to a book from heaven.

"This... is so outrageous that I think it is true."

Yan Hu looked at Zhao Yi with envy on his face.

What a lucky guy!

"I feel your biography will sell like hot cakes now."

After a long while, Yan Hu finally sighed. This is so legendary, it's just like listening to a book.

""Okay, King Zhao Yi, I have passed on your information. Your coronation ceremony will be held in three days at Xinghai Square. I will send someone to pick you up then." After a while, Yan Hu passed

Zhao Yi's information to the higher-ups, and then he stood up and said to Zhao Yi, but after he finished speaking, he showed an expression of wanting to say something but not being able to.

"Director Yan, just tell me what you want to say."

Zhao Yi asked with a smile. He had never thought that you could see such an expression on the face of a big shot like Yan Hu.

As expected, when you succeed, you will be surrounded by good people.

"It's nothing serious... It's just that after the ceremony of crowning the king, can you stay in Liaodong Province to guard it?"

Now one king is not enough for each province. After Zhao Yi is crowned king, he will definitely find a place to guard it. However, Liaodong Province, as a frontier, already has a king. However, that king is from another place, and those from other places are definitely not as good as the locals.

"If the ground-based king is willing and the conditions allow, then of course I have no problem."

Zhao Yi didn't say anything, but just expressed his attitude.

Hearing this, Yan Hu was excited and became excited. After saying goodbye to Yan Hu and Zhang Sui, Zhao Yi returned to his home and fell directly on the bed

"The house is too small. I'll go ask Old Yan tomorrow."

Lying on the bed, with four Poké Balls placed beside the pillow, Zhao Yi rested his arms on the ceiling and looked at the ceiling. He couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

"It's really... just like a dream!"

After a while, he didn't know when he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes again, it was already dawn outside. He turned his head quickly and saw four Poké Balls placed around him. Everything that happened yesterday was not a dream.


I got up early in the morning and had nothing else to do, so I covered my face and laughed wildly for a while.

It took me a lot of effort to calm down, then I got up, washed up, and opened

""Receive today's daily opportunity."

He silently chanted in his heart, and the next moment, a green light appeared before his eyes.

"Hmm? Green?"

Zhao Yi was in the mood. He could draw white or green opportunities every day. This was the first time he had encountered green.

【Opportunity (Green): At 8 o'clock this evening, the entrance to the secret realm of the unfinished building in the east opened. Zhang Yuan entered it by mistake and got the method of growing white vanilla and 3,000 white vanilla seeds. 】

Zhao Yi suddenly became excited.

The unfinished building in the east was where he got the wave power seeds, but he didn't expect that there was an unopened secret realm there. It appeared for the first time today.

The secret realm is a fragment of the elf world, and there are all kinds of treasures in it, such as elf ball manufacturing technology, elf props, and precious elves.

"White vanilla... By the way, the function of this thing is to return the Pokémon's ability to its previous state after it has been reduced. It can only be used once."

For example, after Garchomp uses Meteor Swarm, its special attack will be reduced by two levels, and after eating white vanilla, it will be immune to this attribute reduction.

"A consumable elf item that can be passed down from generation to generation!"

Zhao Yi's eyes lit up. If a family got this planting technology, they would be able to rise directly.

"But it's eight o'clock in the evening, so there's no rush. Let's go eat first."

Zhao Yi picked up his phone, took four Poké Balls and went out.

"Master, go here."

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