The elf buffet closest to Zhao Yi's house is located in an open space.

Because most of the people who go to the elf buffet are huge elves, which can't fit in the room.

They almost curl up together when eating, how can they eat well?

"Hello, how many elves are there?"

The clerk in the small house at the door stopped Zhao Yi and smiled.

"Four elves, one person.

The clerk nodded and handed the receipt to Zhao Yi.

"The total is 4,500 yuan. Please go to the front to pay."

One thousand yuan for an elf, and 500 yuan for him.

Fortunately, he won 30,000 yuan in the white opportunity yesterday, otherwise he really couldn't afford the meal.

After paying the money at the front counter, Zhao Yi was led to his seat by the clerk.

A huge stove with a rough look

"This is where the food of different attributes is stored. Now you can release your Pokémon."

The clerk handed a map to Zhao Yi and said with a smile, standing by and not leaving.

He had to confirm that Zhao Yi had four Pokémon.

""Okay, please step back a few steps."

The clerk nodded and immediately stepped back a few steps. Those who didn't obey were already injured.

After all, some Pokémon can occupy a lot of space just by releasing them.

Zhao Yi threw out several Poké Balls one by one. The first one to be released was the Round Land Shark.

""Hurrah! (Trainer, you didn't let me out yesterday!)"

As soon as he was released, the little guy jumped in front of Zhao Yi, pinched his waist with his two short hands, and said to Zhao Yi angrily:

"My fault, my fault. I was too tired when I came back yesterday and forgot. Next time, next time, this kind of thing will never happen again."

Zhao Yi smiled and picked up the round land shark to apologize.

At the same time, the eyes of the diners and the staff around him changed the moment they saw the round land shark. That's the round land shark! A quasi-god cub!

If you can get it and sell it, you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life!

Many people looked puzzled, exchanged glances with their companions, stood up calmly, and walked towards Zhao Yi.

But soon, they sat back down, and their faces showed bright smiles again.

Because two behemoths appeared beside Zhao Yi.

Dorobaruto and Liebite Land Shark!

Although they didn't know what kind of elf Dorobaruto was, they knew Liebite Land Shark.

Facing the quasi-god cub, they could still have some small ideas, but facing an adult quasi-god like Liebite Land Shark, forget it. Their small bodies couldn't withstand a dragon claw from Liebite Land Shark.

"Madam, come with me to get the meat. You wait here."

Zhao Yi stood up with a smile and walked towards the meat with Garchomp.

The clerk had woken up at this moment. Normally, he should have started to light the fire, but under the gaze of Dragonball, he didn't dare to move at all. He could only stand there with tears in his eyes, hoping that Zhao Yi would come back soon.

The oppression brought by Dragonball to him was far beyond all the Pokémon he had seen, even the boss's elite Gyarados could not match it.

"Madam, what kind of meat would you like to eat?"

Arriving at the meat area, Zhao Yi secretly smacked his lips at the sight of the whole slaughtered pigs and sheep hanging up, thinking that this thousand dollars was really worth it.

"Is this... a pig?"

Lurex asked in confusion as she looked at the whole pig in front of her.

She had eaten pigs before, but she had never eaten a pig like this.

"Yes, do you want to come?"

Liebite Lu Shark nodded, then took the whole pig off and carried it on his shoulder.

"This one paid for itself."

Zhao Yi said with a chuckle, but he didn't go back immediately. Instead, he took Liebite Lu Shark to the iron material area.

Uncle Snake's food hasn't been taken yet.

"For that big rock snake?"

Liebite Lu Shark couldn't help asking

"Yes, I want Snake to evolve into Steelix, so I let him eat some iron first to get used to it."

The iron material area is neatly arranged with iron ingots of various sizes as big as a human chest. The quality is good. After all, iron is cheap. This stuff is bought by tons.

"Two pieces are enough. Thank you, ma'am."

Zhao Yi pointed at the two iron ingots and said

"Okay, got it."

After changing the position of the pig on his shoulder, Garchomp stretched out his other hand and easily picked up two iron ingots, and then they walked back.

Along the way, Garchomp's ferocious appearance attracted a lot of attention, and many people simply picked up their phones to start filming. Zhao Yi could almost guess what the headlines would be tomorrow.

Garchomp and Doronbaruto were in a good mood during this meal. After all, there were people waiting for them to eat, and the food was specially roasted and delivered to their mouths. They had never experienced such a day before.

Even the way they looked at Zhao Yi was much more satisfied.

Just when they finished their meal and were about to leave, they were suddenly stopped by the waiter.

"Hello, King Zhao Yi, do you have time? Our boss wants to see you."

The clerk said respectfully with his head down, and couldn't help but secretly looked up at Zhao Yi. After confirming that Zhao Yi was really young, and not just looked young, he felt sour in his heart.

This person who is the same age as his brother is already a king?!

When he thought of his brother who was complacent with a little achievement, he couldn't help but get angry.

Sure enough, he should go back and give him a good beating.

"Your boss? Okay, I just happen to have time, I can go and take a look."

Zhao Yi said with a smile, this is exactly his purpose.

He came out so swaggeringly just to meet people. If he didn't meet those wealthy businessmen who have been rooted for a long time, how could he have the money to support the elves.

Today's meal cost 4,500 yuan, and it was still a return on investment. If it wasn't a buffet, it would cost more.

And ordinary food can only satisfy the appetite of the elves, and it is useless for the growth of strength. If you want to make the round land shark stronger, you have to eat more energy-rich things.

""Okay, our boss is inside. Please follow me, Zhao Yi."

The clerk led Zhao Yi into an office.

In the office sat a man as sturdy as a brown bear.

The moment the man saw Zhao Yi, he immediately stood up, smiled and came to Zhao Yi, waved to the clerk, and signaled him to go down.

""King Zhao Yi, please take a seat. My name is Xu Shan. I saw King Zhao Yi on the city wall yesterday."

Xu Shan handed Zhao Yi a bank card.

Before Zhao Yi could refuse, he immediately explained.

""King Zhao Yi, please accept it. Thanks to your suggestion yesterday, I was able to buy a Doron Messiah at a low price. It is a quasi-god cub. Compared with your kindness to me, King Zhao Yi, this is nothing!"

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