The collision between the Comet Fist and the metal door produced a strong air wave, and at the same time, a huge sound exploded in Jiang Qing's ears like a bomb.

Fortunately, he used his superpower to seal his ears in advance, otherwise he would have become deaf by now.

After the comet punch was over, Metagross looked at the slightly dented metal door and suddenly showed a pensive expression.

This door is stronger than imagined

""Kang Jin"

Metagross hit him with comet fist again

"Boom boom boom!!"

After hitting it seven or eight times in a row, it stopped.

Jiang Qing found that the laboratory was very solid. Under the vibration caused by Metagross's continuous smashing of the metal door, there were no cracks in the walls of the laboratory.

Even their home The laboratory cannot do this.

Looking at the metal door, it is indeed the same as before. Except for the slightly larger pit, the integrity of the door is still very high.

""Kang Jin" saw that Ju Jin was going to continue, Jiang Qing immediately stopped it.

"Stop Metagross."

After saying that, he walked to the metal gate.

"The level of science and technology here is much higher than in our world, and the refining technology of metal materials must also be very advanced," Jiang Qing said.

With the destructive power of Metagross, the few punches just made me injured even the champion in the early stage, but in the end I couldn't break this A door.

According to the current level of damage, even if Metagross super-evolves, it is estimated that it will take at least more than an hour to break this door.

And it must maintain high-speed output throughout the process.

""Flaming Bird"

Jiang Qing sent out the Flame Bird, pointed at the metal door and said:"Spray Flame"

The hot flames spurted out. After more than ten seconds, the flames ended, but the metal door was only slightly red.

It can melt gold and break Jade's jet flame has no effect on this metal door.

"Can we just grind it out slowly?"Jiang Qing muttered.

He can definitely open the metal door, and there are many ways.

First heat it with the jet flame, then cool it with the water gun, and then let Metagross hit it with the comet fist. This method can definitely open the door, but it requires A long time.

At this time, Melumeta's Poké Ball was shaking around his waist.

"Yes, I almost forgot about you."

Jiang Qing chuckled and let Meilu Meita out.

After the latter came out, he lay on the metal door and gnawed on it with his mouth.

He could block it Metagross's comet fist and the flame bird's jet of flames, but this metal door cannot stop Mel Meta's saliva, which is specially used to dissolve metal.

Mel Meta's favorite food is metal, and the rarer the metal. The harder it is, the more it likes it.

You can see that a big hole is being chewed out of the metal door by Melumeta at a speed visible to the naked eye. It doesn't take long to see the internal structure inside.

About twenty minutes later, the metal door The door was completely penetrated by Meilu Meta.

"You continue to eat."

Jiang Qing patted Meilu Meita on the shoulder and got in through the hole made by it.


Meilu Meta nodded excitedly. For it, this metal gate is simply delicious, more delicious than any metal it has eaten before.

"It turned out to be a collection room."

Jiang Qing looked at the inside of the metal door. There were some ancient stone slabs written on them in the super-ancient Elvish language.

Elvish languages ​​can be divided into three types, super-ancient Elvish language, ancient Elvish language, and modern Elvish language. Qualified Elf scholars basically master modern Elvish language, but the difficulty of ancient Elvish language has skyrocketed, and fewer people have mastered it.

Currently, no Elf scholar has mastered the ultra-ancient Elvish language, because the language is too difficult to understand. Any reference standard, and the ultra-ancient Elvish language has no connection with the ancient Elvish language.

Jiang Qing gently touched the words on it with his palms, because the handwriting had become blurry after years of erosion, and he could barely feel it by touching it with his hands. The trace of handwriting

"Dawn is eternal, darkness is eternal,"

Jiang Qing whispered softly.

He knew the ultra-ancient Elvish language, but he didn't learn it by himself. Why did he learn this damn thing? It was a reward from a daily mission.

I thought it was difficult to use. I didn’t expect to use it today.

Just after I translated the above words, the words on the stone tablet suddenly glowed and began to twist.

""Kang Jin"

Jiang Qing retreated hurriedly when he saw this, Metagross and the Flame Bird immediately blocked him. Melumeta, who was eating the metal gate, noticed the problem and rushed over. He looked distorted, as if Jiang Qing felt familiar with the words that came to life.

The burning sensation in his chest intensified.

Jiang Qing, who was holding his chest, looked at the stone slab and suddenly understood something..........

The next second, the words on the slate disappeared and were replaced by eight unknown totems suspended in mid-air.

"It turns out your companion is here, no wonder."

Looking at the eight unknown totems in front of him, Jiang Qing finally understood why the two in his body were so excited.

The eight unknown totems are, ASDFGHJK, these eight unknown totems in the shape of letters. Totem.

Elf: Unknown Totem (Super Power)

Level: 0

Qualification: None (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Features: Floating

Props: None

Gender: None

Moves: None

Skill CD: None

Genetic skills: None

Note: Living super-ancient text, gathering 28 will only cause magical things.

The two question marks and exclamation marks in the body before the unknown totems directly penetrated into the body without giving him time to react, so Jiang Qing did not have time to use probing at that time. Eye.

Now we have time.

As a result, the information displayed by the Exploration Eye surprised Jiang Qing. He had read information about countless elves, even first-level gods.

But the unknown totem was the most special.

Eight. The unknown totem had already flown towards Jiang Qing, but was stopped by Metagross and the others.

No danger, no danger!!

The words of the two unknown totems in his body came from his mind

"Metagross, let them come over," Jiang Qing said.

As Metagross got out of the way, eight unknown totems came to Jiang Qing. They made a strange sound of 3.5 in their mouths, and then started to circle around Jiang Qing. They circled several times. Finally, an unknown totem penetrated directly into Jiang Qing's chest, and then the second and third ones took a few breaths. All eight unknown totems had entered Jiang Qing's chest, plus the two that Jiang Qing had obtained before, There are now ten of them in his body.

The first two in his body are still the most special exclamation mark and question mark among the unknown totems. The other twenty-six are all in the shape of letters.

There is nothing wrong with his body. In this regard, Jiang Qing is also experienced.

With the addition of eight unknown totems, his super power has broken through from advanced to top level.

A powerful super power burst out from Jiang Qing

""Quasi-King of Heaven" felt the surge of superpowers in his body. This energy intensity is comparable to that of the elf of the super-power system at the peak of Quasi-King of Heaven.

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