"I don't like it!! I just don't like it!

A few weeks before Keith played the children's adventurer show - technically, three days after she was consulted by Queen Mia, such a voice was wooden in his room.

I think I already know the Lord of the Voice, but I am Aisha.

Aisha squeezed the outfit made of leather that had just been handed to her with her face in bright red, and was shuddering with anger and pull.

"Even YEAH...... that's NORINOLI!!

"Shut up idiot!! Don't think you can handle such a used gag!! I would definitely wear something like this and go out in public or something!!

Aisha, giving back her bondage-style costume with a few tears, now showed resistance by staring Keith in the eyes with those tears.

When Keith asked me to come because I really needed to talk to him, I just thought it was something that gently flirted with the apology I held so hard the other night.

When it actually came, the queen asked me for help with the solution, and I was given a weird costume and asked what I was going to do.

What is Aisha talking about when she asks? This fool stared at Keith with one reluctant face.

I can't believe you're out on stage dressed like this nasty, and the role you play is to throw monsters in all sorts of places and target the women executives of Monsters Yard Palace, an evil secret organization that targets ecosystem disruption.

"Thought I'd say yes to that!! Absolutely not!!

"Eh, 'cause, you see, Berna's a norrinoli, right?

Berna, who is ahead of him in pointing, shows herself in the mirror with the magic wand of a driftwood used by Keith in the magic costume and robe of the magician that was given to her.

The expression is as faceless as ever, but it seems quite enjoyable to try different angles and poses.

"That would be good for Berna! You're wearing a robe that covers your whole body!! So, but my what is this!? What's it like to have zero breasts? My groin's eating up too much. This. Huh! There's no way I can wear a knight like this!!

"... all this time a knight knight... you said scattered that you would stop knighting..."

"What! Did I say something!?

"Nothing. I'm begging you more than that. Really, huh?

He shook his neck hard, left and right, and Aisha said, "Oh no!," he barked. And when I glanced at Keith,

"Why the hell am I an evil woman executive! Wow, I want to be an adventurer too... I'd rather be a female swordsman!

"What are you talking about! When it comes to women executives, they will have a market for bondage dark elves on their brown skin!!

"What market!! Prejudice like that would plant a bad impression on Dessert Elves!!

In fact, dessert elves in this world are less exposed to skin than wood elves because both men and women often wear unique, relaxed clothes that cover their faces with cloth.

However, because the limb is too fleshy and has brown skin, the creations often wear pornographic costumes. That's fine.

"Is this a lecture for kids in the first place? So this costume...... what are you really thinking!!

"Okay Aisha...... this time we have to teach some future kids the fear of monsters. So at the same time, we have to plant the most impressive nightmare."

"Yes, the best... Akum?

"Yeah, planting a nightmare about the boys saying“ erection ”Riubi!

Aisha's right straight into Keith's face was busted.

Berna hastily approached Keith, who squatted by holding her nose to a long time of violence, to cure her magic.

I look up to Keith in tears as he wipes his blood and says, "Doddly!!" and Aisha, standing with sound effects on,

"Enough, you've figured it out... you want to expose me that much?

"Damn it, it's a rough one. Why... Ngu... It suits Aisha, because I thought it was the only role Aisha could play... and look, Aisha loves cosplay a lot."

"If you want Keith to look like Keith alone for Keith, I'll dress you in any outfit!! But I can't do that in public."

I suddenly become a weak girl after I hit her. Keith stood up sighing as he wiped the blood stuck in his nose, thinking it was a cowardly hand.

"Okay. If you say you don't like it that much, you can't force it..."

Aisha raised her face, which she was about to lean over, wondering if you understood, but the look still leaves a little distrust.

There have been many patterns where people say that they will be framed and eventually accepted in the same scattered situation.

But I can't do anything this time. Absolutely not. I can never go out in public dressed like this and paint mud on my living father's name as a samurai. I can never do that.

So in front of Aisha, who's gonna fit in. Keith,

"You've got a nosebleed on your clothes... Berna, I'm sorry, can you get some new clothes out of the closet?

"Yes, I did."

Berna, who was asked to do so, heads to the closet and brings a change of clothes as she leaves the Magic Instructor robe.

To Keith taking off his clothes in the meantime, is this another operation to show him naked and ask him out!? That's not gonna happen! He was Aisha, who stood up for him, but he wasn't.

I lost my mind about Keith changing normally, and when I was relieved, a rare voice rang from Berna saying "Ah".

Aisha, who raised her face to wonder what it was, also says "ah" by accident. Because there was a top executive of the evil organization in front of both of us.

An embroidered edge is carried out with a tremendous gold thread silver thread, and on the back is a cape depicting the character of the evil god [Ariachi], with a similar design of the guided clothing. And a mask covering the top from the nose of a terrible design.

It is the chief executive of evil from wherever it may be seen. About five stories ago from the final story. In fact, he's the one who feels like he was being manipulated again (unintelligible)

"Hey, dude, what the heck is that!!

Aisha barked pointing in front of Keith, who was getting dressed and taking a breather. Besides, Keith kept his mask on. "Yes?" and lean his neck.

"I guess not. Yes!! Hey, what is that evil hobby outfit!! WHAT ORGANIZATION it belongs to!!

"Ah? Oh, this is it, okay? Me too, I made it for everyone."

"I made it... because in the script I got Keith's turn..."

"There isn't, right? But don't you think it would be nice if Kiki Mora had made me some costumes? I feel like I want to wear them too."

Kiki Mora was very active this time as well. It's hard on one boulder, so this time when I called five, it was the worst environment for everyone to tongue "ch" though.

Dressed in costumes, Keith asks Berna, in front of Aisha, who is more distracted by her flashy appearance than the rest of the members, "Does it look good on you?" He was asking.

"Yes, it smells..."

To Keith, who seemed happy with his blatant flattery, this was Aisha who wanted to wonder if he was doing it for his own pleasure.

In front of the lady knight, who wanted to sigh by accident, the word "bye" sounded and then a scream leaked, "I got to".

Now when I looked up to him about what it was, there was a terrible scene going on there where the great executives of evil were attacking the cute elf magician.

"Oh, come on, come on! What are you doing!! What are you doing!!

To Aisha's point, Keith held Berna from behind and took her mouth away from Sagaho's ear, which was sweet biting her nipples as she held them over her clothes.

"What... I wore this costume around the corner, so I thought I'd enjoy it."

Aisha eats and hangs Keith plainly.

"Keith! I knew that was your main purpose!! I know what you're doing! I guess it's because you want to make me look so embarrassed!!

"No, this is just for now. Isn't that good enough for me? Besides, it's gonna be practice."


When Keith waved the magic wand in front of Aisha, who repeated the words without knowing what they meant, the sight of the room was grudgingly distorted and turned into another sight in an instant.

It is somewhere dim and big, like a room in a labyrinth. It was a room with one luxurious bed there.

"Hallucinating magic..."

Keith nodded at Aisha whining.

"This is an important role. Hallucinogenic magic. I need to practice."

Both Aisha and Berna were surprised by Keith's hallucinogenic magic, which smothered her nipples and bored her sweetly.

Two people had never experienced hallucinating magic that made them look stunning on such a scale. In fact, it is all the shame of the magic of the night.

But I never dreamed that this inferior species was tying the legendary "covenant of protection" with the princess of the subdragon species. The two continued to stare at that stunning hallucination with incredible eyes.

Regardless of Aisha like that, Keith let Berna's nipples open in front of her clothes and squeezed them out directly.

"Ha Ugh!! Ki, ki-hi!! Oh, oh, ooh! Ugh!!

The magician's robe and the front of the guide clothes were opened, and Keith bit his ear again, pinching and picking at his fingertips the fuzzy cherry nipples that came out of the wrapped up bra.

A slight pain sticking into the back of the body reacts Berna, causing her to leak sweet exhalation.

It's the same as always, but the clothes worn and the hallucinating magic altered the atmosphere.

It just looks like a bad wizard or something sexually torturing a real captive elf demon mentor.

The thing I feel most about that was Aisha, who is still looking at it from a third party perspective.

When an unpleasant sight is actually played out in front of me that I've only read in the novel, confusion and excitement make my face red and I wonder if it's something I can look at.

Then Keith spoke to Aisha as he interrupted his caress for Berna.

"Hey, but unfortunately... I actually prepared all this for Aisha"

"Heh? wah... me?

"Yeah. I built this hallucinating sight, because this costume, it's all Aisha and the evil chief executive and the female executive seeding sex. You worked hard, didn't you?

Aisha said in an unpleasant dialogue, "Hey, what's that!," he penetrated, but his mind was thrilled by the word "seeding". One leg is in the trap.

"What? That's because the market's been set for a long time, right? The wizard mistress of a bad organization is a beautiful dark elf of a female executive."

"It's settled... I've never heard such a stupid story!

"Yeah? It's famous. That's why I wanted to play with it, and I worked hard to make costumes and stuff... ahhh, I thought I could seed plenty of flirting with Aisha here."

Looking back at the room, Keith restarted Berna's nipple tweezer, unfortunately. "Higiu!" and hold Berna's body even harder as she raised her voice.

"We have manpower to run an evil organization, so hey, it's the role of the top executives to have good children with women executives. But if Aisha doesn't like it, there's no choice..."

Keith said so, licking Berna's neck muscle wide with his deroli and tongue and sucking it straight into his lips.

A long, nasty tangle of tongues ensues and Berna releases her mouth as she gasps for bitterness and comfort.

"Berna, why don't you sneak up on a beautiful girl demon mentor who can force evil executives to get pregnant here if you like because Aisha wants to?

Aisha and Berna in the words, both breathed at the same time. Though the mind was completely different.

"Do you want to play with a cute elf demon mentor captured by an evil organization who becomes a consolator for the top executives and ends up fertilizing them with that species?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha exhale Berna turned her tron gaze at Keith and pictured the sight in her heart.

Forced by Keith to strangle his wings, he seeds semen in the back. I was further offended by my spasmodic vagina as it was, and directed a second shot deeper...

Berna nodded cocklessly back at that play that only gets wet in her imagination.

"I will… I will, with your husband, play…"

"Here, you don't have a husband, do you? I'd only like“ you ”or“ you ”now. Oh, the cliché is," Who's your child? "

Aisha thought with a crying face as the story progressed, leaving alone to eat the bastard.

Isn't this with me when I was shown Berna being seeded in front of me with a bind tied up before?

But I also understand that it's not what it was then.

Aisha is not tied up right now, and if you don't want to fuck her that you don't want to see, you just have to leave the room. It's very free will.

But I can't leave. Originally in this room - Keith taught me that I was supposed to be the one to be adored in this sight, and now I know Berna is adored on top of that.

Cheats. Berna is always cheats. Make me feel so comfortable with such a swinging face. If I were set to call myself a fellow adventurer...

When she thought about it that way, Aisha noticed. I thought to myself,

If Aisha is an adventurer, Keith is an evil executive, so he can't flirt. I can only play rape. That's a rambling guy who hates Aisha.

If you want to flirt with Aisha in this setting, Aisha must also be a member of the evil organization.

By doing so, the members of the evil organization are finally able to make an Icharab called the top executive and the mistress's female executive. Stupid story, but Aisha thought so.

I can't believe Keith counted that far and shook the part he shook at me from himself to the stick... but this outfit...

Having already put his legs in the trap in the grid, Aisha sipped solidly at the sight in front of him.

Berna, sitting on the floor, had her penis rubbed against its beautiful face. It's not shaved. It's rubbed.

A penis that smells like a beast paints the cowper on the adorable faces of Nuronuro and Berna and gets dirty.

Keith stops Berna trying to get her tongue out and shake as she presses her tortoise head and back muscles against her cheeks and nostrils.

"Oops, he's a slutty wizard... I didn't expect him to be completely exasperated by the smell of a male and drool his tongue... but unfortunately, why not just do this and hang around"

Speaking out like he made it on purpose, Keith keeps rubbing his penis away from Berna's mouth and only on his face, he goes on.

"The only woman in my organization who can lick this guy is a woman executive."

Aisha's bad part reacted best to this shitty dialogue. I was completely determined to jump out of myself into the trap.

On the other hand, even to frame the trap, Berna, who had been deposited, rarely tied her mouth to a letter to make her look like she was going to cry.

"... it's yummy... it's terrible, yummy... I want to get rid of it, but please stay in the crease..."

Unexpectedly relieved by its obstinate voice and expression, Keith called out to try to put it in his mouth by forgetting the trap he would put on Aisha as well.


Turning to his face, he said there, "Oh!" There stood a woman executive so brilliant that she cheered.

Aisha, dressed in leather bondage and transforming her hair straight from her usual ponytail, is embarrassed.

"Ah, Aisha... I knew it would look great... the strongest"

He was Aisha, who took Keith's gaze with embarrassment and delight, but panicked to see Berna try to snub her penis in silence as she really rarely puffs and swells, with more erections and even more grumpy in its appearance.

"Here! That's mine!! I'm the only one who can lick it!! The witch wizard will touch you!!

"This is torture. It's torture you can force your penis into your mouth. So I'll let you in. Hap."

"I don't know what that means!! Ugh! Such an embarrassment! Mine!! Let it go."

To the double fella that started this way. The top executives made the face under the mask look ridiculous to the fullest, joyfully saying, "Ho ho!" He raised his voice.

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