There are two girls fu in the dreaded wizard of evil. Looks like it.

One is a brown dessert elf with a fleshy body tightened to a leather bondage.

And the other is a wooden elf exposed to a half-naked thin body under the magician's robe.

They were both crawling their tongues on thick, black meat bars offered by the masked wizard from in front of their capes with their swinging faces.

It's a sight that makes me want to suspect from the side what kind of horny trick you practiced, but the truth is, there's just a female elf there who's spontaneously drowning in horny love.

Happily licking the meat pole, shaving the turtle head, scrotum in his mouth. The two continued their enthusiastic oral caresses as they zeroed their saliva from the edge of their mouth.

Its mouthful face was also far from the elf, where everything embodied clarity and pity.


"Hapu, habu habu...... nabu, nabu, nabu...... nabu!!

"This is Berna! You heard me! This is mine! I'm the only one who can lick it!!

"Umbu, chibu...... pu. I said earlier that Master Aisha would not wear it. That's why your husband said he would play with me. Don't interrupt that."

"It's Berna who's in the way! Wow, I'm wearing it now too..."

"This way. You can't fight!! And what are you going to do when you're playing corner image?

Two gaze at Keith's attention turns to the masked face and gives him the look he said he would if he complained.

Keith suggested the totals because this seems impossible to get along with in image play this time.

"Let's not fail to calm down. Then you can sit in bed."

That's what I said and let the two of them sit in bed for the first time. Eisha and Berna both have a hard time sitting in their usual beds because they are changing the interior of the room with hallucinating magic.

When a female executive and an elf magician finally sit on the bed, the masked wizard laughs nicely and at some point attaches to Berna alone the shackles she had in her hand to make her lie down on the bed and secure.

"Ah... Huh? Um... Oshijo, Sama"

"I'm not your husband, I'm an evil senior now... haha! Poor Wizard!! You used to make me slouch!!

Eisha and Berna get poked at the sudden creation of the character, but one person and Keith, who is very norinous, went on.

"I won't admit to that arm that betrayed our organization and buried the monsters... so let me put a new executive in your belly myself... be honored"

Berna honestly nods "yes" to Keith, who performs a completely evil top executive.

While there was too much temperature difference and he was about to catch a cold. Keith still didn't stop the character,

"But before I do, I need to reward you for getting this woman! Aisha!!"

Aisha, who was watching Berna anchored to her bed in shackles, was suddenly called by her name and freaked out! became.

"Well done. That's what my mistress deserves...... what's the reward?

"Ho, broom?... Yeah, uh... yeah?

I wish I wore a costume, Imichi. Aisha, who hasn't gotten through this one, also showed confusion,

"Whatever you want, man? Right... how about I tell you that I'm going to get my successor pregnant?

Keith's dialogues reacted with a pickle of brown satyr ears and his face was faintly stained with Zhu.

I want to do that. I would love to. I'm dressed like this for wanting to.

Aisha, who rocked her cocky and silver hair and nodded,

"And I want to... that, I will. Keith's baby."

"Here, Aisha too? I don't know what image play is all about. The lights are nashi! I'm hanging up!!

"But" he murmured with caution. But be prepared for the next word.

"Well, why don't we force the elf magician to seed it first?"

The silver-haired dessert elf as he bit his lip could bear to be a dark elf in the story.

"My pleasure... Keith, my lord... I can't believe you have Keith's child in me."

Aisha, tearful of embarrassment, gets only a little excited about that dialogue though. I'm a total loser.

Keith regained his erection as he was moved by Aisha's hard work.

"Well, then let's do exactly what we want... would you like me to clean that mouth first?

Aisha looked happy on the meat stick protruding from her cape and Berna tied her lips together all the time. Because Berna is in a state of deposit.

Anyway, Aisha sat on the floor licking and squeezing out her sticking out penis.

I was the only one in a situation with Berna. This luxury. And the feeling of superiority was making Aisha's mouthfeel more harsh than usual.

Rub the meat rod hard before and after tightening it with your lips and lick the turtle head around your entire tongue. Once out of his mouth, he licked the area behind the geese with his tongue enthusiasm to rub it full.

Enjoying the part where Berna always licks and savors herself today makes me always want to try something I don't do.

That was a penis drink that could be considered Berna's exclusive. Put it in as far as the back of your throat. Handle the tortoise head in the back of your throat.

I don't do moves like this that make it painful because I hate Aisha, but Aisha is not a problem today because it's different. Because she's an evil woman executive.

"Ooh, boo... Ugh, boo! Hebu...... Ngubu, Gubu!! Gubu!"

Keith stroked his head as he roared "Ooh..." to Aisha, who put him in the back of his throat with tears.

There was Berna who completely disfigured the look on her face and stared at it with a half and a half of anger and remorse.

Even though that's the only way to please Keith who can do it, I wish I was the only one who could do it and be stroked in the head!!

Ahead of Berna's gaze biting her lips, Aisha bittered and spit a meat stick out of her mouth, handled it with her hand and licked and rubbed the tip hard with her tongue.

enthusiastic and fierce Fella. Keith also forgot to act for a moment,

"Oh, Aisha, he said it's amazing... it's amazing! Chi, it sucks!!

Then Aisha sucks off the run first with a couscous laugh and then looks up at Keith and says:

"Your words are back, Master Keith."

A paralysis ran on Keith's back at that cute, pranky grin and words. I desperately endure an ejaculatory craving that runs around the perineum rising into the urethra.

"Aisha, come on, sometime today I'm enthusiastic, ooh!! Ah, ahhh!! The way you lick it...... HI!

"Good luck with the hajikano...... good luck with it.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... From the others... more, you can stroke my head... Keith, I can't help but feel like a salmon..."

The awkward tribute was childish for some reason and mismatched the costume I was wearing, but that made Keith daunt again.

He unleashed the turbulence that was stopping him from weighing as he stroked Aisha's silver hair as he was told.

Stick your hips forward and slightly reverse your back while releasing your beautiful dark elf inwardly.

Bubble! Bubble! Bibu!! Bibu!! Bibu! Dogu... frowning at the smell coming out of her nose, Aisha nevertheless kept her mouth shut and took it all inside.

He sips the remnants of the urethra, releases his tease mouth, and makes Keith look like he's standing in the hot air.

I stroked her head instead of giving permission to a brown woman executive who even knows how to show it. When Aisha does so, she drinks up the salmon liquid in her mouth with joy.

Aisha in bondage, who delightfully drinks the masked man's zamen while sitting with a girl on the floor, is a loving man who has been left unattended no matter how he sees it.

Keith approached me with his penis hanging from Berna, who was getting sad because he was too jealous to go through the mood.

Standing next to Berna, who is lying in bed with her wrist restrained, slowly stroking her as a demon conductor.

"What's up? Are you angry?

"... I hate this play... it's just Master Aisha..."

to the obstinate Berna. Keith grinned bitterly,

"You can't help it, Aisha is awesome, unlike Berna the good girl... selfish"

"... then I'll stop being a good kid too... I can't believe your husband won't mind a good kid... no"

Keith kisses her face closer to her pet in a wizard guide who ties her lips softly. Of course the penis remains out of the cape.

Keith licked Berna's lips peppered and salivated after a gentle touch kiss. A normal woman would certainly hate it, but Berna licks and smiles herself happily licked lips.

Keith is careful not to sound Aisha when he puts his mouth against Berna's delightful ear,

"If I were a good girl, I'd give Aisha one Cita and Berna two Cites. Go on. What do you say?

That was two forced seeding plays in a row that Berna had just fantasized about.

Berna nodded back to the owner who understood what she wanted.

"Cancer... I am. So, promise…"

"Yes. Oh, but I won't bore you while you wait, will I?

"... Huh? Um, what's that?"

Without answering Berna's question, Keith went back to being the chief executive of evil and turned to Aisha.

"It's Aisha! Now is the time to clear up our monster's revenge when this woman defeated us!!

Aisha and Berna said at the same time, "Huh?," he hammered his voice. I heard it sounding fun, and Keith laughed,

"At the end of the day, as I lay my hands on this myself... you'll need to get ready down there before then, won't you?

So he drew Aisha and opened the box he had taken out from under the bed, and handed her its tough contents.


Distorted by confusion and hesitation, Aisha looks back at the masked man. And I asked him again and again, not knowing how many times with his troubled face.

"Hey, really this... do I have to do this?

"Aisha, the language is back."

"Oh, uh, all the time... or do I have to...?

"Whatever! That turns that noble adventurer into a slut seeking a male!! Come on, Aisha!! Do it!!

Aisha with a troubled face on Norinoli's Keith and Berna with a frightened look shook her head.

"Ah, Master Aisha...... please don't. Your husband ran a little wild..."

"You can't talk to me on your own! Look, Aisha, if you don't, I won't adore you."

Aisha looked at Keith and Berna alternately, having had the most trouble with the threatening complaint.

"Beh, Berna, I'm sorry... I'm sorry, oh, I'll be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo when I'm done?

I ended up taking Keith over friendship. It's really over.

But if this was the opposite position, Berna would have done the same thing, so I can't complain.

I can't tell you, my face was frightened by the horror and I lost my expression and I was about to cry even now.

"Really, stop... stop, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Ahhh!! Mmmm!! Mm-hmm!!

Aisha stuck a new vibe in the vagina of an elf in a demon guide as she continued to say "I'm sorry" to Berna, who raised her voice.

Only the tortoise head was slightly larger with lotion applied in bulk, and when it buried in the vagina, the size of the tip was clearly conscious and tight inside.

Berna was completely naked in her robe, and her thin body groaned in agony in her magician robe.

The rotor was already taped to both nipples and clitoris of its body and was in fine, bullish tremor motion.

The mechanical continuous stimulation by the rotor gives Berna some pleasure in her unresponsive body, where the vibe is inserted and sensitized all at once.

The tightness was considerable, especially since it's Keith's more extreme vibe if the only thing inserted right now is the turtle head.

"Ooh, I'm hungry, I'm full... I'm sore... I'm sorry, Aisha... I'm soaked, higi!

The picture surface of Leather Bondage Aisha putting a vibe in Berna, a poor pharmacy body just a robe with tear eyes increasing her youthfulness, was also quite powerful for Keith, who ordered her to do it.

(Eh lol... abuser Aisha sucks... abuser Berna is good too... I mean the strongest)

Keith approached Aisha saying he couldn't help but mix this up anymore and held the bondage woman executive from behind, staring at Berna like sorry.

"Well done Aisha...... Now all you have to do is activate the magic prop you put inside and it will be perfect. By the end of our act this elf should be a fine female......"

"How do you... move it!? Oh, no... because"

When he heard words saying he would move, Berna shrugged her neck and "Stop," he muttered small.

"Dear Keith, no... you can't... me"

"That kindness is a good thing about Aisha."

Keith took Aisha's hand to the vibe. I thought you were gonna pull out of the dialogue, Aisha.


Use Aisha's hand with a light voice to activate the vibe and cause it to rumble in Berna's body.

"Nguuuuu!!! Ugh, Ugh!! Oh, it's all over!! Nah, it's all over! Just now!! - Come on. - Yeah! Ugh, yuck, yuck!!

"To? Yeah? Yep!?

In fact, this vibe has a built-in mechanism that moves only to the large turtle head, and when the switch is pressed, only that part vibrates fine and hard.

Now that part had been pushed near the mouth of the uterus in Berna's little body's little vagina, where she opened her eyes and shouted at the shock of vibrating violently.

"Chitsu!! Shikyu!! Ah, aha, higu!! Squirrel, he's sifting!! Sioux!! Gyuuuuu!! Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

What should I do? Shall I switch it off or pull it out for you, this on the boulder... Keith crouched behind the grated Aisha.

And when the concealed tape on the groin part of the bondage was removed altogether, the crochet part split from the middle and Aisha's Omango was seen in full.

"Ah? Huh? Hey, what the fuck!! Yep!?"

Regardless of Aisha's surprise at the odd concealed bondage, Keith began to bend her forward and lick the line from anal to omanko.

"Yah! Hiaaah!! Hey, why, like this! Ugh!! Suddenly!! Hiuuuuu!!

"Rauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Aisha seems excited about this elf look too. There's honey all over the place, isn't there?

"Oh, oh, no!! No way!! I'm not... Gu Hi!! Well, it just happened! It's Keith's treat, so... Berna, it's different. Ah!! Ahhhhh!!

Eyesha, who keeps screaming for her words, and Berna, who has already begun to squirm lightly at the blame of vibes and rotors in the bed in front of her.

Listening to those two voices, Keith licked Aisha's trout omanko around and let her tongue screw into a hole to put an erect meat stick in.

The taste and feel of the tall voice and the dark honey tangled meatloaf conveyed to his tongue to further excite Keith.

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