Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

102 – A ‘Royal Audience’


Advanced chapters, exclusive patron-only chapters, available on my patreon- https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

Wyverns swarmed the chamber. Five, ten, twenty… they chewed and clawed through the hive ceiling to get in, flying circles around the cocoon. Were they attracted by the magic, too? Whatever the case was, the queen remsectnid was vulnerable and in danger as long as she was metamorphosing.

Custodian fought fiercely to defend his queen. The arm blades sliced through his foes like a knife to butter. His size played a big factor in fending off the attacking swarm. Fortunately, most of the wyverns were distracted by the dead remsectnids around us. They grabbed a prey and left, but more continued to pour in. Only a ravenous few turned their claws at the cocoon.

"Rio, go outside and stop as many of them coming in as you can. Leave the chamber to me and Custodian!" I ordered.


My familiar shot out of the hive through the gaping hole the wyverns had created, entangling and pulling a dozen of them out with him. The number remaining in the chamber was reduced to a manageable two dozen, and no more entered thanks to Rio's efforts outside.

"I can't let Rio have all the glory. Igni vas m'lanthra!" Fire poured from my staff and like a snake, consumed and turned to ash all the wyverns that came in contact with it.

"Behind you!" Custodian warned.

Tentacles emerged from my back to strangle the ambushing wyverns from behind me. The mantis carved into them to finish them off.

By the time we exterminated the rest, the chamber floor was littered with draconic and remsectnid corpses. Rio peeked in from the hole and burped, as was expected of my gluttonous feline companion. Following after him was Zeke, who peered in curiously.

"Sure is messy in there," the dragon said in jest.

"The queen didn't ask for it, but we essentially prepared a feast for her." My robes had a mind of its own and began to soak up the blood pooling at my feet.

Custodian was piling up the dead wyverns to one side of the room, leaving his dead brothers and sisters alone.

"Has the hive been attacked by wyverns before?" I asked him, who was now taking it upon himself to dismember the felled creatures limb by limb.

"Much fewer in numbers. This was the first time they attacked in such large droves," he answered.

I bit back the urge to suggest why. It could very well have been my doing when we applied the poultice to the cocoon.

Speaking of which…

The pulsing had stopped during the assault. A steady glow emanated from the cocoon and gave off a chilling presence that attracted Rio to it. He rubbed his head against the silken surface and purred.

Zeke looked like he wanted to come in.

"You stay up there. We have too many bodies down here as it is," I said.

"Aww. Okay. I'll be waiting outside!" Zeke flew off, the beating of his wings grew distant as he descended.

"I hear her." Custodian dropped the wyvern he was about to cut up next and approached the chrysalis. He stopped no closer than where his fellows had made their last vigil, then knelt before it.

"How do you know?" I asked, but received no answer.

A large, black blade punctured the shell and sliced down the middle. Two pairs of hands gripped the edges of the tear and proceeded to pry open an exit. Amniotic fluids spilled out, and so too, did the queen remsectnid, falling to the floor.

The queen pushed herself up on unsteady arms and retracted the long blade back into her elbow. She was nothing like I would expect an insectoid queen to look. Orange and red wings like that of a butterfly unfurled behind her, with thick blue veins that coursed with magic. Two combed antennae on her head twitched at every movement in the room. 

Unlike insects, her deep amber compound eyes were the size of my own. They stared at me from a very human face. Her limbs were obsidian, black as night that was made of chitinous armor. Long, lavender hair draped down to her chest, where a pair of breasts— something only mammals should possess— peaked with two erect nipples. A nose with nostrils that flared with each breath, and a mouth that was human when closed but could unhinge to sharp mandibles when opened wide.

"Ah. Ah!" She held a single harmonic tune and adjusted the pitch with each note, the sound of her own voice pleased her. The many eyes fell to me, then turned to the sole surviving remsectnid of her hive for answers. "All but one of my subjects still live. In their place is a human witch, her inconceivably powerful familiar, and a… dragon I sense outside my hive?" 

"Your Majesty, it was by this witch's kindness that your metamorphosis completed." Custodian remained kneeling, his eyes cast to the ground like he was afraid to see her.

The queen's mandibles clacked together, then converged to the human mouth. She rubbed her chin, while the remaining three arms rested on her hips.

"Is this true? Why does the witch not speak?" she asked.

"S-Sorry! I was just taken aback. Witnessing your metamorphosis was a great pleasure. I wanted to do everything I could to make sure you survived," I said.

"I am Queen Zathira. To whom do I owe my rebirth to?" she asked, the antennae on her head dip in my direction.

"Ellori, Your Majesty." I instinctively went to kneel, as was proper to do when meeting royalty, yet Zathira had closed the distance to raise me to my feet instead.

Two, cool hands clasped my cheeks, and another two held me by my waist. Zathira's human features made her very attractive. From where I was standing, a pair of large breasts stared back at me. The skin on her face, chest, and abdomen only appeared human. A layer of chitin protected her underneath it all.

"I see it in your eyes. This form excites you. It excites me as well. I should like to try out these new sensory organs," Zathira said.

"Er… Experiment how— mmmh!" I got the answer having my lips sealed with a kiss. 

At first, I was scared. This was the same mouth I saw moments ago that looked like it could bite my head off. Queen Zathira's lips were soft like a pillow, like any human I'd kissed before. However, lips were all that touched. When I tried to push my tongue into her mouth, she gasped. It took her by surprise, but she let me in nonetheless.

The excitement of making out of a queen remsectnid clouded my sense of reasoning. She even had a tongue in her mouth that danced with mine with juvenile experience

"My, this is quite the quandary." Zathira pulled away and licked her lips. "To think these fleshy sacs could be used for anything other than eating. I might enjoy this more than I expect."

This was bad. I almost let her swoon me. Not only was she attractive, her regal countenance and manner of speech was downright hot. 

"I-I actually came here hoping to acquire some of your eggs. Would that be alright?" I asked.

Zathira let me go and stepped back. She put a hand to her chest.

"A bold request. I have laid with many daughters before, but never with a human woman. You're quite certain you wish to bear my eggs?" she asked, and threw a glance to Custodian.

My mouth hung open.

I'd just remembered that the process to acquire the eggs was to get fucked by a male first, and then again by the queen.

There was no backing out now. I came this far to get what I needed.

"Yes, please— I mean, it would be an honor to carry your eggs!" I shouted gleefully.

"Very well." Zathira turned to her still kneeling subject. "Custodian, come here and impregnate Ellori—"

"No, wait! I already collected some. We can just skip right to it," I said, waving a jar of Custodian's ejaculate.

"You remind me of my daughters. They were always so obedient, so eager." Zathira lifted my chin and sent shivers up my spine.

The queen took stock of her surroundings and grimaced, displeased with the mess that had been made in her chamber. I imagined this was where she usually copulated, but it was just full of her dead kin now.

"Clean this place. Process those that can be into sustenance. Ellori and I shall find a more suitable place to mate. When I return, you and I have much to do in repopulating the hive, Custodian." Zathira swooped me into her arms and nodded to the mantis.

"As you command, Your Majesty." He bowed.

Zathira flew us out and into the main hive chamber. She found an ovular room that comfortably fit the two of us. The floor was made of a jelly-like padding that was warm to the touch, and the walls were constructed of the same honey and wax mixture.

"When they were alive, my subjects would live in these pods. It shall have to do," she said.

"Do you not feel bad that so many of your people passed away?" I asked as she let me to the ground.

"We live in an endless cycle of life and death. I love my people. Regrowing the swarm to its former glory is all I can do to honor their sacrifice." Zathira put a hand to the walls and smiled, recalling a fond memory.

Her somber demeanor was quickly replaced with a lustful gaze when she turned to me. Four arms wrapped around my body as she lifted me to another kiss. It was more forceful this time, full of hunger. 

Zathira's smooth skin was a treat, her breasts felt real to the touch. Groping them caused her to moan. Her back arched whenever I squeezed and kneaded the puffy nipples. I disrobed myself as we made out, and she responded by touching me in kind.

"What incredible pleasure. Touch me more," she pleaded in a quivering voice.

Who was I to deny a queen's request?

I caressed every inch of her. The legs and arms that were like metal plates, but places like her face and back were soft like my own skin. Eventually her tongue found the courage to do as mine did, pushing its way into my mouth to play and letting me suck on the fleshy organ. I quickly realized that seemingly human tongue was not at all human.

Zathira pushed me onto my back and positioned her head between my legs. The mouth unhinged into three parts, two mandibles and a bottom jaw, and a long tongue which split into four slithered out of it. She licked my thighs and the entrance of my pussy, tasting the juices that leaked out of me like it was nectar to her. Everytime the tongues brushed against my clit, my senses went wild and my moans only served to embolden her.

"First, to inseminate you." She stuck her tongues into the jar of ejaculate, coating them in a layer of thick, white slime.

"Oh, fuck… nngh…" I writhed in place one of the tongues filled my pussy like a thick cock while another teased my clit. The one inside drilled far and deep, pumping the insect sperm into my womb.

Satisfied that I was sufficiently full of cum, she came up to caress and lick my body. Her warm saliva coupled with the warmth from the floor was setting me on fire. She smothered me in a flowery scent, like a butterfly or bee that had rubbed itself full of pollen.

Zathira had two abdomens. One was human that formed her lower body, and another was an insectoid part behind her. It came between her legs like she was trying to sting me. But instead of a stinger, a fleshy organ like Custodian's penis emerged from the tip. She pressed the hot rod into me and both of us were sent to ecstasy at once. Her knees buckled and pushed further into me.

The cock, or whatever it was, might not be the largest thing. But the heat and speed at which she fucked my cunt drove me insane. Because it was her second abdomen that was pumping, her pace wasn't bound by how fast she could thrust her hips. It was by how quick her insect abdomen vibrated.

"If this is how sex feels from now on, I must have more." Zathira pressed her lips to mine, keeping me from protesting. I savored the exploring tongue, sucked on it to taste her. She hugged me tight, squishing our breasts together and rubbing the hard nipples against another.

We suddenly took flight. I bounced on her cock while she kept us suspended in midair. Her thrusts didn't miss a beat. If anything, it picked up speed.

"You shall be the first to bear my seed since my rebirth!" Zathira exclaimed.

"I'm cumming… Queen Zathira… I'm— aaaahhh!" I was brought to a powerful orgasm. She clutched me close and stuck her tongue down my throat. Below, thick fluids gushed into my pussy. Her thick and elastic cock didn't let a single drop leak out, and instead pumped every drop into me.

Both of us fell. I landed on top of her. She stroked my back and ass, the hard member was still stuck inside me.

"Before… mating was a duty. There was little pleasure in it for me other than watching my children squirm with joy. My metamorphosis has granted me new sensations, new experiences." Zathira nudged our noses together, her antennae twitched excitedly from.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. That was something else for me…" I said, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

Zathira turned me onto my front and rubbed her slippery cock in the space between my buttcheeks.

"I cannot let you go yet," she said, unraveling her tongue to lick my backside. "Now that I have tasted such pleasures, I simply must have more." 

I gulped hard. The sound of my heartbeat thumped with anticipation.


Advanced chapters, exclusive patron-only chapters, available on my patreon- https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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