Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

103 – The Red Slime of Ellowyn


Advanced chapters, exclusive patron-only chapters, available on my patreon- https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

Queen Zathira was insatiable. Her royal highness thoroughly pumped me full of her eggs, so much that they spilled out of my pussy when I stood up. She loved every second of it, exploring the pleasures of her new body, as well as the body of another. 

The 'dick' she had wasn't really the same as the male remsectnid's reproductive organ. Neither did it fill with blood like mammals. The member was simply a thick piece of flesh that served as a depository. As such, it couldn't become flaccid like regular penises, and her second abdomen didn't tire. This potent combination allowed Zathira to fuck me as much as she wanted, and subjected me to as many orgasms as I could handle.

"Ahhh— yes! Fuck me, fuck me! I'm cumming again! Mmmhh…" I felt her eggs spilling into my womb and slipping right back out. She filled me to the brim, and I still wanted more.

Thus we ended up having sex all day long. It was dark by the time we stopped.

"You do not have to leave," Zathira purred, hugging me from behind. Her tongues brushed against the nape of my neck and slithered down to tease my breasts. "What do you think about staying here and becoming my royal surrogate?"

I squeezed her tongues against my chest. A day's worth of sex didn't seem to satisfy her yet. This was to be expected. As queen remsectnid, she likely copulated dozens of times a day. With the metamorphosis having made sex a physically pleasurable experience for her, she was into it more than ever. Even now she had one pair of hands fondling my breasts and another pair teasing my crotch. Her advantage of having multiple limbs was unfair.

"What do you mean by royal surrogate?" I asked curiously.

"You will lay with me daily, and your body will serve to spawn the majority of the hive. Does that not sound… delectable to you?" Zathira pressed a finger into my pussy and made me gasp with pleasure.

I gulped hard. 

Getting fucked day after day by the remsectnid queen? It was another tempting offer that I had to decline.

Royal surrogate. Mate. Queen. High Priestess. I had so many names and titles bestowed to me already.

"It sounds like it would be a great honor. I must regretfully decline. I already have someone I love, and there is a war brewing that I'm involved in," I explained.

Zathira was reluctant to release me, but she did so after giving me another tongue-whipping make out session.

"I respect your choice, as she who has aided in my rebirth." The queen remsectnid bowed, an unroyal thing to do. But to her, I was the one who successfully ensured her metamorphosis went smoothly.

I bowed as well.

"However, you have done a far greater service than you think. Not just I, but an entire swarm lives because of you. We are beholden to you." Zathira rose to her full height, her antennae barely scraping the top of this chamber. Four sharp arm blades slid out of each elbow. The blue veins on her wings coursed with magic, pulsing with intensity. "This war that you fight, the strength of a remsectnid swarm shall be at your back once we are whole again." 

On top of getting what I came for and a good fuck out of it, the number of our allies had grown. A hive of remsectnid warriors was sure to provide us a significant boost in manpower. In addition to Vessyra's armies that Gale was gathering in the south, we were shaping up to become a real threat to Edith Percouli and the Order of Piety.

Judging by what I already knew of remsectnids, it should be at least two months before they were back to full strength. Larvae hatched over the span of a week and grew to adulthood in less than a month. Zathira was probably going to town on squeezing every last drop of semen from Custodian. He probably couldn't be happier, since his seed would become the future of their hive. That was sure to bump him up a few rungs in their caste system.

I didn't forget to get Tobias his jar of remsectnid honey. We made a pit stop before heading home.

"Oh! So them insect folk were still alive and kicking?" Tobias asked, staring hungrily at the golden jar of sweetness.

"Some of them are alive. Something happened, but I was lucky to be there to help resolve it. I'm sure they would appreciate some of your goat milk from time to time again," I said.

"Yeah… no one other than them's been appreciative of goat milk…" He grimaced.

It amused me that even he was aware of how atrocious his goat milk recipes were. 

"Anyway— uh, would you maybe like to stay over again? Warm the bed by my side?" He cleared his throat. The apprehension he had of witches vanished after the round of sex we had the day before.

I was beginning to think the priestesses of Vessyra had the right idea. Sex really did make the world go round.

"That was a one-time deal. If you want to get laid, you can find plenty of willing… women in Lotherain," I said, thinking of the demi-human priestesses there now. Behind me, Zeke was getting restless. The promise of sex before we left on this trip made him antsy. He was the last one whose ingredients Eileen needed. "I actually have date plans with a certain dragon."

"Y-You and that dragon?" Tobias blushed up to his ears.

I nodded and winked, then returned to my silver dragon stud.

"Are we going home now?" Zeke asked.

"You and I have other plans before going home," I said.

Zeke and I took a detour back to the forged world where we had first met. There, thanks to the elixir of gigantism and time-stretch prolonging its effect, we were able to have sex for an entire week straight. We could have easily gotten done after his first load since the ejaculate was the final ingredient Eileen needed. However, the pent-up dragon was just as horny as Queen Zathira.

Of course, the best part of Zeke was getting stuffed by his two cocks.

Fortunately for us, the forged world's effect on time slowed down the aging process of the remsectnid eggs. We had nothing to fear about them hatching.

It was also a delight to bathe in the gods-sized bathhouse. I hoped out of all the towers Eudora sought to destroy, she would leave this one standing.

When we finally returned home, Eileen greeted us at the steps to my great hollow with hands on her waist.

"About time, Mistress! You sure took your sweet time," Eileen said.

"I couldn't have been gone for more than four days!" I handed her all three ingredients— mycelid spores, fertilized remsectnid eggs, and dragon's ejaculate, all in their separate jars and acquired through means only I could have achieved.

"Wish I could have been there to see the mycelids and remsectnids myself. I read about them from your tomes while you were away. It's amazing how diverse our world is— at the same time, depressing that so much of this was kept away from us." She stared at the ingredients in her arms, one eye filled with wonder and the other of open-minded curiosity.

"If more people were like you, we'd be in a better place." I put a hand on her head and smiled.

"Thanks, Mistress." Eileen threw her arms around me, but she had a frown on her face when she pulled away. "Your sexual proclivities still weirds me out, but I wouldn't want to apprentice under anyone else."

"You cheeky tavern wench." I pinched her nose.

With my belly full of cum and my legs weak from being fucked so much the past few days, I fought the urge to lay in bed to help Eileen prepare the cauldron.

We had the orcs carry Miuna up to us in its container and placed it next to the cauldron. The red slime was especially excited. Whatever Eileen had planned, the end goal was to give Miuna a bodily form. However she was going to achieve that was beyond my knowledge, but she seemed to know exactly what to do.

"Ooooh! I can't wait, I can't wait! I've always wanted to see the world. Being stuck under the tree all day is so boring," Miuna said.

"You could have said something if you didn't like it there. I would have done something!" I leaned on the vat to see Miuna bouncing with excitement.

"It's not that I hated it. I just want to be able to explore like you do," it said.

Now I was getting anxious.

"You're sure Miuna is going to be alright?" I asked Eileen.

"If we do everything correctly, yes." She began to add the ingredients into the alchemy cauldron. One at a time, slowly stirring the bubbling liquid back to a simmer. Her hands were particularly careful, like she was making sure the ladle didn't hit the rim or bottom. "Heat is important here. Even the most minute rise in temperature could ruin the mixture."

The cauldron's rainbow mixture had turned red. I was worried at first, but Eileen appeared content with the outcome.

"For the final, we have to put Miuna in. Are you ready?" she asked the red slime.

"Yes, yes! Put me in there," Miuna said.

Eileen nodded to the orcs, who hoisted the container and spilled Miuna into the liquid. Both of us leaned in to stare at the cauldron that now bubbled so intensely, the waters began to spill over the edge. The spills splattered to the ground like a viscous goop that came to life and crawled back into the cauldron. 

The bubbling subsided and the cauldron left silent. Its contents looked like red pudding.

"Miuna?" I called into the cauldron.

Two slits opened to what appeared like eyes. Then a hand gripped the edge of the cauldron and began to pull itself out until it fell onto the ground.

I pulled Eileen back, afraid that Miuna's slime might affect us.

A human-shaped red slime rose to its feet. It had the body of a woman, with a very curvaceous form and floating inside its body was a thumbnail-sized core. Thick tentacles that were both hair and clothing extended down to form a long skirt around the waist, whipped about on the head as it turned to each of us. It stared at its tentacle arm, then back at us, and finally shaped its limbs to appear human. Finally, underneath its eyes, a peak extended to form a nose, and another crease formed its mouth.

"Is it… you?" I asked it.

"It's me! It's me!" Miuna sprung forward, its elastic arms stretched and hugged both me and Eileen.

I thought to hug it back, until we started sinking into its slime body.

"Mmm! Mmmm—!" My hand breached the surface of its chest and pointed inward.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't know!" Miuna melted off of us and onto the ground, then reshaped itself in front of us, leaving us unharmed but covered in slime.

"It worked!" Eileen cried, diving back in to hug Miuna. This time, the slime's body thickened and didn't consume my apprentice.

Miuna saluted and said, "Red slime of Shallowglade— er, Ellowyn, reporting for duty!"


Advanced chapters, exclusive patron-only chapters, available on my patreon- https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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