
Advanced chapters, exclusive patron-only chapters, available on my patreon- https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

Eileen's alchemical drew the attention of our host, who came down to inspect Miuna, her former creation now turned humanoid slime. Nothing else about our glutinous red friend had changed, other than its shape that bore a striking resemblance to a human, Miuna was still the talking slime Miuna.

"This is quite an extraordinary accomplishment. Others have attempted to give forms to slimes before. Their durability and corrosiveness makes for infinite applications in alchemy. None have succeeded— until now," Eudora said.

"I hope you're not thinking about taking Miuna back. It's intelligent, and experimenting with it any further would be inhumane," I warned.

"You would speak to me about what is inhumane?" She grinned.

Miuna shrunk to half its size and hid behind Eileen.

"No more experimenting. I'm my own slime now!" it exclaimed.

"Ah, well. Now that we know how to create one, I need only gather the ingredients myself. Perhaps I shall have at your pet dragon?" Eudora said.

The door flung open, and Mira came through in a huff.

"I'm done running errands, you bitch—" Mira's hung open. It was then that I realized Miuna had taken my exact form. The only difference was that it was clearly still a red slime, but in the shape of me. "Do my eyes deceive me? There are two Elloris?"

"Mira. You can't possibly be serious," I said.

"Mira, it's me! Your precious lover! Would these big boobs lie?" Miuna asked as it groped its own breasts of slime.

"I'm sure this would make for a great threeway on occasion," Mira said.

Miuna was running around consuming everything it could in its new form. Even Rio had fallen victim to its rampage. The slime's voice sounded feminine, but I had no idea it would have also taken a feminine form. With the new body, Miuna went around to visit the orcs to get a load out of them. It was still able to create strange substances from disintegrating other materials. That much remained a mystery, but Eileen vowed to uncover its secrets.

The rest of us watched from the steps of my front door. Cammy chased Miuna around to try and save Rio. Unfortunately, the dryad's roots were unable to entangle the amorphous slime.

"A remsectnid hive, was it? While you have done a most charitable thing, as well as earning us a powerful ally, I shudder to imagine how much more powerful this Queen Zathira may become." Eudora didn't share my enthusiasm about the remsectnid queen.

"For once, I agree with Eudora. We can only imagine what the magic-infused remsectnid would birth next," Mira said.

"If I had known you two would react this way, I might not have saved her to begin with…" I sighed.

"Do not fret! We have the eggs for your genius apprentice to look into. I'm sure she would develop some sort of remsectnicide as easily as she created other things." The surety in Eudora's words alleviated my worries somewhat. I didn't think to consider what letting an anomaly like Zathira live would do to the balance of nature. It was the same case with the mycelids.

Honestly, I wished this was all we had to worry about. The shadow of danger cast by Edith Percouli's influence was ever-present. We had thwarted her several times already, but it felt as though our lucky streak was about to come to an end.

Things were working out for us a little too well.

"Maybe I'm getting too anxious, but when are we planning to make our strike at Edith?" I asked Eudora in particular.

She raised a brow, rightly surprised about my unexpected question. I had surprised even myself, being that violence was always the last thing I resorted to.

"About that—" Eudora began.

"I'm not going out on another mission of diplomacy," Mira interjected. "I don't like playing nice, and I won't play nice if you send me out again."

"If we have to masquerade as prostitutes again, you can forget it," I added.

"Good gods. Even Parabelle is rebellious. Why can't you three listen to me for once?" Eudora asked.

"We do listen to you!" Mira and I said at once.

Eudora hopped off the top of the steps and landed gingerly on her feet.

"As it turns out, your intuition was correct." She pointed to me.

"What about?" I also pointed to myself in confusion.

"Princess Lisette of the Principality of Ors. She is a sly fox, that woman." Eudora folded her arms across her chest and frowned.

"I'll take over from here, Lady Eudora." A smooth voice spoke to us and emerged from behind the great hollow. The young woman pulled her hood back to reveal fiery red curls that reached her chest, and had a stern face that could stare down a lion.

"Quinny?" I asked aloud.

The woman shook her head and smiled.

"Quincella is my younger sister. Though she would have you believe she was born mere second before I, Lisette Cairnwalden. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Lisette curtsied, tugging at the bland, blue robes that was unfit for someone of her stature to wear.

I felt faint. So quickly after another I was meeting royalty like they were candy from a confectionary store.

"What brings a princess to the backwater countryside?" Mira asked.

"Under normal circumstances I would be meeting with King Marcus. I understand he has passed away. Talmora as a whole has lost a good man." The princess put a hand to her heart. I could tell she truly meant what she said.

"Spare them the formalities and tell them what you told me," Eudora said impatiently.

Lisette maintained a respectful moment of silence in spite of being urged to move on.

"My armies you saw at the gates of Semiramis were no siege. I have pledged my sword to King Uldrin— under false pretenses. His paranoia grows by the day, so much so that he has begged me to guard his borders." She waited to see if we had caught on the implications. No doubt all of us had.

Eudora knew, but she wanted us to reach the conclusions ourselves— this was a clever plot. Lisette took advantage of King Uldrin's distress and moved her soldiers into the heart of Juna, something even the most clever strategist couldn't achieve against such an entrenched enemy.

Now I understood why Eudora called her a sly fox.

"This turn of events was not something Councillor Anora foresaw. She has made plans to meet with me in Ors to… beseech my loyalty herself," Lisette said.

"That cunt is coming out into the open? How enticing." Mira smirked.

"I give you this information in honor of the late King of Parthun's memory. However, you will not make a staging ground out of my lands." The princess was rightfully cautious, but nonetheless brave to tell us all this. She was jeopardizing herself two-folds, risking her life and her principality.

This was an opportunity of a lifetime. We knew exactly what Edith's movements were going to be. It might also be our only chance to get a jump on her and end the war before it even begins.

Eudora didn't look so sure.

"What do you think?" I asked Eudora.

"Edith may suspect the princess has ulterior motives in her willingness to help King Uldrin. Though we can all agree that another chance like this will not come. Ors is our next destination, we will lay a trap," she said.

"We as in you're coming with?" Mira grimaced.

In two days' time we will set out to Ferellis, a crossroads city and major trade hub of Ors, where Lisette was due to meet Councilor Anora. At which point, it would take a whole week before she arrived, giving us ample time to prepare for her arrival. Until we left, Lisette stayed with Eudora in the tower out of an abundance for her protection.

Four major roads there connected Parthun, Juna, Inner Talmora, and to the heart of the princess' lands. It was significantly larger than Lotherain and Semiramis despite it not being a capital city, but due to constant trade and a meeting point for travelers, it had become a sprawling microkingdom of its own.

All of us, including Eudora were shaking with hesitation and anxiousness. We handled our terror in other ways. Belle spent her time with the unconscious knightess, while Mira and I…

"Ah… nnngh… Mira, I'm cumming!" I clenched my thighs on her head, but she continued to eat me out with such skill that it made me weak in the knees.

Gurk was in bed with us, too. While Mira slurped up my pussy, I sucked off the goblin who decided he had enough in the city and came home for me instead. He grabbed my head, cock throbbing and unloaded a thick spurt. I swallowed every drop, polishing the tip until it shined.

Mira climbed up to lay by my side with Gurk tucked between our bodies. He was smothered between our breasts. We had just come down from an incredible threesome. It was the first time Mira let anyone be in bed with us. A simply inconceivable thing, considering her obsession with me. She gradually accepted Gurk, even if he was the only one, and she herself would not let him have sex with her.

"Will Mistresses be safe? Gurk can come with!" he exclaimed, but it was hard to take him seriously when he groped with my breasts.

"We'll be fine. The strongest witches of our time are gathered here, and Eileen is crafting something that could give us an edge." I glanced up at Mira and thought of Belle. Both of them were of the handful of witches that could wreak untold mayhem in the world if let loose, but they were more interested in seeing it intact than in shambles.

"The sooner we rid ourselves of that woman, the better. A world engulfed in war is no place for a child. I also want to put one in you," Mira said, rubbing my stomach.

"I've hardly hit my two-decade mark!" I complained.

"Gurk wants to put baby into Mistress, too!" the goblin shouted excitedly.

"Her womb belongs to me first, then yours." Mira grinned.

"Y-You're really going to let him mate with me?" I asked.

"As selfish as I am, I can share. Sometimes," she said. A shuffling underneath the sheets led to Mira guiding Gurk's erect dick to my pussy. She pushed him from behind and nudged the tip into me.

"Gurk start now!" he said.

"Wait— I'm still sensitive, aahhh!"


Advanced chapters, exclusive patron-only chapters, available on my patreon- https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit

Ellori sex with a dragon:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/18-ellori-x-zeke-46264745

Ellori sex with a futa dryad: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ellori-x-futa-43341085

Ellori sex with a minotaur: https://www.patreon.com/posts/surprise-for-ero-41520283

Futa Ellori sex with Mira: https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-3-ero-h-40394146

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