Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun

17 – Unexpected Visitors


It's been nearly a month since I made my home in the Weeping Expanse. So much has happened that I can hardly believe happened if not for the compendium I'd been updating.

After my sexual encounters with several of the forest's inhabitants, as well as becoming sex friends with Gurk only a few days ago, I've become open with my sexuality again. It's like I've returned to my early days at the Academy.

The last few days since returning from Flora's tribe has been nothing but sex. Day in and day out, Gurk just can't get enough of screwing me. It wouldn't be a surprise if he's molded my pussy to the shape of his cock by now.

I haven't felt this good and satisfied in a long time. Stressing over the thought of dealing with the infamous Cackling Witch has vanished, swept away by the countless orgasms Gurk's given me. 

Everytime I start feeling guilty, I just remind myself of what Headmaster Anora told me. She's the one that put the thought of having sex with Gurk into my mind to begin with. It's her fault, not mine!

Because of this, progress on investigating the Weeping Expanse has halted. So, in order to get back into the swing of things…

Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap! 

Spurt… spurt!

"Nngh— ahh! Okay… that's enough…" I tell Gurk as he pumps another load into my womb. I get off his dick and out of bed, change into my robes, and grab my staff. 

I have to get some work done today. I can't just have sex all day. Complacency breeds weakness, and I'm a witch tasked with the protection of Parthun.

As I head downstairs, I notice Rio getting stir crazy. His eyes are dilated and his whiskers are twitching. If I don't let him outside soon he's going to wreck the house.

"Gurk, can you take Rio out for a walk again?"

"Yes, Mistress!"

The three of us head outside, and I watch them depart into the forest while I stay behind.

Having Gurk take my familiar out on walks is the only way we can take a break from sex. Rio can also berserk to his heart's content. The shed behind the great hollow has a surplus of lumber thanks to Rio's bulldozing antics. 

Having them go out achieves two things— Rio can get all that energy out of himself, and he can hunt things to potentially get stronger.

Unfortunately, Gurk tells me Rio's only been hunting birds and snakes at most. Larger creatures they encounter in the forest are keeping their distance from the pair.

"While they're gone, I have to test out what Flora's boon has done to my body." I twirl my staff and mutter some incantations. Sparks of energy emit from the crystal, subsiding by the time they hit ground. 

Raising my staff into the air, I invoke an enchantment, "Firebrand!"

The length of the gnarled branch ignites with fire. Since it is invoked by my magic, it does no harm to me. Anyone ignorant enough to touch it would instantly be set aflame like kindling.

It doesn't seem like the boon affected my enchantments. What about volatile magic?

"Igni vas o'rea!" Fire shoots out from my staff, charring the ground in its path.

Not any stronger or weaker than before. If igni remained the same, thundra and aqua must be unchanged as well. 

What did Flora say about this boon? Something about my affinity with the forest.

I glance over at the anoragrathi. If anything, it would have to do with the vegetation. But I'm not sure if I want to risk throwing my body over a field of tentacle plants.

The sephalothanes and mandragoras on the other hand are growing rather well. Actually, aren't they growing a little TOO well?

"Ehhh??? What happened?!"

Sephalothanes is an angiosperm with wide purple and orange petals. The petals on the flowers I'm looking at are red and blue, and grossly overgrown. The three raised garden beds are on the brink of collapse from the weight, even the roots are beginning to split the corners of the wooden plot.

Red and blue petals means these are the highest quality yield possible. Witches and alchemists rarely get to use them because they're so expensive. Ingredients of this quality are normally reserved for senior witches like Headmaster Anora. Never mind that they could net a fortune, I could craft Grade-A potions with these.

"S-steady, Ellori… calm mind… calm mind..."

...and the mandragoras look… normal?

They aren't overgrown like the sephalothanes. The stem and leaves appear to have taken a darker green hue than they normally are. In order to really assess any changes, I have to pull one out.

"Sothra, silentium." I whisper to the mandragoras. 

I take a deep breath and pull one out by the stem. The mandrake's gaping mouth stares back at me screaming in silence. I can still feel the vibrations in the air, but they aren't strong enough to harm my hearing.

After a few seconds, the vibrations cease and the mouth closes. The mandrake has expired. 

I dispel the aura of silence, the sound of wind and rustling leaves fill my surroundings again. 

Nothing appears out of the ordinary with the mandrake, but I can't help but feel there is something off. I snap the mandrake root in half and notice a distinctly sweet aroma, unlike its usual earthy smell. It's like… perfume.

With the snapped mandrake in hand, I race back into the house. I run my finger through a shelf of tomes and grimoires until I come across the Compendium of Photosynthetic Flora Vol. 39.

"If I remember correctly… ah!" I put my finger at the top of the page. "It says… 'The scent of a mandragora root, or the mandrake, grown in proper climates should emit an earthy smell if not treated with any serums or additives. A mandrake with a sweet smell is highly sought after for its many health benefits, but it is truly prized for life-prolonging properties if synthesized with dragon's blood.' WHHHAAAAAT?!"

I gawk at the snapped mandrake. "I have an ingredient for the elixir of life in my hands— no, there are more outside. Is this the result of Flora's boon?"

I spend the next hour carefully harvesting the sephalothanes and mandrakes. The haul came out to twenty palm-sized herbal satchels and ten mandrakes. I hang them up on an ingredients rack behind the cauldron and admire the expensive harvest.

That rack alone comes out to a fortune that can last me several lifetimes. Sold to the highest bidder, I could buy myself a mansion and live like royalty.

BUT, that's not the point!

I can make the highest quality potions and elixirs with these ingredients. I could maybe formulate some new potions as well. My fellow sisters at the Academy will look at me with envy. My name will be etched into the annals of history as one of the greatest witches to ever exist!


This even bodes well for my investigation. Though Flora's boon didn't gift me any exceptional powers, the concoctions I can brew with these ingredients can grant me the edge I need. 

Elixir of ogre's strength, unending stamina draught, cat's eyes vision, equus' haste, greater panacea…

What should I make first?

I drop onto the couch, mind spinning with ideas of what to concoct first. I set aside those thoughts and reach under the seat to pull out a rectangular wooden box. Inside is a long pipe with gold bandings, and next to it is a pouch of herbs.

"Huu…" I inhale deeply from the burning herbal fumes. My brain and body become fuzzy. An intoxicating pleasure fills my very being, sending me into a state of euphoria. "Hah… it feels like I'm floating on a cloud."

I shut my eyes to indulge in this pleasure when the door suddenly swings open. "Oh? Gurk, Rio? Back already?"

No answer, except the sound of snorting and grunting. Heavy footfalls rattles the vials on my shelves and shakes the floor. From the door, three enormous bipedal pig-faced humanoids enter my home.

Orcs? At a time like this??

I reach for my staff. In my dizzy state I knock it away, sending it clattering across the floor to their feet. I look up to see one of them picking up my staff and grinning. 


Behind his loincloth, a massive penis barely covered by the sparse clothing looks back at me. Even limp, it's almost as large as my leg. If something like that goes in me, I'll break for sure.

I don't know much about orcs of the Weeping Expanse, but if they are anything like the goblins affected by the miasma…

Oh, no. Am I… about to be raped by orcs…?

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