On the ground and still high out of my mind, several questions replay in my mind.

Why didn't the wards work?

How did orcs find my home?

Are they really going to rape me with those leg-sized dicks?!

"All I ask is, please use the lube under my desk drawer! I don't think I can handle your sizes without it!" I prostrate before them, pleading as the closest one reaches out to grab me.

The large green hand lingers in mid-air, and the orc reels back in apparent disgust. "Uh, Miss. I'm faithfully married."

"My girlfriend's gonna chew me out for being in another woman's home. Can't imagine what she'd do if I cheated on her." Another one says with mild terror, and then points behind himself. "Luugen over here's single."

The orc named Luugen puts his hands up. "Witches are scary. Farmer girls are more my type."

My mouth hangs open, speechless and unsure how to react to their lack of interest. I thought orcs were more sex-crazed than goblins. Now I just look like an idiot.


"Roga's the name. The pink-skinned one's Fergus, and farmer girl fetishist is Luugen." Roga introduces his companions as he helps me to my feet, and then hands me my staff.

"You're not here to rape me?" I ask, still keeping a guard up and clutching my staff.

Fergus winces, "No, of course not. That's immoral."

"You said you had a girlfriend? I thought orcs were a male-only race?"

"She's human."


"Yes, we live with humans. Roga's even got a kid."

Roga notices my confusion and takes over with an explanation. "We've built a settlement where orcs coexist with female humans."

I eye them suspiciously. "You didn't kidnap them?"

"Well... " He scratches the back of his head and looks down with a hint of shame. "We did at first many years ago but not anymore. There are female humans who meet us by their own free will. They're actually why we've come to seek your help."

"I suppose I am tasked with protecting Parthun, and that isn't necessarily restricted to just helping humans." I expel the breath I'd been holding in since they came in. Though, there is a bit of disappointment that this didn't go the other way. "How can I help?"

The three orcs light up, relieved that they didn't come all this way for nothing. Fergus explains the situation, "Our settlement is but one tribe, there are many other orcish and demihuman tribes that see our society as nonsense. They've left us alone in the past, but a few months ago they started raiding our settlements."

"Let me guess, they're kidnapping women?"

"How did you know??"

"It's happening to the human villages of Parthun as well. Since this affects both of our societies, I'm more than happy to help. I believe I can learn more by helping your settlement."

"You mean it?!"

The orcs have to hold each other to keep from falling. Their ordeal must have really made them desperate to seek me out. Which reminds me…

"How did you guys find me? Or even know who I am for that matter?"

Fergus wipes a tear from his eye and says, "A merchant told us about you. Said a witch took residence at the edge of the forest."

"Wait… Morten? Morten Sinau?"

"Ah, yes. That was his name. He's a strange man, but he sells things we wouldn't otherwise find without leaving the forest."

Of course. Morten did say he was traveling further into the forest and has done business with demihumans. To think he would blab about my existence here, that could have been very bad. I should be fortunate that Morten had good intentions.

...I also need to pay him back for that wand.

"That explains how you found me. Aren't you three terrified of the dragon's presence from my wards?"

Roga clears his throat and throws a nervous glance at the others. "We kind of just closed our eyes and walked forward. As soon as we saw your tree home we knew that it was just an illusion."

"Luugen near shit his pants. Haha!" Fergus teased.

"Shut up. You wanted to turn back! Anyway…" Luugen's tone takes a sudden shift. His light green skin takes on a reddish tint. "I've been meaning to ask, are you… married?"

"Me? No, why do you ask?" 

"Maybe the others are too considerate to mention it, but this place is thick with the scent of your pheromones."

My face turns red. "M-must be your imagination, I don't…"

"Orcs have a good nose for this. I also smell a goblin. You wouldn't happen to be…?"

Fergus and Roga nod in unison. "Normally goblins kidnap women, but it sounds like you're living with one?"

"You've got the wrong idea—"

"We won't judge! Some of our women have had experience with goblins before we rescued them!" Luugen assures me like it's no big deal, but I'm just getting more and more embarrassed by how casual they are about it.

Gurk suddenly bursts through the door, throwing small rocks at the orcs' backs. They do nothing but clatter off their muscular back. "Stay away from Mistress!"

"Gurk, stop! It's not what you think!"


Once I explained the situation to Gurk, he more or less calmed down. I imagine he isn't enthused about seeing a goblin's natural enemy in his home.

He continues to growl quietly while hidden behind my back. "Please, don't mind him. I'm sure your settlement had nothing to do with it, but his tribe used to be hunted by orcs."

All of us have taken a seat around the table. Because the orcs are so large, they opted to take a seat on the ground. I made the mistake of offering them tea, and now I'm met with the amusing site of orcs gingerly holding a tiny teacup between their fingers.

"We would never, not unless we're in genuine harm." Roga says, finishing his drink in a single sip.

Luugen and Fergus stare hard at Gurk, which likely isn't helping to cool his nerves. Meanwhile, Rio has quickly warmed up to the orcs and lays on top of Roga's head like a hat.

"So, that little guy's the lucky goblin." Luugen remarks with a trace of envy.

"Can we give that a rest…"

"That's right!" Gurk exclaims, shaking his fist at them. "Gurk and Mistress have sex every day! Make Mistress feel so good, Mistress begs for more— ack!"

I clock him over the head with my staff. "Any more out of you and there won't be an every day."

The orcs avoid eye contact with me when I turn my attention back to them. Rio hops off Roga's head and lands next to me on the table. 

"When should we expect your help, Miss Ellori?" Roga asks.

"Since I don't know the way, I think it would be best if I depart with you. I hope it won't be an issue if I bring my familiar and goblin?"

"Not at all! We can prepare you a place to stay, a personal residence so you and the goblin can have your private fun." 

"...Great." I mutter unenthusiastically. "We'll be ready to leave soon. I just need to prepare a few things."


While I synthesize a batch of potions, the orcs are kind enough to help dig a wide three foot deep plot in the ground. Once I return, I can get right to working on a project that involves cultivating coral and ranching freshwater fish.

I'm able to brew a number of Grade-A potions with high quality ingredients. They should prove useful in case there are violent encounters with other demihumans— which Roga believes is inevitable.

The journey to their settlement takes the better part of a day, further than I've gone previously. It would have taken longer if we had to make the trek ourselves, but the orcs lightened our load carrying most of the equipment and bags. 

By the time we arrive, the sun has long set and the bioluminescent algae that covered the forest illuminates the rest of our way. A number of orcs holding torches and clubs greet us at the entrance. Like the kobold tribe, their settlement is enclosed by a long palisade wall reinforced with wooden spikes at the base.

"Roga, you're back! And successful in bringing help it seems?" One of the orcs waves a torch in my direction. His club is smeared with fresh blood from a recent kill. He glances past me at Gurk who is clutching my cloak and cowering. "The help is smaller than I expected."

"You dumb swine, the witch! It's the witch who's here to help. The one the human merchant calls Ellori." Roga answers in my stead.

"Bwuohaha! It was a joke! We welcome you, Ellori. Goblin and cat, as well." The orc pushes open the gate to the unexpected sight of a sprawling village— no, a town, rather. 

Female humans and orcs populate the settlement. At a glance, it is maybe four or five times larger than Durai's farmstead. Though few, even kobolds and goblins live among them— an entire community of demihumans that I've never seen before outside of the Weeping Expanse.

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