The next day... (ps: don't ask, it's in the dark room)

On the bed in the Qun Yu Pavilion,

Su Yan slowly opened his eyes... and looked at the pretty lady in his arms, and her long eyelashes suddenly fluttered.

"woke up?"


Ningguang wiped her eyes in a daze, and when she saw the handsome face next to her, she nodded.

"Wake up...hiss!"

At this moment, a trace of pain can be seen on Ningguang's face.

"It hurts."

Su Yan knew what was going on, and immediately hooked Ningguang's nose, saying with great concern:"You should have a good rest today, and don't do business or anything like that. Mora will never make enough money."

""Okay, I'll listen to you."

If someone else said this, Ningguang might have immediately refuted it, but when these words came from Su Yan's mouth, she just felt warm in her heart.


Just as Hu Tao said, Su Yan's gentle smile is very charming

"953""Come to think of it, yesterday you said you would treat me to a meal, but you just drank glass after glass of wine. Were you trying to give yourself courage?"

"What else did you say?……"

Ningguang looked shy, but soon she said,"I have always been a strong-willed person, but I am not good at expressing myself to the person I like. Besides, aren't you very proactive... from day to night..."


Su Yan scratched his head. To be honest, he didn't feel tired at all after working for most of the day.

"Really hug……"

Just as she was about to apologize, Ningguang suddenly stroked Su Yan's face and said,"No need to apologize. You are extraordinary. I knew this from the beginning. No matter what happens in the future, at least I am your number one. I, Ningguang, will never lag behind anyone, whether in business or in other aspects.""

"This is like your personality."

Su Yan knew very well that Ningguang had this kind of personality. No matter what, she would strive to be the first.

Ningguang did not respond, but suddenly asked curiously:"Where are you going next?"

After hearing that Su Yan handed the Pokémon House to Diancie, she knew that Su Yan must be going somewhere to promote Pokémon.


Su Yan had no intention of hiding anything, and there was nothing to hide.


Ningguang raised her beautiful eyebrows in worry.

She knew Xumi, and some of the situation there, which was not good.

The Death Zone was the cancer there, which could make people lose all vitality and was very dangerous.

But soon, the worry on her face disappeared.

After all, the person next to her was someone who could even suppress the devil.

The worry just now was completely out of instinct.

Ningguang turned and asked,"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"No, I'm just going to make some preparations over there, and I'll be back soon."

Su Yan shook his head, then gently lifted Ningguang's delicate chin.

"I have already explained everything to Diancie. You can go to the Elf House tomorrow. Diancie will arrange a team of monsters to help you build the Elf Alliance. After everything is explained, you should train the Sharptooth Land Shark well in the next period of time. I am looking forward to seeing you through to the end."

After hearing this, Ningguang immediately covered her mouth and smiled:"Hehehe... Do you think this is protecting someone?"

"Of course, people have feelings. I hope you can make it to the end of the game. As for whether you can respond to me with actual actions, it depends on you."

In fact, even if he didn't have this relationship with Ningguang, Su Yan had hoped that she could win from the beginning.

Since Su Yan came to Liyue, this woman not only showed him her remarkable management ability, but also earned a lot of Mora for himself.

But Mora Su Yan didn't care.

The Rock King Emperor could make Mora, and as long as he understood the method, he could naturally make it.

For Su Yan, what is more important is that the elf industry chain can rise rapidly in Liyue...

Ningguang did this, and did it very beautifully.

Without her, Su Yan's promotion would not be so smooth.

The woman in his eyes now has helped him a lot from extraction to round land sharks. How could Su Yan not like it?

Moreover, impeccable eyebrows, just the right beautiful figure, and her business talent, who can refuse?

Maybe Ningguang is very competitive.

But in Su Yan's view, this is definitely an advantage.

Just like she responded to Su Yan's expectations

"Don't worry, I'll make it to the end"

"Okay, you have a good rest today, and work hard on training the Sharptooth Land Shark these days. Wait for me to come back, it will be soon.……"

After Su Yan left a mark on Ningguang's face, he slowly stood up from the bed. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) After tidying up his appearance, he looked at Ningguang again, his face was even more gentle.

"Dream is waiting for me, I have to go there now"

"Hee hee hee……"

Seeing that Su Yan still had to explain to her, Ningguang immediately covered her mouth and laughed.

"Go now, I'm not one of those women who just stays at home and complains because she can't bear to see her husband go out."[]

"Hahaha... that's right."

Don't mention it. Su Yan thought that he would just put on his clothes and leave. The other party would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Now it seems that he still underestimated Ning Guang.

"See you later, Ningguang0....."

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Yan disappeared into the Jade Pavilion.

Even though he had left, Ningguang still said:……

"See you"



In a moment,

Su Yan had arrived at Xumi according to the dreamlike atmosphere.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he had set foot on the land of Xumi since arriving in Teyvat.

The air of nature rushed towards him, but unfortunately... the air was still filled with a smell of death.

"Su Yan~ Why did you come just now?"

Because Su Yan was transferred according to the dream aura, he almost appeared next to the dream.


Su Yan scratched his face a little embarrassedly.

Isn't this... a date with a beautiful woman?

But he didn't know how to start the conversation...

Fortunately, Meng Huan didn't continue to ask, but started to report.

"Well, let’s not talk about this for now. Celebi is right beside Nashida now, and I have also found the God of Righteousness you mentioned. Not to mention, after I transformed into that great sage, people bowed to me wherever I went. It was quite refreshing."

Sure enough.

Azar, who was walking around in the Jingshan Palace before, was the result of a dreamlike transformation.

Of course, these were all told by Su Yan in advance.

Then Su Yan suddenly asked,"Have you seen that person?"


Menghuan folded her arms and shook her head.


Su Yan touched his chin, and then looked around to see that he was in Xumi City.

He smiled and said,"Let's go for a walk."

However, Menghuan curled her cheeks at this time.

"Um... Su Yan, there is one thing I haven't had time to tell you. The Xumi City's Order Institute recently issued an order to the void terminal."

"Oh, what order?"

Only after Su Yan asked, Menghuan explained:"Xumeru does not allow anyone to bring Pokémon"

" seems that the Ministry of Education has received the news of the appearance of Pokemon in Liyue. Are they afraid that the Xumi people will have the power to resist them, or are they worried that it will ruin their plans?"

Su Yan could guess the reason why this decree was issued.

Because of this, the Ministry of, the people who issued this decree must not leave it alone.

"It doesn't matter, we just walk around Xumi City. I want to see if there will be any surprises."

After saying that, Su Yan walked in the direction of the entrance.

Seeing this, Meng Huan hurriedly chased after him.


Hehe, do you want to cause trouble in Xumi City? I have to do it!".

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