
As Menghuan said, Su Yan took it to the streets of Xumi City.

The guards immediately surrounded him.

"What advice do you have?"

Su Yan smiled faintly, even though he was surrounded by more than 20 guards, he was still chatting and laughing.

Speaking of which... when he destroyed the Kanjo Bugyo in Inazuma, no one knew his identity except those merchants in Liyue, and no one knew that he was going to rescue Pokémon.

Although Ying and Shen Zi knew it well, they would never say a word more.

In this way, it is even more impossible for Xumi to get the news.

Otherwise, how dare the Church?

Fortunately, they haven't done anything like the Kanjo Bugyo again. Otherwise

, what happened in Inazuma will be repeated in Xumi... and the exclusion of Pokémon is all for the smooth progress of their god-making plan, and no accidents are allowed.

As soon as Su Yan's voice fell.

The guards of Xumi City immediately shouted:"You, how did you bring the Pokémon to Xumi City? And you didn't bring the Void Terminal with you, did you use some 06 method to smuggle?!"

Xumi has a clear ban on Pokemon. Even if merchants from other countries bring Pokemon, they will be stopped as soon as they enter the country of Xumi...

As a result, Su Yan's inexplicable appearance in Xumi City, and with Pokemon, made the guards very puzzled.

Facing the guards' questioning...

Su Yan smiled slowly and said,"Well, if you want to say it's smuggling... it's not wrong."

He was telling the truth, after all, he teleported here.

"Humph, it's indeed a smuggler. Are all those guards at the Xumi border good-for-nothings? They actually let someone run to Xumi City."

The guard snorted coldly, and then he looked at Su Yan coldly.

"The Order of the Church has ordered that no one is allowed to bring Pokémon into the Kingdom of Xumi. Since you are sneaking here, come with us."

With that, the guard pointed his spear at Dream without saying anything.

"As for the Pokémon you brought... the Ministry of Education has ordered that they must not appear in Xumi.


Menghuan's eyes widened immediately, then he looked at Su Yan and asked telepathically,"Does he want to kill me?"

"Yes."Su Yan still had a smile on his face.

You can point your guard weapon at anyone else, but you dare to point it at Menghuan?

Of course.

Because Menghuan used telepathy, the guards of the Order of the Church did not notice it, they just saw it staring with wide eyes.

In a way, Menghuan's surprised expression looked like he was afraid.

"Little thing, blame your master, who allowed him to bring you into Xumi City so brazenly."

After the guard who questioned Su Yan said this, he aimed his spear at Huanhuan without any hesitation.

"Damn it!"

Huan Huan never thought that this man could be so cruel.

He could kill her even though she looked so cute?!

Huan Huan was angry!

A strong light burst out from her eyes.

The next second!

The guard who raised his spear to stab Huan Huan felt that his whole body was completely out of control.

He stared at Huan Huan with wide eyes.

"What kind of monster are you?……"

"How dare you scold me!"

With a flick of his finger, the guard suddenly rose into the air under the control of his mind.

"Put him down!" Seeing this, the other guards prepared to rush forward.


A rather majestic voice suddenly sounded from a distance.

As soon as his shouting sounded, all the guards stood at attention and saluted.

""Great Sage!"

The person who came was so familiar. It was Azar, the Great Sage of the Order Institute, and the person that Menghuan pretended to be two days ago.

In fact, he was doing something nearby. When he heard the commotion here, he brought a few masters of the Order Institute to take a look.

Then, he saw the guard failed to stab Menghuan and was lifted into the air instead. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Su Yan had already noticed these things. Although Azar was not the person he was waiting for,

"Dream, don't do it yet"


Menghuan had no objection, but still used his mind to control the guard.

"My friend, where are you from?"[]

At this time, Hazard walked over slowly, and after taking a look at Su Yan and Meng Huan, his tone was quite friendly.


Su Yan still smiled and answered Azar's question concisely.

"My friend from Liyue, Xumi has a strict order to prohibit unknown creatures such as Pokemon from entering, and this guard is just fulfilling his duty."

As he said this, Azar turned to Dream

"However, this little guy is so cute, it would be a pity to kill him like this."

Finally, Azar's eyes fell on Su Yan.

"Why don't you hand it over to the Council of Ordinances? This way, it can be spared from death, and the Council of Ordinances can also use it to investigate whether it is dangerous. If it is truly harmless, the Council of Ordinances may consider accepting these creatures in the future. What do you think?"

"Hand it over to the Ministry of Education?"

Su Yan didn't expect that Azar would actually say such a thing.

Don't say it...

If I hadn't played Genshin Impact, I would have really thought that this hypocritical guy wanted to let Menghuan go.

In Su Yan's mind, he guessed that this guy was interested in Menghuan, probably because of the way he could easily control the guards...

And Azar continued to talk freely.

"Yes, I ordered not to allow this kind of unknown creature to enter Xumi some time ago. This is all to ensure the safety of the people. I see that you don’t have a void terminal yet. If you agree, not only can you enter and leave Xumi City freely, but there will be no more guards to bother you. In addition, I can also give you a void terminal as a gift."

Then, Azar added

"I don't want to make this unpleasant."

On the surface, Azar said it was for Xumi.

But in the hidden words, he was warning Su Yan... If you agree, it's fine.

If you don't agree, you will be his enemy.

If you are his enemy, you will be the enemy of the entire Church.

But in front of the public... he still has to pretend.

If there were no Xumi people around, I'm afraid he would have let several masters of the Church snatch it away directly.

However, this hypocrisy only lasted for Su Yan's next sentence.

"Great Sage, are you sure this is for the safety of the people? And not because of the God-making Plan?"

At this point, Su Yan paused deliberately, looking at Azar whose expression suddenly changed, and then continued.

"Pokémon have extraordinary powers, I'm sure you've heard about it a long time ago. You're just afraid that people who oppose the Order will affect your plan to create gods after getting Pokémon.……"

"Am I right?" As soon as these words came out, except for the guard who was controlled by the dream, all the other guards raised their eyebrows.

God-making plan?

What is that?

Obviously, the guards around didn't seem to know.

On the other hand, Azar's sanctimonious face had completely changed.

He signaled the master of the Order Academy beside him.

"Catch him, no, catch the cat too. I don't want them to be in Xumi City anymore."

I want to say:

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