"Who are you, who are you?"

"I, I, I don't have any deep hatred with you."

At this moment, Azar was trembling physically and mentally. After all, dozens of masters of the Order Academy exploded into blood mist in front of him.

He didn't even know the process.


This is the most terrifying thing.

What's more, scholars of Xumi all regard knowledge as power, and now this power has exceeded his knowledge.

How can he not be afraid?

"Great Sage, you are so forgetful. Didn't you just want to kill me and my Pokémon?"

Su Yan laughed and stood up again.

Then... he smiled and said to Azar

"How about this, you are a great sage of Xumi after all, I will give you five days, after five days I will personally go to the Temple to take your life, in the remaining five days you have, arrange your own affairs after death"


Azar was stunned.

He didn't understand.

Even the doctor who was watching this scene, although his emotions could not be seen under the mask, he couldn't understand.

Su Yan could kill Azar right now.

Why did he give him five days?

Of course.

Not to mention that they didn't understand, even Menghuan blinked.

"Su Yan, why did you give him five days? Wouldn't it be better to kill him now and rescue Nashida?"

"Let's leave here first."

Su Yan did not answer Huan Huan, but put his hand on it and stepped on it.

The next second,

Su Yan and Huan Huan had disappeared in Xumi City.


The doctor was surprised to see the two suddenly disappear.

"It actually completely disappeared?!"

At the same time……


"Pain, pain, pain……!!!"

Those guards who were controlled by the dream earlier and were unaware of the situation, all fell to the ground from mid-air.

"Five, five days... I, I only have five days left to live?"

On the other hand, Azar's expression was full of fear of death.

But soon... that fear lasted for a long time, and his face gradually became hideous.

"No, no, I am the great sage of the Court of Deputies!!!"



"Su Yan, why did you give him five days instead of just killing the great sage? Wouldn't that way Nashida could regain control of Xumi?"

On a small hill somewhere in Xumi, Huanhuan was confused.

It believed Su Yan, but couldn't figure out what he wanted to do.

Just as Huanhuan's words fell, Su Yan suddenly asked back:"Huanhuan, you have been in Xumi for so many days. Who do you think the people of Xumi will trust more in terms of their attitude towards the Church and Nashida?"

Huanhuan's expression was suddenly stunned by this question.

"Uh...House of the Decrees"

"That's right, Nashida's prestige in the hearts of the people of Xumi is not as good as that guy named Azar. If I kill him and rescue Nashida, people will only be afraid of Pokémon."

At this point, Su Yan smiled slightly:"After all, my goal in Teyvat is to popularize Pokémon, not to destroy the world."

"Hmm... you're right."

Dream folded his arms, wondering why he hadn't thought of this.

But there was one thing he still couldn't understand.

"So what difference would it make if he lives five more days?"

Su Yan didn't mind Menghuan talking too much, but patiently explained:"As the great sage of the Order Institute, Azar holds a high position and has the power of the entire Xumi in his hands. If a man like this knew that he would die in five days, what do you think he would do?"

"Fight with you……"

Dreamy pouted. It's not stupid. No one would wait to die.

"But what can he use to fight you?……"

Just when Menghuan wanted to ask what Hazard could do to fight with him, he suddenly realized!

"Ah! You asked me to find the God of Righteousness before, so it was for this matter?"

"Haha, smart, just wait and see. By then, Nashida and Pokémon will become the saviors in the eyes of the Xumi people, and Azar will become a sinner. So……"

After explaining this, Su Yan suddenly looked towards the direction of Xumi City.

"Doctor, I kept you here because you can't die now, but I only gave you five days... By then you will be happy to kill all your sliced avatars, and then die in my hands." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Hearing Su Yan's mumbling, Menghuan blinked her eyes. How come a doctor suddenly appeared?

"By the way, Su Yan, what should we do now?"

"Find a place to live. I will open another dimensional channel to connect to Tianguan Mountain, and then summon Zygarde. It is the best guardian of the environmental ecosystem to clear the dead zone of Xumi."

Su Yan already had an idea in mind.[]

Since Pokémon are going to come to Xumi, the Death Zone must not remain.

As long as the Death Zone in Xumi continues to occur, it will definitely endanger Pokémon living in the wild in the future.


"I also have some selfish motives, I want the Great Compassion Tree King to become a real world tree."

After saying that,

Su Yan and Menghuan flashed and disappeared on the hillside again.




Near the city wall.

An evil red mist filled the air, and inside it were branches emitting red flowers, which were constantly transforming into monsters.

All life was lost in this place, and the grass and trees were withering.

"Cough cough cough……"

The pretty girl with grass green hair was holding a bow and arrow, shooting at the monsters while coughing non-stop.

Not far from the girl, there was a man who was also fighting against monsters.

He was an expert archer, and every time he shot an arrow, a monster would be killed.

The most special thing about the man was his two black animal ears, which looked very nice to touch.

""Kelai, leave here quickly! I will take care of this dead zone."

The girl's name is Kelai, and she is an apprentice forest ranger in Huachengguo.

Today, she and the man came out to pick herbs. Unexpectedly, the dead zone suddenly appeared while they were picking herbs.

In order to prevent the dead zone from affecting Huachengguo, they had to stay and clean it up.

"Master, I'm fine.……"

Just as Kelai finished speaking, bang!

Suddenly, the hand that was pulling the bow became weak, and the whole person looked dizzy and almost collapsed.

""Oh no, Kelai, your demonic scale disease has relapsed again!"

The man who was regarded as Kelai's master was anxious when he saw this, and then he shouted loudly:

"Get out of this dead zone!"


In order not to cause trouble to her master, Kelai gritted her teeth and wanted to leave the dead zone.

However, her condition was rapidly getting worse, and gradually, her feet became uncontrollable.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside Kelai and held her in his arms.

Kelai, who was already in a trance, raised her head slightly. The person holding her was a young man with a particularly gentle smile, and next to him was a pink hairless cat?

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

There is no doubt that the young man is Su Yan

"Not a master……"

When Kelai fell into a coma,

Su Yan's eyes flashed as he swept across the entire dead zone...

The next second!

All the evil red lights suddenly turned into gray smoke and dissipated in the air. Those monsters that fell into madness were instantly reduced to ashes.

And this happened in just a breath of time.

At this time...

Kelai's master was in a daze.

"The Death Zone was destroyed just like that?".

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