After the dead zone was destroyed, the entire forest returned to clearness. Cole's master came to Su Yan.

Seeing that Cole seemed to have just fallen asleep, he was relieved.

Su Yan was in front of him, so he quickly put his hand over his heart and saluted while introducing himself.

"Hello, I am the ranger of Daocheng Forest, Tinari.

Su Yan nodded slightly, and the other party politely introduced himself.

"Hello, you can call me Su Yan, the Tinari Ranger"

"Mr. Su Yan, may I ask……"

When Su Yan introduced himself, Tinari suddenly felt that his name sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember it. He looked at the place where the dead zone had just occurred and asked:

"Excuse me, was it the Pokémon next to you that just removed the dead zone?"

No way.

Su Yan just raised his eyelids to eliminate the dead zone. Not to mention that Tinari was fighting those monsters just now, even if he was not distracted, he could not tell that it was Su Yan who did it himself.

In addition, Menghuan was right next to Su Yan.

"Ah... that's right."

Su Yan glanced at Huanhuan, then nodded to Tinari.

Since the other party thought it was a fantasy, then just think so...

After hearing Su Yan's answer, Tinari's face suddenly turned ugly.

"I didn't expect that Pokémon could actually remove the dead zone, but the Order Institute banned them from entering Xumi. It was really confusing."

But soon, he came to his senses.

"Ah, sorry, you must have entered Xumi by some means, after all, Xumi now prohibits people from carrying Pokemon."

Su Yan smiled and replied:"Yes, I came from Liyue. I wanted to rest in Huachengguo, but I happened to pass by this forest and saw you trapped in the dead zone, so I asked my partner to help."

"Thank you. Don't worry. If someone comes to check, I won't reveal your whereabouts. After all, without your help just now, I'm afraid my apprentice would……"

At this time, Tinari looked at Kelai who was sleeping in Su Yan's arms, his face full of worry.

It was a close call.

It was a close call that Kelai was saved because of Su Yan's appearance.

At this time, Su Yan looked at Kelai and seemed to be talking to himself:"Demon scale disease?"

As soon as these words came out,

Tinari's face was suddenly filled with surprise.

"Do you know Demon Scale?"

"Yes, I know, and... maybe I can cure it."

After that, Su Yan slowly moved his hand to Cole's forehead, and his whole hand suddenly flashed with colorful colors.

It is conceivable how shocked Tinari was at this moment.

He has been collecting various herbs and trying to cure his apprentice's condition.

But let alone curing the magic scale disease, no matter what he tried, it can only temporarily suppress it.

What's more, Cole's condition is still getting worse.

Now Su Yan said... can it be cured?

At this moment, although Tinari's face was full of shock, he didn't say a word.

He was afraid of disturbing Su Yan's treatment of Cole...

Only a few seconds later


Ke Lai, who had fainted, suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, Su Yan happened to pull his hand back.


When Kelai woke up, she saw that she was being hugged by a strange man. She was so frightened that she quickly broke free.

But the next second, she looked at her hands again, and then felt her body again, and the pain seemed to disappear completely.

"Hey, I, I... I feel so comfortable. I feel like I have never felt so comfortable before.

Seeing this scene, Tinari seemed to be incredulous.

"Cole, are you okay? Have you recovered from your demonic scale disease?"


Kelai blinked. After all, she had just fainted and had no idea what had happened.

But she still answered Tinari's question:"I, I feel relaxed all over. The magic scale disease seems to have really disappeared. Master, what's going on?"

"Mr. Su Yan, you...thank you."

Hearing Cole's answer, Tinari immediately looked at Su Yan, his face full of excitement.

Cole, who was still unclear about the situation, slowly asked a question.

After a while. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Tinari told Cole everything that had just happened.

"Mr. Su Yan, you not only saved me, but also cured my demonic scale disease. Thank you, thank you."

It is conceivable how excited Ke Lai was at this moment.

However, Su Yan shook his head.

"You're welcome, but you still need to rest for about three days. If there is no relapse, then you are completely cured."[]

Su Yan did not lie to Kelai.

The main reason was that he did not have the knowledge of a doctor. He just used his own power to purify the cause in Kelai's body. As for whether it has been completely removed, it really needs to be observed for a few days.

Moreover... even if Kelai's disease relapses, it doesn't matter.

After a few days, when he purifies the source of the magic scale disease, people with this disease will naturally recover.

But Tinari was nervous again.

"Three days?"

He suddenly asked,"Mr. Su Yan, can I ask you for a favor?"

Although Su Yan roughly knew what the other party wanted to say, he still wanted to hear what he had to say.

"you say"

"Could you please rest in Huacheng for a few days? I am worried that Cole's magic scale disease will relapse."

At this point, Tinari also quickly added:"If you are willing, I will owe you a favor for this matter, and I will definitely repay you in the future."

"No, no, no, Master, this is my illness. I have to repay Mr. Su Yan.……"

At this moment, Kelai beside him clenched his fist nervously, looked at Tinari, and then looked at Su Yan.

At this moment, Su Yan smiled faintly.

"Well, I'm going to stay in Huachengguo for a few days anyway, so I'll take care of your apprentice."

It takes time to open the dimensional rift.

With the previous two experiences, Su Yan believes that he should be much more proficient this time.

Huachengguo is also a good place to stay temporarily, otherwise he would not appear here, let alone meet these two masters and apprentices.

Seeing Su Yan agreed, Tinari and Kelai both showed joy.


"Thank you, Mr. Su Yan!"

As soon as they finished speaking, Su Yan suddenly said,"I'm in Huachengguo these few days, Kelai, you can only come to see me at 9 o'clock every morning. I have things to do at other times, so please don't disturb me."


Kelai nodded repeatedly.

Tinari said,"Mr. Su Yan, why don't you live in my house? Don't worry, I will go somewhere else these days and will definitely not disturb you."

"That's fine."

Su Yan didn't have any objections. He just had to wait until everything was arranged...

At this moment, he suddenly found that Ke Lai was looking at Meng Huan with curiosity.

"Is this Pokémon? Such a cute cat."


Menghuan said angrily,"You are the cat, your whole family is a cat!"

"Eh, isn't it?"

Kelai quickly apologized to Menghuan:"I'm sorry, sorry,, you spoke? No, the voice just now was in my head!"

Then, Menghuan crossed his arms proudly and said

"Tsk, it's just telepathy, what's the big deal?"

I want to say:

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