
This is a small village on the edge of Xumi.

Further to Liyue is the location of the Layered Rock Abyss...

Although it is a small border village, it is beautiful with beautiful mountains and rivers. Living in such a place, people feel more comfortable.

Today is Su Yan's first day in Huachengguo.

He lived in Tinari's house, a very simple residence.

And from time to time, he could always smell the scent of medicine.

But the smell was very good and did not make people feel uncomfortable at all.

At 9 o'clock this morning……

"Hey, Menghuan, look what I brought you?"

Kelai came to Su Yan for a checkup on time, holding some food in his hand.

Su Yan and Menghuan just walked out of the room.

"Is it a pocket pancake?"

"Hey, Mr. Su Yan, you actually know about pocket biscuits?!"

Ke Lai looked at Su Yan in surprise. This was the dry food that forest rangers liked to carry with them.

Wasn't Su Yan from Liyue?

How did he know at a glance that he had a pocket biscuit in his hand?"One hundred and ninety-seven"

At this time, Menghuan's mouth was a little moist, and he asked:"Su Yan, is the pocket biscuit delicious?"

Unexpectedly, Su Yan spread his hands.

"I haven't eaten it either."


Menghuan scratched his face and glanced at Su Yan speechlessly.

"Hehe, then Mr. Su Yan and Menghuan, you must try it."

After that, Kelai smiled and handed two pocket cakes to Su Yan and Menghuan respectively.

Then she clasped her hands together to Menghuan:"Menghuan, I'm sorry, I mistook you for a cat yesterday. This is the pocket cake I made by myself, do you think it's an apology?"

"Humph, alright, I'll forgive you."

Although Huanhuan's tone was arrogant, its drooling appearance really made Su Yan speechless.

"Okay, I'm busy these two days. After I finish checking her, you can accompany Ke Lai to play in Huachengguo. If she needs anything, come to me."


Seeing that Ke Lai had brought delicious food, Meng Huan naturally had no objection.

After a while,

Su Yan put his hand on Ke Lai's forehead and carefully examined her.

After about a few minutes...

Su Yan suddenly frowned.

"There is nothing strange in your body, but your body temperature seems a little hot."

Looking at Ke Lai again, she looked nervous and her face was burning.

It was not her fault, mainly because Su Yan was very close to her, and she remembered that he held her in his arms yesterday.

Although she fainted quickly at that time

, she still couldn't help feeling shy when she thought about it now.……

"Um, um...Mr. Su Yan, are you okay?"

"Well, it's fine."

Su Yan pulled his hand back and said to her,"Observe for two more days. If it doesn't relapse, you won't be tormented by this demon scale disease anymore."

"Mr. Su Yan, thank you so much, thank you for helping me with my treatment and saving me.

Ke Lai expressed his gratitude to Su Yan again.

"Don't worry about it."

Looking at the girl in front of him, Su Yan also felt pity.

People tortured by the magic scale disease are almost on the verge of life and death every day, and it is impossible for them to live long. They may die one day.

Even so, Ke Lai still became a forest ranger and faced it actively. Although he was an apprentice……

"Then please take Menghuan with you to wander around. Even if you encounter a dead zone, it doesn't matter. With it, there will be no danger."


Kelai nodded repeatedly, then looked at Menghuan and said,"Menghuan, I will take you to see the most beautiful scenery in Daocheng Forest, okay?"

"That's fine."

Menghuan thought about it, then nodded and agreed.

It knew what Su Yan was going to do next.

And playing with Kelai was much more interesting than opening the dimensional rift.


Menghuan and Lake left the hut together.

"It's time to construct the dimensional rift, so let's choose Xiangzui Slope."

Having thought in mind, Su Yan stepped forward and disappeared from home.

When he reappeared... he was already in Xiangzui Slope.

Xiangzui Slope.

Although it is far from Huacheng, it is facing Xumi City and Lidu Valley.

In Su Yan's opinion, this is the best place to construct the dimensional rift.

He immediately stretched out his hand in the air, and the force that was enough to tear the space was immediately pulled open by the dark crack.

"Opening the space crack is simple, but it is more difficult to construct a passage connecting to Tianguan Mountain from this space." (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But with the experience of the previous two times, I estimate that this time it can be completed in two days at most."

After saying that, Su Yan flew into the crack.

After a while... the crack gradually disappeared. Even if someone passed by here now, they would not see any changes in the sky here.[]

At the same time...

Xumi City, Jingshan Palace!

""Damn it!!!"

The great sage Azar was shaking with anger in his office.

He was a great sage of Xumi, who could even imprison gods. It was fine that he lost his temper in front of countless people yesterday.

Now he was sentenced to death.

The most terrifying thing was that the man came and went without a trace, and easily killed many masters of the Order.

Recalling that tragic death...

Azar didn't think that man was joking.

The wiser people are, the more they understand that in the face of absolute strength, they can only be manipulated by others.

Because of this... He didn't sleep all night, and ordered everyone in the Order to search the void to find out the origin of Su Yan.

"Hateful, who on earth is that person!!!"

When his two fists were so full of hatred that even his nails were digging into his flesh,……

"Great Sage, I have found it!"

A student from the Teaching Academy rushed in........

Azar asked quickly,"Did you find that person?"

But his eyes were full of bloodshot, and his face looked even more hideous after spending the night in panic.

"That, that……"

The students of the Order Academy were in disbelief when they saw the Great Sage become like this.

Even so, he hurriedly reported:"We have searched the Void Terminal for a long time and finally found a clue. The man should be Su Yan, from the Elf House in Liyue, and he is the one who brought Pokémon into this world."

"Su Yan?!"

Speaking of this name, Azar obviously had an impression of it.

The Academy of the Order Academy continued to report:"That's right, and what's even more terrifying is... According to intelligence sources, this person also has a god-level Pokémon."

"God-level Pokémon?!"

As soon as these words came out, the image of Dream immediately emerged in Azar's mind.

Those people were killed by Su Yan yesterday, but his method was too bizarre. Not to mention Azar, even the doctor thought it was Dream's doing.

After all, it was Dream who controlled all the masters and guards of the Order Academy, and they all saw it.

Thinking of this,

Azar's eyes were full of malice.

"Where on earth did that person come from? Why did he come to Xumi? Obviously, I would be able to create a god in a short period of time. Why did he do this now?……"

He was unwilling to accept this.

If he still had hope before, he couldn't hold it back after hearing the report.

God-level Pokémon?

4.7 Is there still hope for him to survive?

However, at this moment... another student from the Order Academy rushed over.

"Lord Azar, a report just came in that the God of Righteousness in Li Dugu seems to be able to move."

"Can it move?"

Hazard turned around in disbelief, and then asked hurriedly:"How is this possible? The power we currently have is not enough to drive it. How can it move?"

"It's the doctor."

The student who came later said again:"I don't know what method he used to make the God of Righteousness suddenly work normally."

"Ha, ha, ha ha ha ha ha… I didn’t lose, I haven’t lost yet!!!"

After confirming that the God of Righteousness could work, Hazard’s face, which was in panic just now, slowly returned to normal.

"Now that I also possess the power of a god, it is too early to draw conclusions about who will win."

"Elf House……"

"Humph, things that don't belong to this world should be destroyed."

"God, the same"

I want to say:

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