Lidu Valley, the manufacturing place of the God of Righteousness!

The dream incarnation in the form of Azar had been here before.

As for what it came here for?

No one knows except Su Yan and Celebi.

At this moment.

After receiving the report from the students, the real Azar hurried over from Jingshan Palace.

As soon as he entered the room where the God of Righteousness was, Azar saw someone waiting in front of him...

That person was the doctor.

Azar hurriedly walked towards him and asked,"What's the matter? After that person died, didn't we lack the energy needed to drive the God of Righteousness? Why can it start up suddenly? What did you do?"

As a great sage of Xumi, the knowledge he possesses is beyond ordinary people.

However, he can't figure it out now... How did the doctor get the God of Righteousness to start?


However, after a moment of silence, the doctor replied:

"You...see for yourself."

As soon as the words fell, the doctor operated the console for a while, and the container containing the God of Machine suddenly opened.


07 Suddenly, the whole room was shaking, as if there was something horrible underground, slowly rising up through the elevator.

Then... in the elevator, an extremely crazy voice suddenly sounded.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!!"

"Is this the power of God?!!!!"

"It's so cool!!!"

Crazy, eager, and cool laughter suddenly rang out from the elevator.

Then... a robot slowly appeared in front of the doctor and Azar.

This humanoid robot was about ten meters tall and several stories high.

Its color was complex, mainly purple, and was infected with white, red, gold and other colors.

The most special thing was the five lightning element symbols behind the robot, as if symbolizing its attributes. Just like this, purple lightning jumped around the God of Righteousness, sometimes in the shape of arcs, sometimes in the shape of lightning.

Each lightning was full of destructive power.

Seeing this... the great sage Azar's previous fear of Su Yan had now turned into surprise.

"Oh, it really, really moves."

Although he had the scholar's report, he was still skeptical.

Now that he really saw that the God of Righteousness could move, you can imagine how excited he was.

In addition to having the capital to fight against Su Yan... there is also the feat of creating a god.

Because in Azar's view, this is the ultimate that a scholar pursues.

Of course, the crazy voice just now did not come from the God of Righteousness.

Instead, it resounded throughout the room from the core of the God of Righteousness.


As soon as the door of the core of the God of Righteousness opened, a familiar figure slowly floated out from it.


When Azar saw this figure, his face full of surprise before suddenly turned into horror.

"You, you're still alive?!"

"What...are you eager for me to die?"

Although the voice of the person who spoke was very gentle, it sounded very unpleasant.

And the person who spoke... turned out to be...Sanbing who had died on Inazuma Island!

(Ps: The author is afraid of being criticized for suddenly resurrecting Sanbing when he was obviously dead, so he will first add some armor here. Su Yan said that Sanbing is dead, which is absolute, and it is not that the protagonist resurrected Sanbing or something like that. But to avoid spoilers, the author can only say that it will be made clear later.)

Only after Sanbing spoke, Azar hurriedly shook his head and said:"How is it possible, we are partners, if you die, everything the Order Institute has done will be in vain."

Even though Sanbing's words sounded unpleasant.

But for Azar now, at this moment, there is really nothing that can make him happier than seeing Sanbing.

After all, he doesn't have much time left, and Sanbing being alive is undoubtedly his last straw

"Hehe...hahahaha……"(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Seeing Hazard's cowardly look, Sanbing immediately raised his head and laughed.

Very crazy, very crazy.

But not long after...

He looked at the doctor again, his eyes gradually became a little cold.

"Come to think of it…should I thank you? If you hadn’t brought my body back, I wouldn’t be able to feel the power of God now."

After the Scattering Soldier’s voice fell, the Doctor suddenly smiled faintly.

But this smile seemed to have no emotion at all.……

"After all, I also want to see how powerful the God I created is. What makes me feel strange is that you clearly had no signs of life before, so why did you suddenly wake up?"

When saying the word"life", the doctor deliberately emphasized the tone.


He looked in the direction of the scattered soldiers, and his tone suddenly became strange.


To be honest... I really want to cut you open and see what happened.

"You are looking for death!!"

The scattered soldier gritted his teeth, and the lightning element in his body began to riot.


However, facing the wrath of the God of Righteousness, the doctor suddenly turned around and walked towards the exit, waving his hand.

"Don't be angry yet, your enemy now is not me, and your divine body is not fully adapted yet, so you should adjust it to the best condition before that person causes trouble for you."

After a while... the doctor had left the room.


During this time, Sanbing has been watching the doctor's back as he left, his fingers and palms clenched tightly.

"If this broken thing could not be controlled freely, I really wanted to punch him in the back of the head."

This sentence came from Sanbing's heart.

At this time, Azar suddenly said:"He is right. The most urgent thing now is to adjust the fuselage of your 677. I will mobilize all the power of the Order Institute so that you can take action in the shortest time. Four days, no, three days, just three days can be done."

Sanbing suddenly came to life, and the God of Righteousness could finally be driven. This was undoubtedly the last trump card for Azar.

But he knew that it was not the time to relax...

He had limited time. Before adjusting the God of Righteousness, who knew if the other party would come to the door in advance?

So now for Azar, time is like life passing.

There is no room for waste.

And seeing Azar so nervous...

Sanbing's eyes flashed, and there was a hint of disdain and shame in his eyes.

Even so, he still smiled and said

"Hehehe... Then I'll leave it to you, great, wise, and great man."

"No problem."

Azar stroked his beard and nodded, then turned and left.

He was ready to mobilize all the people in the Ministry of Education who could do this.

Only after everyone left the room... did the scattered soldiers fly out of the God of Righteousness.

He looked carefully at the God of Righteousness in front of him.

Finally, he suddenly muttered:"It's really a good power... What a pity."

At the same time...

Xiangzui Slope.

Su Yan's eyes were looking at Lidu Valley, which was also the direction of the God of Righteousness.

"Yeah, what a pity."

I want to say:

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