Time flies.

Before I knew it, it was already the third day since Su Yan came to Xumi.

"Well, it has not recurred. It seems that your demonic scale disease has been completely cured."

Su Yan diagnosed Ke Lai again, and everything went very smoothly.

Originally, he treated Ke Lai, in addition to his pity, he also wanted to try whether it would work.

Unexpectedly, it really worked.


I said before that Su Yan's current power is not completely inherited from his previous life.

But in recent times, he found that he has become more and more adept at controlling his power.

Just thinking of this……


After hearing Su Yan say that he had recovered, it is conceivable that Cole's whole body was shaking.

Tears gently slid down from the corners of her eyes...

She didn't know how much suffering she had suffered from the magic scale disease, and she was even used as an experimental subject by the Fatui.

At one time, her life was only filled with hatred.

Fortunately, her life was not full of tragedy.

Not only did she make friends in Mondstadt, but she also had the care of her master Tinari.

She slowly opened her heart and pursued living.

After meeting Su Yan, he not only saved her at the most dangerous and critical moment, but also cured the magic scale disease that everyone was helpless against.

Seeing that Cole was already crying like a tearful person...

Su Yan immediately slowly reached out and patted her on the head.

"Don't worry, your demonic scale disease factor has been purified by me, and you will never have to suffer this kind of pain again. Why are you crying for something that is worth being happy about?"As soon as the voice fell,

Ke Lai could no longer bear the joy and relief in his heart, and immediately hugged Su Yan with both hands.

"Thank you, Mr. Su Yan, woo...woo……"


Su Yan did not push her away, and he knew that Ke Lai needed to vent his emotions the most.

He did not move, and let Ke Lai hold him tightly... even though his clothes were soaked with tears. It was not until a long time later... after venting her emotions, Ke Lai realized that she had lost her composure.

Looking at Su Yan's clothes again... she immediately bent down in panic and apologized quickly:"I'm sorry, Mr. Su Yan, it's all my fault. I soiled your clothes."

"It's okay, don't worry about it.'

Su Yan smiled and wiped his clothes with his hands.

The next moment!

The wet part of his clothes was dried in an instant, without even a trace of dirt.

Ke Lai's eyes widened immediately.

"Wow... So amazing, Mr. Su Yan, are you a god?" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Tinari walking towards him from outside the house, but because Cole's voice was too loud, he also heard it.

"Mr. Su Yan is not a god, he is the one who brought Pokémon to this world."

"Hehe... It seems that you have investigated me a lot these days, Mr. Tinari."

Su Yan smiled faintly, obviously he didn't care.

Since Tinari dared to speak in front of Su Yan, he naturally didn't intend to hide it.

He bowed to Su Yan in the manner of a forest ranger and said

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su Yan, because your power is far beyond my imagination. I have been asking around the Liyue people at the border these days. I didn't expect that as soon as I mentioned your name, the Liyue people would tell you about your deeds in Liyue with admiration on their faces."

After Tinari finished speaking,

Su Yan shook his head:"No need to apologize, since I have told you my real name, I naturally don't mind you investigating."

In fact, Tinari is very smart and naturally guessed this.

But at this moment, he suddenly said:"At the same time, I received a letter from Xumi City this morning, saying that someone suddenly appeared in Xumi City a few days ago. Not only did he kill dozens of masters of the Church Order Academy, he also announced the countdown to the death of the great sage of the Church Order Academy, and then mysteriously disappeared in Xumi City, and that person……"

At this point, Tinari suddenly looked at Dream

"A Pokémon with a pink hairless cat"


After hearing this, Menghuan's eyes widened, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he sighed helplessly.

This time, he didn't get angry... He thought, forget it, he's used to it.

Just as Tinari finished speaking. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Kelai suddenly looked at Su Yan in disbelief.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su Yan, you announced the countdown to death to the Great Sage of the Order?"

Su Yan did not deny it, but nodded:"Well, but this matter has nothing to do with you, so I don't intend to tell you why I did it."

Unexpectedly, Tinari asked:"You saved Cole, I won't ask, but I still want to say... Is there anything I can help you with?"


Su Yan was quite surprised by Tinari's words, so he asked curiously,"I remember you also belong to the Church Order Institute, right? Why, you don't regard me as an enemy, but you actually said you want to help me?"

"Mr. Su Yan, you underestimate me too much. I have my own judgment. From the people of Liyue, I can tell what kind of changes you have brought to Liyue, and I know that you are not a person who kills indiscriminately."

As a talented disciple of a certain person in the Order Academy, Tinari had a bright future.

But he chose to be a forest ranger in this small country village, which shows that he was not satisfied with some of the practices of the Order Academy.

In addition, after inquiring in the past few days, he could always hear praises for Su Yan from everyone in Liyue.

He has his own considerations.

At the same time...

Cole asked without hesitation:"Mr. Su Yan, you saved my life. Although I am far inferior to the master, no matter what you ask, I will do my best to help you."


Seeing the two people's serious expressions, Su Yan smiled slightly.

Although his rescue of Ke Lai was just an accident, it now seems that it was not in vain.

He said:"I really have something I can entrust to you."

"What's the matter?" the two asked almost at the same time.



After a few minutes...

Xiangzui Slope.

Tinari and Cole were both in disbelief.


Is this how you suddenly disappeared in Xumi City?���In just a moment, Su Yan led them from Conghua City directly to Xiangzui Slope.

The two places are far apart, and Tinari asked himself that it would take several days to run at full speed.

This speed is simply terrifying...

But at this time, Su Yan didn't pay attention to their surprise.

Su Yan just stared into the void...

In the three days of helping Cole with his treatment, he had already constructed the dimensional channel.

But there is something strange...

He originally expected that this time it would only take two days to complete, and in fact it was.

But when constructing the dimensional channel, he suddenly found that he seemed to have the power to repair the dimensional space.

"Is it because my power from my previous life is gradually recovering, or is it because I came to Teyvat? Or……"

Thinking of this, Su Yan shook his head.

He didn't know what the cause was, but no matter which one it was, it was a good thing.

But now...

Su Yan suddenly gestured towards the void with both hands.

In an instant!

The sky that was originally only blue sky and white clouds was suddenly torn open by a dark crack.

Seeing this scene... the expressions of Tinari and Cole can be imagined.

Tearing the void with bare hands?

Only now did they clearly understand how ridiculously strong the person in front of them was...

At this time... the dark crack was gradually pulled and had reached a certain extent.

At this time, Su Yan put down his raised hands and spoke slowly.

"Come out, Zygarde, it's your turn!".

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