"Come out, Zygarde, it's your turn!"

In the void, the dark crack was like a black eye, looking a little scary.

And as Su Yan's voice fell...


In the crack of the void, a sky full of green mysterious creatures suddenly fell from the sky like a waterfall.

One hundred?

One thousand?

Ten thousand?

No, there was no way to count the number.

This situation made Tinari and Cole retreat again and again.

"What's this?!"

"It is a Pokémon, no, it should be said that it is the guardian of the ecological environment, the god of elves... Zygarde!"

As soon as Su Yan finished speaking

"The God of Elves?!"

Tinari, who had heard the news from the people of Liyue, was trembling with his ears.

According to the people of Liyue... Liyue had welcomed the advent of the God of Elves three times.

Among them, the sea god Lugia defeated the Whirlpool Demon with one blow.

The Phoenix King became the law enforcer...

What's more terrifying is... there are also the earth gods and Groudon who can only create land.

And now Su Yan actually summoned the God of Elves in Xumi?

Tinari could imagine it without even thinking...

Xumi is likely to usher in earth-shaking changes.

Is it good... or bad... 237

After hearing about the changes in Liyue, he was more inclined to the first one.


Tinari heard that the God of Elves all had shocking bodies, and their appearances were either sacred or domineering.

Why does this God of Elves named Zygarde seem to have lost some value?

And... there are so many of them.

But Cole didn't think as much as Tinari did. She immediately asked curiously:"Mr. Su, Su Yan, are these all guardians of the ecological environment?"

Below the Xiangzui Slope, countless green figures were moving.

They looked like green cells, with dark green prismatic patterns on the back and two patterns on the front that looked like eyes, one large and one small.


Su Yan did not answer Ke Lai's question, but suddenly squatted on the ground and put his palms on the ground.

"Come here, Little De." As soon as the words fell, a small green snake suddenly appeared from the bottom of the slope, and then slowly climbed onto Su Yan's palm.

Then Su Yan stood up again, and then said to Tinari and Cole:"They are the core of Zygarde. They used to have other names, but I didn't think it was good, so I renamed it Little De."

"They? (ahac)"

Tinari and Cole looked at Xiaode curiously. Although he looked like a snake, he was cute.

At this moment, sizzle, sizzle.

Another small green snake that looked similar to Xiaode crawled over from the bottom of the slope.

Su Yan smiled slightly and introduced them to the two:"This is Xiaoge, the core of Zygarde."

At this time, Cole waved to the two little snakes.

"Hello, Xiaode and Xiaoge."

Tinari, who was standing next to him, asked in confusion,"Mr. Su Yan, you said you need our help. What do you want to do?"

Su Yan said that he had summoned the God of Elves and the guardian of the ecological environment.

But... there were two little snakes in this pile of cells.

Even though he was a genius of the Order Academy, he couldn't figure out what Su Yan was going to do.

Could it be... that he wanted them to raise snakes?

Of course, this was impossible.

He only heard Su Yan start to talk about what he wanted him to do.

"Tinari, you are the ranger, and you command all the rangers in Huacheng. You are most familiar with the dead zone. I want you to lead all the rangers and Xiaoge to remove all the dead zones on the ground."

"Eradicate all dead zones?!"

To be able to eradicate all dead zones, this is something that Tinari has been dreaming of. (To read exciting novels, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Tinari pointed at Xiao Ge and asked with a strange look on his face:"Take it, take it with you?"

Although Su Yan clearly said that these are all elf gods, but... Tinari expressed doubts. Do they really have the fighting power?

"That's right."

Su Yan nodded seriously, and then pointed to Xiao De and Xiao Ge.[]

"You should gather into 10% form, so that it will be convenient for the forest ranger Tinari to take you to remove the dead zone."

Just after Su Yan signaled.


The cells that were originally under the Xiangzui slope suddenly seemed to be stimulated.

A small part of the cells flew towards the two cores of Xiaoge and Xiaode.

This movement scared Cole.

But then... just after those cells entangled Xiaoge and Xiaode, not long after... the cells that were originally like two small snakes, their body shapes gradually changed. The two small ones originally grew to about 1.2 meters in the gathering of cells.

It first grew four legs, and a black coating covered most of the body.

Only after doing all this... at this moment, the two small snakes turned into two big dogs.

This scene shocked Tinari and Cole.

Cole pointed at the two Zygarde and shouted incoherently:"Dogs, dogs... snakes, snakes have turned into dogs!!!"

That panicked look is so adorable.

At this moment...

Su Yan stroked Xiao Ge and Xiao De's heads and said,"I have made it possible for you to share your power. Xiao Ge will follow the Tinari Ranger. His mission is to remove all the dead zones on the ground. I will take Xiao De to destroy the culprit that caused all this."

"Yes, Master Su Yan."

Xiao Ge and Xiao De nodded at the same time.

At this time, Su Yan looked at Tinari and said,"Xiao Ge will help you find all the dead zones in Xumi as quickly as possible. You and Cole, no, you bring the rangers, each of you carries Zygarde's cells. If you encounter a dead zone, you don't need to take action, just leave everything to them."

""Alright, alright."

Although the core had turned into two big dogs, Tinari still found it hard to believe that these cells alone could really destroy the dead zone?

Even he found it difficult to deal with that.

And from what Su Yan said, it seemed that he knew what caused the dead zone to be born in Xumi...

Thinking of this, Tinari suddenly looked at Su Yan.

"Mr. Su Yan, the Death Zone is the biggest disaster in Xumi. Although I don’t know what you are going to do next, I believe that Xumi will usher in huge new changes because of you. No matter what, if you need anything, please feel free to tell me."

Kole also nodded and said,"Me too!"

"You have said these words before."

Su Yan smiled slightly and nodded to the two of them.

"I will send you back to Huacheng now, so as not to scare the villagers. I will let Zygarde's cells wait outside the village. After you lead the rangers, start the action. If there are any problems here, communicate with Xiaoge, and it can also contact me."

"Got it!"

Tinari and Kelai responded loudly.

In their opinion... this was not to repay Su Yan, but for the entire Xumi

"Then let's start the action!"

After saying that, Su Yan's eyes suddenly looked in a certain direction.

"Great Kind Tree King...I will cure your disease"

"Soon, I will make you the new world tree of Teyvat, and all this……"

"All for the future life cycle of Pokémon"

I want to say:

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