Tinari was very efficient.

After Su Yan sent him and Ke Lai back to Huachengguo, he immediately took action.

After all, this action could be a battle between Xumi and the Dead Zone. For countless years... the Dead Zone was the biggest disaster for Xumi. Although Tinari was unsure whether these cells could clear the Dead Zone, he chose to believe Su Yan.

At this time, the woodland outside Huachengguo

"Are you all ready?!"


Dozens of forest rangers responded in unison.

Moreover, at their feet, there were a lot of Zygarde cells.

Before the gathering, Tinari told them that these green cells had the power to eliminate the dead zone.

This was hard to believe.

But Tinari, as a forest ranger, said so, and they would follow orders even if they had doubts.

Of course, Tinari did not say anything about Su Yan.

The main reason was that Su Yan's current identity was sensitive, and he himself asked Tinari not to mention himself.

For the safety of the forest rangers, Tinari immediately reminded them again.

"Remember, if you encounter a dead zone, don't go in. Leave everything to the Pokémon around you."

At this time, someone raised his hand and asked,"Forest Ranger... Is it okay for us to bring Pokémon with us?……"

However, Tinari waved his hand and interrupted the ranger.

"Don't worry, I will be responsible for any problems. You should know that the biggest threat to Xumi is not Pokémon, but the Death Realm."


The rangers standing here were all companions who had followed Tinari all the way to fight against the dead zone. With Tinari's words, they no longer needed to ask any more questions.

"Naslin, you take two rangers to patrol in the direction of Atuo River Valley, leaving marks along the way. When you arrive at Atuo River Valley, you will split up into teams to conduct investigations. Make sure not to miss any dead areas."


"Kelai, although you are an apprentice ranger, we are short of manpower now. You should also join this operation. Remember, don't force yourself. The dead zone in the direction of Xumi City will be handed over to you and other rangers."

""Yes, Master!"

In the past, Tinari would never let Kelai participate in such an operation. Last time, he was unlucky to encounter the newly born dead zone while collecting herbs.

But now that Kelai's magic scale disease has been cured, it is okay for him to join the operation.

Under Tinari's arrangement, all the rangers have started the operation after receiving their respective tasks and routes.

Not long after, only Tinari and Xiaoge, as well as the cells attached to him, were left in the forest outside the city.

"Xiao Ge, let's go too. This operation may take a long time."

Xiao Ge immediately responded:"No problem, Lord Su Yan said that he would let me stay in Xumi for a while to help you clear all the dead zones."

"I'll leave it to you then."

Tinari nodded gratefully to Zygarde.

"Then let’s head towards the direction of good insight."


After Xiao Ge responded, Tinari started running.

As he said just now, the dead zone spread all over Xumi, and it would take more than a day or two to completely eliminate it.

Even if dozens of rangers acted together, it might take ten days or half a month...

But for Tinari, it was worth it.……

"Mr. Su Yan, thank you."

At the same time,

Su Yan, who was standing on a high place in Huachengguo, saw the whole scene.

"The guy named Tinari is pretty good and very efficient."


Su Yan nodded.

In fact, he originally planned to summon Zygarde and let it stay in Xumi to slowly clear the dead zone on the ground.

But Zygarde is not familiar with Xumi, and it will take more time to clear it.

Now that the elves are about to come, time is imminent, and it can even be said that... it is not enough.

But after mastering the repair of the dimensional cracks, Su Yan is still thinking about whether to temporarily delay the time for the elves to come to Xumi.

Now that Tinari and Cole are helping, it is obviously no longer necessary...

At this moment.

A figure slowly approached from behind Su Yan.

It was not a dream, it should be said that the dream was not by his side at this time.

Only when the figure approached, Su Yan opened his mouth and asked:"Cresselia, how is it, did you find it?" (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Master Su Yan, I found it, but the tree is in a very bad state, and it keeps saying that the world has forgotten me." The one who spoke was a Pokémon floating in the air. Its body was light blue, its abdomen was yellow, and its brain was shaped like a crescent on both sides. Overall, it looked like a golden crescent in the blue sky.

While Su Yan sent Tinari and Cole back to Huacheng and gathered the forest rangers, he returned to the dimensional rift and brought this Pokémon out.

It was... the dream god, Cresselia! It was also called the incarnation of the new moon.[]

"Let the world completely forget me."

Su Yan closed his eyes slightly, but he kept saying,"Great Compassion Tree King, as long as I am here, the world will never forget you."

After a moment of silence, he suddenly opened his eyes.……

"Found it!"

Then, his hand touched Zygarde and Cresselia. He disappeared in the next second...

When he reappeared, he had brought Zygarde and Cresselia to the Awakening Tree Hall of Xumi!

The Awakening Tree Hall enshrines the earliest Sharan tree of Xumi, also known as the Awakening King Tree.

The forest spirit Lannaro of Xumi was born here.

The reason why Su Yan came here was to prepare to eliminate Wuliutuo and then let Cresselia connect to the place where the Great Compassion Tree King was.

"Cresselia, you can connect to the dream world. After you get rid of Wuliutuo, pay attention to the location of the Great Compassion Tree King.

Cresselia nodded and responded,"Leave it to me, Master Su Yan."

As mentioned before, Su Yan possesses the power of all Pokémon, including dreams.

It's just that he has only mastered the power for a short time, so some of his mysterious abilities are not as easy to use as Cresselia.

"Then let's get started. I don't have time to slowly make Hengsu fruit to feed your tree."

At this moment, Su Yan slowly put his hand on the King of Awakening Tree.

The next second!

Su Yan's hand fell on the King of Awakening Tree, like time and space, like a whirlpool of dreams twisting...

After coming to his senses,

Su Yan, Xiao De and Cresselia have appeared in another space.

There is only a gray sky here.

The ground is dead, as if as long as people enter this place, all vitality will be sucked away in an instant.

Even when Su Yan and his friends just appeared here, the breath of death rushed towards them and entangled them.

It's a pity...

In front of Su Yan, these dead airs are not worth mentioning at all.

He just raised his hand and waved, and these oncoming dead airs were instantly Purification.

However... the death aura seemed to be everywhere, but it seemed to know that it would not work on Su Yan.


Bang bang bang... those auras of death turned into one beast after another in an instant. There were hundreds of them, and there was no end in sight.

Each beast opened its fangs and mouth, and its evil eyes flashed with red light, locking onto Su Yan, Xiao De and Cresselia.

At the back of the many beasts, there was a purple evil sphere, watching everything as if it had life.

At this moment!


Countless beasts, as if they had received an order, suddenly rushed towards Su Yan like a tide.

"Tsk tsk tsk... You really can't wait."

Facing the endless evil beasts, Su Yan's mouth curled up slightly.

"I can see that you are very afraid of me, and you are even willing to mobilize all the forces in the dead zone. Very good, this is what I want."

I want to say:

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