
The death energy turned into dense wolfhound-like monsters.

Looking ahead, it seemed like an endless tide of beasts...

Just one look made one's scalp numb!

After seeing these monsters, Su Yan suddenly bit out a word with some resentment.……


Damn bloody dog.


Xiao De turned his head and looked at Su Yan, his eyes full of confusion and a hint of resentment.

"I'm not scolding you."

Seeing Xiao De's appearance, Su Yan was suddenly in tears and laughter. He had forgotten that Xiao De was in the form of a dog.

At this moment!


Those dead wolfhound monsters suddenly howled to the sky, and then rushed towards this side.

"Lord Su Yan, let me take care of them."

For some reason, Xiao De could sense that Su Yan seemed to hate these things, and immediately jumped in front of him."Five Five Three"


Of course, Su Yan had no objection. There was really no need for him to take action against these ghosts.

Besides... although Druid was only 10% of Zygarde's form, it was enough to deal with these dead beasts!

""Look at me!"

Xiao De grinned, and after getting Su Yan's consent, a dazzling green light suddenly exploded in its body, and Xiao De's entire body was wrapped in it.

The next second!

The green light suddenly rose, and when it floated to the highest point above, Xiao De suddenly snorted coldly.

"Thousands of arrows fired at once!


Endless green light, at this moment, was like a sky full of green arrows, flying towards the beasts one after another.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...!!!

The green light arrows either hit the heads of the wolves, or pierced through their hearts, or pierced through them completely.

At this moment!


Woo... Woo...

The beasts that were originally like a tide, at this moment, screamed and turned into mist-like death one after another.

And this was just two or three blinks of an eye...

The wolf pack that counted tens of thousands was suddenly reduced to only two or three percent.

But this is not over yet...

Cresselia seemed to be disgusted with these dead beasts. After seeing Xiao De easily kill six or seven thousand of them, it couldn't sit still.

"Master Zygarde is indeed amazing."

While praising the little druid, purple blades suddenly slashed in all directions like flat cutting knives.

""Mental sharp blade."

The thought turned into a huge blade, and wherever it passed, the wolf beasts were cut in half.

In a blink of an eye, only one in ten of these dead beasts remained.

At this moment,

Su Yan began to move forward.

"Let's go. If we don't get rid of the last Wuliutuo, these ghosts will gather again. I don't want to waste time fighting them."


Xiao De and Cresselia hurriedly followed, but they were on Su Yan's left and right.

Whenever a monster pounced... they would kill it easily.

Su Yan walked on the ground full of death, and with every step he took, the evil aura would be completely eliminated.

Unknowingly... he had walked out of a range of hundreds of meters.

If the front was still dark, then the place where Su Yan just walked was already full of vitality.

At this moment, it was like two worlds here.

One was fresh and clear, and the other was entangled with death.

Seeing this, Cresselia's face flashed with surprise, but soon became a matter of course

"Such a strong breath of life, this is Xerneas's ability."

Xiaode nodded and said,"Lord Su Yan uses the breath of life to dissolve the dead air."

Unexpectedly, Su Yan turned around and said to them with a smile:

"Mainly because I hate the dead air sticking to my clothes, I hate dirty things"


Cresselia and Xiaode both smiled helplessly.

The law of life...

This is the power that so many people and elves dream of. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But Su Yan used it just because he hated dirty things...

If other people saw this scene now, I'm afraid even the gods would drop their jaws.

Su Yan, Xiaode, Cresselia.

In this extremely terrifying dead air field, the three of them were not in a hurry, as if they were strolling in the garden.

Even when Su Yan released the law of life……[]

The dead energy that could originally condense more than ten thousand monsters could only form a hundred at this moment.

At first, every few steps Su Yan took, the dead energy could replenish the dissipated monsters.

But now, as the life force became stronger, it took Su Yan a hundred meters before the dead energy could condense a monster.

"Still struggling……"

Su Yan shook his head and smiled, and now he stopped.

The purple evil sphere hiding behind dozens of dead beasts was less than 500 meters away from him.

But Su Yan did not continue to move forward, but stretched out his finger and pointed in the air ahead.........


In an instant!

A green breath formed a wave from Su Yan's fingertips.

This wave formed a storm in the blink of an eye, blowing in all directions.


The moment the green storm touched the dead monsters, they were wiped out without even a scream.

Of course, there were not many of these monsters to begin with.

The most important thing is that when the breath of life swept across Wuliutuo...


The disaster that had troubled Xumi for thousands of years was purified cleanly in the same breath as those monsters.

At this time and place.

The land that had already been dead and withered ushered in spring.

The flowers and plants that had lost their vitality spread all over the ground...

If this place looked like hell before, it now looks like a fairyland.

Seeing the changes around them, Cresselia and Xiaode couldn't help but exclaimed:"Great, so powerful, you are worthy of being Lord Arceus."

Just as the voice fell.

Su Yan looked over here and asked:"Cresselia, how is she?"

While in a daze, Cresselia quickly answered

"She began to regain consciousness."

"Then go find her."

After saying that, Su Yan and Xiao De immediately approached Cresselia and made contact with her.

At this moment,

Cresselia's body began to radiate the energy of the dream.

""Let's go!"

As soon as the words fell,

Su Yan, Xiao De, and Cresselia disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When they reappeared... they were already in another place.

At this time, in Su Yan's eyes, the whole world was pink.

However, all these pink colors were reflected by a pink giant tree in front of him.

Xumi, the world tree!

It was also the former grass god, the Great Compassion Tree King.

Looking at the giant tree in front of him, Su Yan suddenly spoke

"You should be conscious now, come out and have a chat." As soon as the words fell

, a dazzling ball of light slowly fell from the giant tree.

When the ball of light landed, it turned into a child.

And her appearance... is exactly the same as the current Grass God, Nashida.

As her eyes moved to Su Yan's face, the corners of her mouth trembled slightly.

"I have been waiting for a long time, and finally I have seen you, Mr. Su Yan"

I want to say:

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