"As expected of you, you are the World Tree. I guess you already knew that I had just appeared in Liyue."

Looking at the Great Compassion Tree King in front of him, Su Yan showed a kind smile.

The Great Compassion Tree King smiled and nodded, and from her appearance, it seemed that she had been waiting for Su Yan's arrival.

"Yes, although I was influenced by Wuliutuo, I was still able to stay awake sometimes, and I also knew your deeds."

Su Yan immediately asked back:"So what? What do you want me to do?"

Daci Tree King did not answer, but said slowly

"The reason why the Death Zone disaster appeared in Xumi is that I came into contact with forbidden knowledge that should not belong to this world thousands of years ago. Now I am the taboo myself.……"

However, before it could finish its words,

Su Yan interrupted and said,"Just tell me what you think now?"


Because Su Yan interrupted, the Great Compassion Tree King was stunned at first, then he smiled softly and said,"Before I met you, I was waiting for someone who could eliminate Wuliutuo to appear, and then let the whole world forget me. Only in this way can the dead zone be eliminated permanently, but now I want to beg you to help me, I believe you will have a way……"

At this point, the Great Compassion Tree King paused and asked with uncertainty,"Is that right?"

"Actually, you don't have to think too complicated about this matter."

Su Yan spread his hands and said,"Since the birth of the dead zone is caused by the acquisition of knowledge that does not belong to this world, as long as you obtain a higher level of power than it, the taboo will no longer be a taboo."

"A higher...level of power?"

The Great Compassion Tree King opened his mouth slightly, with a look of surprise on his face.

Although Su Yan said this easily, it was as difficult as ascending to heaven for the people of Teyvat.

After all, this was about gaining power beyond the world.……

"Can you really do it?"

Only after the Great Compassion Tree King was surprised...

At this moment, Su Yan suddenly squatted in front of her and gently placed his hand on her forehead.

The Great Compassion Tree King did not resist, but waited, waiting for what Su Yan would say next.……

"In the Elf World, there is a tree called the World Tree. The World Tree in the Elf World can not only observe everything in the world like you, but also has the power to control reincarnation and give birth to life. I want you to become a real World Tree. In this way, the taboo knowledge you have come into contact with will become insignificant."

When Su Yan finished speaking... the Great Compassion Tree King's face was even more surprised.

"The real world tree controls reincarnation and gives birth to life?"

"That’s right, whether it’s a human or an elf, as long as there is life, they will sooner or later face death, and being able to allow them to enter reincarnation and revive life is the real world tree. At that time, each of your leaves that wither will represent the death of a life, and each new leaf will represent the birth of a new life."

Su Yan's words undoubtedly opened the door to new knowledge for the Great Compassion Tree King.

You know, she was surprised several times just by a few words of conversation.

But at this time Su Yan said again:"I can help you become a real world tree, but you grow because of my power, and this power does not belong to this world, so you will only be loyal to me in the future. Even so, do you think you can afford this knowledge?"

Su Yan did not deceive the Great Compassion Tree King on this point.

It was because of the forbidden knowledge that Xumi caused a thousand-year-long disaster.

And Su Yan's power is different.

It is like Arceus himself created the world, and he can command almost all Pokémon, including the super beasts, with just his clone.

What's more, Su Yan was Arceus himself in his previous life...

All the super beasts, including Arceus' clones, will only be loyal to him.

If he helps the Great Compassion Tree King, then she will do the same.

At this time, the Great Compassion Tree King seemed a little hesitant, but after a while, she asked:"Su, Lord Su Yan, can I ask you something?……"

As soon as the words fell,

Su Yan seemed to know what the other party was hesitating about, and even knew what she wanted to ask.

"I have no interest in destroying the world. Otherwise, I would have destroyed Teyvat long ago, right?"

"Yes, you have this absolute power."

The Great Compassion Tree King nodded with a smile, but it was an unnecessary question.

As Su Yan said just now, she knew very well what kind of power Su Yan possessed.

Not to mention other things...

As long as he summoned those super beasts, he could cleanse Teyvat without any effort.

But he didn't do that.

Instead, he brought Pokémon to this world, adding a new chapter to Teyvat.

Thinking of this.

The Great Compassion Tree King immediately bowed slightly to Su Yan.

"In this case, I am willing to stay by your side, Lord Su Yan." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Su Yan nodded:"Okay, then I will also give you this power, accept it, Buyer!"

Then, his hand on the forehead of the Great Compassion Tree King began to emit the light of creation.

Then... a sacred halo suddenly appeared on the forehead of the Great Compassion Tree King

"From today on, you are the new world tree that transcends the concept of this world!"[]

At this moment, the Great Compassion Tree King's mind seemed to be flooded with endless knowledge.

She could not move her hands or feet, and the halo on her forehead became brighter and brighter.

In addition, countless images flashed through her mind at the same time.

"My child, I can rest assured knowing that you have achieved such outstanding results now.

An old man was holding his family's hands, and after explaining his last wishes, he closed his eyes forever with a smile.

There are other scenes.……

"Dachun, your wife has given birth to a boy.

A strong man ran into the room impatiently and looked at the newborn baby with a face full of joy.……

"A boy?! Hahaha... I have an heir at the end of Spring!"

Death after death, rebirth after rebirth... all painted pictures in the mind of the Great Compassion Tree King.

At the same time, the giant pink tree itself was also gradually changing.

The pink color began to turn into leaf green... the roots gradually became strong, and the branches grew stronger.

One after another, millions and tens of millions of new green leaves continued to grow from the branches visibly.

Not long after... the world tree was already ten or a hundred times larger than before.

Sometimes, leaves were withering.

Sometimes, new buds appeared on the branches.

At this moment, looking at the completely changed world tree, Xiaode suddenly sighed:"Although it is far inferior to the elf world, it does look like a world tree."

Cresselia nodded, agreeing with Xiaode's words

"The world tree in the elf world has gone through countless years. Although the Great Compassion Tree King was given power by Lord Su Yan himself, it will take a long time to grow further."

And in the sound of their conversation.

On the forehead of the Great Compassion Tree King, the Creation Light Wheel suddenly burst into an extremely strong light, illuminating the sky and the earth...

Only after a few seconds.

The glory of creation gradually faded.

Then, the incarnation of the Great Compassion Tree King had completely changed.

Before, she appeared in front of Su Yan in the form of Nashida, like a little girl.

But now... she is like Nashida who has grown up.

At this moment.

The Great Compassion Tree King is already a graceful young girl.

She has a pair of elf ears, a small braid in her long white hair, her eyes are like the green earth, and her figure is beautiful.

Only when she looked at Su Yan, a sweet smile suddenly appeared on her face


"……Here we go again."

Su Yan was really not used to hearing this name, but he had to go through it every time.

"Boyer, you...call me by my name from now on"

I want to say:

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