Although Su Yan had eliminated the source of the disaster, the dead zone that had appeared in the Xumi land would not dissipate with the source.

This was why he asked Tinari to summon forest rangers to remove the dead zones everywhere in Xumi.

Of course, Tinari was not idle either.

At this time, a dead zone with red light appeared in front of him.

"That's the dead zone, Xiaoge, what should I do?"

Tinari stopped in a hurry.

After coming out of the Conghua City, he ran for a long time, and his speed was even faster.

But he could see that Xiaoge could still easily keep up with his speed, and... he was a little out of breath, but Xiaoge didn't have any symptoms of qi deficiency at all.

It can be seen that Tinari knew that the other party was deliberately matching his speed.


Are all Pokémon so terrible?

So is Mew, and so is this dog.

Of course.

Xiaoge didn't know the surprise in Tinari's heart at the moment, he only looked at the dead zone

"Just leave it to the cells"

"It, them?"

Tinari looked at the Zygarde cells attached to his body, feeling a little impatient.

Normally, even he would find it difficult to deal with the dead zone...

Xiao Ge would be fine.

These soft cells, do they really have the power to destroy the dead zone?

However, just when he expressed his doubt... the green cells on his body suddenly squirmed.

The next second!

Zygarde's cells flew out from three directions.

They had clear goals, and there was a blood-red flower in each of the three places they flew to.

And don't look at them as soft, their flying speed is not slow at all...

In just two or three seconds... three cells have attached themselves to the three blood-colored flowers in the dead zone.

At this moment!

The death energy suddenly turned into several monsters...

Seeing this, Tinari shouted,"Oh no, the monsters have appeared!"

Then he took out his longbow and wanted to attack the monsters to attract their attention, so as to buy time for Zygarde's cells.

However, just as he was about to pluck the bowstring...


The dead zone suddenly exploded.

The blood disappeared, vitality returned to the earth, and the dead monsters all disappeared.

It only took four or five seconds for Zygarde's cells to fly out and for the dead zone to disappear.……


Tinari opened his mouth suddenly

"The dead zone was eradicated just like that?"

No... that was a dead zone!

Even if he brought a few rangers, it would take a lot of time and risk to eliminate the dead zone.

What was the result?

A few cells were done in just four or five seconds?

At this moment.

Xiao Ge suddenly sniffed, and then said:"Let's go, I can smell two or three dead zones nearby, let's go and clean them up quickly"

"……"Okay, okay."

Tinari quickly came to his senses, and after destroying the dead zone, Zygarde's cells reattached to his body.

He looked at the cells attached to his body, and then looked at Xiaoge who was already walking in front.

After a little hesitation, Tinari suddenly asked

"Um...Xiao, Xiao Ge, you said you can smell the dead zone? Then am I just a tool?"

"Well, you are destined to be a tool man if you are with me, but I am the only one who can smell the location of the dead zone, and the other rangers don’t have me by their side."

Xiao Ge didn’t give Tinari any face.

Of course, this is true.

As long as Xiao Ge has seen the dead zone once, it can rely on the same smell to find the next dead zone.

So, Tinari is really a tool man.

On the contrary, other rangers don’t have Xiao Ge by their side, so they naturally have to rely on them to find...

Now hearing what Xiao Ge said, Tinari’s hands dropped immediately, and the whole person became listless. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Oh, I feel so hit."

"Hehe... Let's go, there's another one over here."

Xiao Ge smiled and then jumped out.

There's no other way...

I'll just be a tool.[]

Tinari could only hurry to catch up...

At the same time, many of the forest rangers who came out of Conghua City had already encountered the dead zone.

"Please, Zygarde!"

With Tinari's special instructions, they did not clean up the dead zone after seeing it, but handed it over to Zygarde.

Then... after seeing Zygarde's cells, it only took a few seconds to clear the dead zone.

You can imagine how wonderful their expressions were.

"Oh, my God, are all Pokémon so powerful?"

"Zygarde, you are so powerful. I almost died in the dead zone when I encountered it before, but you managed to get rid of it in just a few seconds. Aren’t you too powerful?"

"I am so angry. Pokemon obviously has the power to remove the dead zone, why did the Church prohibit it? Damn it, do they know how many of our companions died in the dead zone?"

If these rangers were skeptical before when they heard that Zygarde could remove the dead zone... then now they are convinced.

Some rangers even expressed dissatisfaction with the Church... After all, they are the ones who are fighting outside, how can those scholars sitting in the Church understand?

Of course they don't know.

"'It's almost there, it's almost there, just one more day and the God of Righteousness will be completed.'

The great sage Azar was full of joy at this moment.

That was because the God of Righteousness in front of him was now able to move... no, even able to fight.

In Azar's opinion, it was only a few more parts away from perfection.

At this moment.

In the core of the God of Righteousness, the words of the scattered soldiers also echoed slowly.

"Hehehe... It's really amazing, this divine power"

"Of course, this is a god created by the wisest scholars in Xumi with countless financial resources and knowledge."

Azar stroked his mustache, and he could finally feel at ease.

Not to mention that Su Yan's countdown was only two days away.

He believed that even if the other party came now, the God of Righteousness would be able to fight.

"Come here."

Soon after Azar shouted, a scholar came hurriedly.

("Great Sage, what can I do for you?"

Azar did not speak immediately, but after careful consideration, he slowly said

"Go to the Void Terminal to issue a wanted order"

"Issue a warrant for the man named Su Yan, and inform all the people of Xumi that this man not only wants to destroy the Church of the Lords, but also wants to assassinate our Xumi gods and destroy the wisdom of all Xumi people."

"From now on, he is the enemy of all of us Xumi people."

When Azar finished speaking, the scholar's face suddenly changed.


He could not fail to understand the meaning of Azar's order.

He was going to put the blame on the man named Su Yan...

But think about it.

After all, they created this new god, knowing that this day would come sooner or later.

It can only be said that Su Yan's appearance just happened to be their excuse.

At this time, Azar's eyes moved to the God of Righteousness again.

"Yes, Xumi does not need two gods"

I want to say:

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