Xiangzui Slope.

Su Yan, Buyer and Zygarde are looking towards the direction of Xumi City.

"How about returning to the land of Xumi in person? Would you feel nostalgic?"

"Of course……"

Buyer smiled.

Although Su Yan gave her power and made her regard him as her master, it did not mean that she had forgotten everything in the past.

Now that she had returned to the land of Xumi, she could still remember all the wonderful memories she had in the past.

She was already a young girl, but her smile was so sweet and beautiful.

But at this moment...

Buyer suddenly raised his eyebrows and his expression became unhappy.

"Lord... No, Su Yan, the Order Council just issued a wanted order, saying that you were going to assassinate the Little Grass God, and threatened that you wanted to destroy the Order Council and deprive everyone of their knowledge."

Xumeru's Void Terminal is a legacy left by Buyer, and was invented by the Order Council after hundreds of years.

The core that drives the Void Terminal is the Heart of God.

So Buyer, let alone receiving information from the Void, can intercept the message at any time if she wants.

What's more, she is already a world tree that transcends this world.

"Let me modify the message and announce the true purpose of the Church Order to all of Xumi."

It can be seen that Buyer was very angry about this message.

Because 537 Su Yan is now her loyal master... nothing is more important than this.

However, when she was about to modify the void...

Su Yan smiled and said,"Buyer, don't do anything for now."


Buyer looked at Su Yan in confusion, and then quickly said:"But if you do this... you will become the enemy of all Xumi."

"Enemy of all Xumi?……"

Su Yan still had a smile on his face, with an expression like a cat catching a mouse.

"There are still two days left. We should not do anything in these two days. Let him be proud for two more days. The more proud he is now, the deeper the abyss that will be waiting for him later."


Buyer blinked, but since Su Yan said so, she would not modify the information in the void.

Everything is based on him.

It must be said...

Xumi's void terminal is very convenient.

In addition to the sharing of knowledge, after the Order Institute input the order to arrest Su Yan on it, everyone in Xumi who wears the void terminal can receive this message.……

"What? Someone wants to assassinate Little Auspicious Grass King?!"

In the Zubair Theater in Xumi City, a red-haired girl, although she did not wear a void terminal, the wanted order has been spread all over the city, and she has also heard the news

"No, I have to save her!"

After saying that, the girl quickly ran towards the direction of Jingshan Palace.

"Wait, Nilu, don't be impulsive!!!" Unfortunately, by the time her companions reacted, the girl named Nilu had disappeared.


"Dixia, can you think of a way... cough cough cough."

In a luxurious house, a girl dressed as a noble was asking for help from another girl dressed as a mercenary.

The noble girl's name was Dina Zedai, the eldest daughter of the Humayi family. She had suffered from magic scale disease since she was a child.

Just when she felt that her life was hopeless as a child... she suddenly heard a voice.

The voice was patient and encouraged her again and again, bringing her hope again and again.

Although the owner of the voice did not say who he was.

But, she believed from the bottom of her heart that the voice was definitely the little auspicious grass king.

When she learned that someone was going to assassinate the little auspicious grass king just now, she was immediately confused, but she was weak and sick and couldn't do anything... so she could only hope that this person next to her would help her. mercenary.

Although this female mercenary has a dark complexion, she looks good, and her cooler clothes fully show her sturdy figure.

And the most special thing about this woman... is the two furry ears on her head.

Dishiya! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She belongs to the Xumi Gilded Brigade and is currently the bodyguard of the Humayi family.

She is also known as the Fiery Mane Lion!

It can be seen that her strength is extraordinary...

However, in the face of Dina Zedai's request, Dishiya (ajfj) shook her head:"Miss, this is not something I can get involved in. If I remember correctly, the man named Su Yan a few days ago was able to kill dozens of masters of the Order Academy in an instant."

"But, but little auspicious grass king, what should she do?"[]

Dina Zedai clenched her hands tightly, worry and anxiety constantly changing on her face.

She had been weak and sick since she was a child, and she had almost no friends around her. When she was a child, she heard the voice that was willing to be her friend, which was even more unforgettable.

Thinking of this, the worry in her heart made her cough again.

"Cough cough cough……"


Seeing this, Dixia shook her head helplessly.

""Forget it, although I can't go to Jingshan Palace to find the Little King of Auspicious Grass, and I can't stop the person who is going to assassinate her, but at least I can go to the nearby area to get some information for you."

Then, she turned around and prepared to go out.

Just after she took a few steps, she heard Dina Zedai's thanks from behind.

"I'm sorry, Deshia, and...thank you!"

"Miss, please rest assured, I will do my best."

After that, Dishia left without looking back.

Just when the wanted order made the whole Xumi City panic...

Between the seals, two little guys looked at each other.

In addition to Celebi, Dream also came here.

During this period, Celebi has not left Nashida, and Dream came here not long ago.

With the experience of wandering around in the name of Azar before, it was easy for it to blend in and meet up with Celebi


It looks like that old guy is going to attack you, Nashida.���As soon as the voice fell,

Nashida's voice responded quickly from within the seal.

"I'm ready at any time. Just like Celebi told me before, kindness is just a manifestation of cowardice, and... I just heard a very familiar voice, she was telling me... to believe in Su Yan."When these words came out , Menghuan and Celebi were both stunned.

"Sound? ?"

Especially dreamy, she hugged him with her little hands and made a thoughtful expression.

"And you told Nashida to trust Su Yan? Who is that? You said the voice is familiar, does that mean you know her?"

Of course.

The two little guys never thought that the person talking to Nashida was the former grass god, the former Great Kindness Tree King.

The so-called familiarity is not a literal meaning, but a trust from the bottom of their hearts.

"He is a very, very important person to me."

At this moment, Nashida's voice was very happy, very happy, and at the same time she had made a certain determination.

"Dream, Celebi, can you please let me out of this place? I will act according to your plan."


Celebi and Mew look at each other again

"No problem at all"

"That guy named Hazard is going to be miserable."

I want to say:

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