"Nashida, from today on, you are free."

After Nashida made her decision, Celebi and Dream helped open the sealed door and rescued Nashida.

"Celebi, Dream, thank you, thank you."

At this moment, Nashida looked at Dream and Celebi, her eyes sparkling with stars.

"This is the first time you are in front of me...you both look so cute-~"

"Hehe, of course."

Menghuan wiped his nose, showing a rare embarrassed expression.

On the other hand, Celebi smiled and said,"Nashida, you are very cute too!"

Of course.

Now is not the time for a leisurely chat, Nashida immediately asked:"Then what should we do next?"

"Hehe, you have been locked up for so many years, and you have never tried to walk out of the gate of the teaching house. Come, let me, Menghuan, take you out of the gate openly."

Menghuan smiled cunningly.

During this period of time, he was very familiar with the roads of the teaching house.……

"Go out from the door...?"

Nashida blinked her big eyes, her face full of curiosity about what Menghuan would do.……

"Great Sage"


"Lord Azar"


At this moment, Dream used his old trick again, transformed into Azar's appearance again, and walked towards the gate of the Order Institute with Nashida openly.

Along the way, whenever a student saw him and Nashida, they were slightly surprised, but did not dare to ask more questions. They even bent over to say hello.

When Nashida saw Dream's transformation just now, she was stunned.

Nashida knew that Celebi had similar abilities to hers.

And Dream's transformation opened her eyes again.

Pokemon was obviously more magical than she imagined.

But Celebi did not follow them at this time, otherwise it would be exposed...

Of course.

With their abilities, it would be difficult for them to take... It is easy to take Nashida out of the Church Court.

However, as Menghuan said, Nashida has been locked up for so long and has never walked out of the Church Court so openly.

After all, she is the god of Xumi.

Menghuan really can't stand this... it just wants to take Nashida out of the gate.

It can only be said...this is Menghuan's mischief, and also a token of its heart.

After all, this god is also very cute in Menghuan's eyes.

And from the seal room to the gate of the Church Court, the journey was very smooth.

Until... when Menghuan was about to step out of the gate of the Church Court with Nashida and leave Xumi City... something unexpected happened


Just when Menghuan and Nashida stepped out of the door, someone came towards them.

That person was Azar.

"you you……"

When Azar saw him, his face was shocked.

At the same time, Menghuan was also stunned.

These days, Azar was busy adjusting the God of Righteousness in Lidu Valley, so whenever Menghuan turned into him and wandered around the Church Order, no one could see through him.

Now... it was a coincidence!

When the two Azar appeared at the gate of the Church Order at the same time, the guards at the gate looked even more excited.

"Two, two great sages?!"

At the same time.

Nashida seemed very nervous, and many thoughts flashed through Menghuan's mind.

Kill him first?

No, no, in this way, Azar's true identity will not be exposed, and it will also cause Su Yan to lose his credibility.

After all, many people saw him following Su Yan that day, and killing him like this would be too easy for him.

After being surprised, Azar himself pointed his finger at Menghuan and shouted loudly

"Who are you? Why are you so daring?……"

Of course, Azar's words have not finished..

This punch suddenly made Azar's half face swollen into a pig 's head, and his eyes rolled directly.


"How dare you disguise yourself as me? Humph, you didn't expect me to be in the House of the Lords, did you? Guards, this man must be an assassin. Arrest him. I will interrogate him strictly later."


The guards at the door were still confused and had no idea what was going on.

But Menghuan suddenly put on a superior look and glanced at the two guards who were still confused at the door.

""What? Didn't you hear what I said?"

His words were powerful without anger.

The two guards were immediately shocked and nodded in response:"Yes, Great Sage." As soon as the words fell, the two guards controlled the unconscious Azar and dragged him into the Church Hall.

As for where he would be placed...

Dream didn't care. It quickly winked at Nashida.

"Nashida, let's run away."

Nashida didn't say anything, but gave Menghuan a thumbs up.

After a while... the two of them finally left the scope of the Church Order and came to a nearby alley.

"Nashida, let's go find Su Yan next. Wait two more days, and that day will be the day when you become a true god of Xumi."

At this time, Fantasy has returned to its original appearance.

After all, if she still walks outside with the appearance of Azar, especially with a little grass god by her side.

It's too ostentatious.

Although Nashida knew that Su Yan would help her, in fact, she didn't know the specific plan. She only heard Celebi say that Azar would definitely fight Su Yan as the God of Righteousness, and then she just needed to defeat the God of Righteousness.

But... the teacher said that Nashida was not good at fighting, and she knew very well that she would definitely not be able to beat the God of Righteousness. She also said this to Celebi.

As a result, Celebi said... you just wait for that day to come with peace of mind!

And now there are still two days before the decisive battle...


Nashida naturally had no objection, after all, Buyer told her to trust Su Yan completely.

But at this moment……

""You hairless cat, stay away from Little Grass God!"

An angry voice suddenly came from the entrance of the alley.


Menghuan and Nashida looked towards the alley entrance.


Menghuan didn't know the person, but Nashida knew her name.

After all... although she was imprisoned in the seal, her favorite thing during this period was to observe Xumi.

As a fan of the little grass god, Nilu's eyes suddenly lit up when Nashida called her name.

""Little Grass God~"

This immediately made Nashida a little embarrassed.

However, at this moment, Menghuan suddenly tapped Nashida's shoulder and then pointed at Nilu.


Nashida , can I smoke her?".

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