
""Ah? ?!!!"

In the alley, when Nilu heard Nashida say that she had been locked up by the Ministry of Education all along.

On the contrary, Menghuan and the others were not here to assassinate her, but to save her...

Nilu's expression suddenly became wonderful.

She hurriedly apologized to Menghuan:"Yes, I'm sorry, I, I thought you were going to hurt Lord Grass God just now."

However, Menghuan turned his face away and said unhappily:"Humph, this is not important, what's important is that you actually called me a hairless cat."


At this moment, Nilu raised her head and looked closely at Menghuan.

"Aren't you a hairless cat?"


Menghuan couldn't hold it anymore.

It has hair, but it's hard to see with the naked eye...

Just then, a strange voice suddenly came from above the alley.

"So that's why. No wonder I've been finding things wrong lately. I didn't expect the Church's plot to be so big."

Huanhuan, Nilu and"373" Nashida all looked up.

They saw that the figure had turned in the air and landed in front of Nashida.

Normally, Huanhuan should have noticed that this person suddenly appeared above them.

But she was distracted by Nilu.

Seeing this figure land in front of Nashida, Huanhuan's eyes suddenly flashed with the glow of her thoughts.

""Looking for death!"

But the next second, a white-haired young man wearing a jackal head and only a few pieces of cloth on his body suddenly knelt down in front of Nashida.

"The great disciplinary officer, Sai Nuo, has met the Little Grass God."


Seeing this, Menghuan blinked his eyes, and the cold light in his mind gradually disappeared.

He could see that this person really respected Nashida.……

"Thank you for your hard work, Senuo. I know you are an upright disciplinary officer. You have been investigating the Court of Ordinances for some time, but... someone above you always obstructs you, so you return empty-handed time and time again."

As the name suggests.

Disciplinary officers also belong to the Order Court, but their duty is to arrest people who violate the order.

Any research on taboos, maintaining discipline in the court, etc., are their targets.

Seno is the chief disciplinary officer, the leader of the disciplinary officers.

He is upright and has a keen sense of smell.

During this period, he could sense that there seemed to be some conspiracy in the Order Court, but every time he investigated, he was always obstructed from all sides.

He also knew that if he continued like this, he would be dismissed by the top leaders of the Order Court sooner or later.

Even so, he was still looking for clues in Xumi City.

Unexpectedly, at this moment and here, he heard Nashida's explanation to Nilu...

At this moment.

Seno stood up from the ground, and then asked Nashida:"Lord Grass God, although they have reduced my rights, I now... can't arrest them, but if you want to leave Xumi City, I can still do it now"

""Thank you, Seno."

Nashida was very happy.

She never thought that she would meet Nilu and Seno, two people who were willing to trust her, right after she came out of the Order House.

But Menghuan rolled his eyes.

"If I want to take Nashida away, I can do it easily."


Seno was slightly stunned, then looked at Huanhuan and said,"That's true. A few days ago, you killed dozens of masters of the Order Academy, and this matter spread throughout Xumi City."

Unexpectedly, Huanhuan smiled and shook his head:"I didn't do that."

As soon as these words came out

"It's not you?!"

Seno and Nilu were both surprised.

Many people saw Menghuan take action that day, so how could it not be you?

At this moment, two silent figures suddenly appeared among the crowd.

"……That was my doing"


Seno's reaction was so sharp that he quickly blocked Nashida's way, fearing that this person was here to hunt her down.

However... at this moment, Menghuan approached the figure that suddenly appeared, with a smile on his face.

"Su Yan~"

"Haha, you are so naughty. I asked you to bring Nashida to me, but you beat up Azar... I can only say that you did a great job."

Who else could the person who came here be other than Su Yan.

Every move of Xumi City could not escape his eyes.

But he did not expect that Menghuan would make such a scene and attract Nilu and Seno.

At the same time,

Seno was relieved to see that the person who came here had no ill intentions and was familiar with Menghuan. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As a major disciplinary officer, this person was able to appear among them quietly. This ability is beyond words.

As soon as Seno saw Su Yan's face clearly,……

"Were you the one who announced the countdown to the Great Sage's death that day?"

"Not bad."

Su Yan smiled slightly. This was also the first time he appeared in front of Nashida.[]

However, Nashida was not looking at Su Yan at this moment, but at the figure beside him.

She was trembling all over, this was due to excitement.

"Great, Great Kindness Tree King……"

As soon as these words came out,

Seno and Nilu were shocked and looked in the direction of Nashida's gaze.

"The Great Kind Tree King?!"

At this moment, Buyer approached Nashida with a warm smile, and she stretched out her jade hand to touch Nashida's face.

"Nashida, you have worked so hard for the past five hundred years. It's all my fault.........."

"You, you are still alive... It's so good, it's so good."

A tear flowed from Nashida's eyes.

Strictly speaking, Nashida is like Buyer's daughter, or perhaps heir.

Because Nashida was the purest branch that the Great Kindness Tree King broke off before he transformed into the World Tree to resist the taboo.

Now seeing the Great Kindness Tree King standing in front of her, how could she not be excited?


I am also very happy to see you.���Her smile is always so gentle and always brings warmth to people.

This is the charm of the Great Kind Tree King...

But when Seno and Nilu saw Buyer, they were both stunned.

"Is it really the Great Compassion Tree King?!"

The people of Xumi have great respect for the Great Compassion Tree King. Whether it is the Seven Heavenly God Statue of Xumi or the precious portraits, they are all depicted with the appearance of the Great Compassion Tree King.

So when the former grass god who was supposed to have died in the legend suddenly appeared in front of them, it would be abnormal if they were not shocked.

"Well, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to catch up later."

At this time, Su Yan walked up to the two of them and said,"The old guy has woken up and knows that Nashida has been taken away. Now a large group of guards are coming out of the Order Institute to search. Since the time is not up, I don't want to take action for the time being. Let's leave Xumi City first."

At this moment, Nashida raised her head and looked at Su Yan carefully.

"You are...Mr. Su Yan?"

Su Yan smiled and nodded, then said:"Well, it's a good thing that you can figure it out. When this matter is over, I will let the Pokémon come to the Xumi Kingdom. By then, you, the Grass God, will have a lot of things to do."

"Let Pokémon descend on Xumi?"

Just as Nilu and Senor were surprised again, Su Yan had already pulled Buyer and Nashida's hands, and then said to them

"Nilu, Senor, no matter what happens in the next few days, don't do anything. And the one who eavesdropped in the back, your lady's magic scale disease should have been cured by now. You have time to come out and ask, you might as well go back and celebrate for her."

The voice fell.


Su Yan and the two disappeared into the alley.

"Well, goodbye then!"

Menghuan also disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, only Nilu, Senuo, and Dixia, who had been hiding at the end of the alley and eavesdropping since Su Yan arrived, were left in the alley.

"Who is he?"

"Is the young lady's illness cured?"

Dixia was completely stunned. When she reacted, she immediately ran back.

Looking at Nilu and Senuo... their minds were still confused at this time. Especially the appearance of the Great Ci Tree King, it was even more difficult for them to imagine that this was... true


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