Xiangzui Slope.

At this time, besides Buyel and Nashida, there are also Dream, Celebi.

And... Zygarde in 10% form.

At this moment.

Su Yan suddenly said to Zygarde:"Little Druid, you are the protagonist today, I will entrust Nashida to you."

"Lord Su Yan, please rest assured."

Xiao De nodded, and then asked:"Does the God of Righteousness really have the power of the gods in this world?"

However, it was Nashida who answered Xiao De.

"Xiaode, the God of Righteousness is very powerful. Although it is not as powerful as the gods of other countries, it is still much stronger than me."

"Uh, stronger than you?"

Xiaode lost interest after hearing this.

He originally wanted to see how many punches the God of Righteousness could take. But it turned out to be only stronger than Nashida.


But soon, he perked up.

"Oh, forget it, I hope it can take two punches from me, otherwise it will be too boring"


Nashida blinked, with an incredible look on her face.

She saw Zygard in a depressed state just now, and thought that he was afraid that she couldn't beat him.

So you think he's too weak?

And the depression of the little druid was completely due to her answer just now.

Nashida looked at Buyer with resentment.

"Woohoo…Great Compassion Tree King, I feel insulted."

""Okay, be good."

Buyer gently touched Nashida's head and said with a smile:"From now on, just call me Buyer. You are the current grass god of Xumi. As for me, I just want to stay with Su Yan. Oh, let me tell you something secretly... In fact, Zygarde is much stronger than the gods of other countries."


Nashida was no longer calm.

At this moment, Su Yan suddenly spoke

"Let's go. We can talk after this matter is resolved. The great sage is now in charge of the Church Order, waiting for me to come."


After a while... everyone disappeared in Xiangzui Slope.

At the same time,

Xumi City entered a state of war preparedness today.

All residents of Xumi City hid in their homes, and everyone was very nervous.

For many years, no one dared to attack the Church Order.

Now the Church Order has deployed guards throughout Xumi City. Such a battle is enough to make everyone understand that this may be a battle of god level.

But some people climbed onto the roof.

"Damn the Order Court, they actually said that Little Grass God betrayed Xumi, it's too hateful."

Nilu was very angry and hid on the roof with her feet.

Since she heard this news yesterday, she was so angry that she couldn't sleep all night.

It was obviously the Order Court that imprisoned the gods, but now it turned around and said that the gods betrayed first.

In addition to Nilu, Seno and Dixia also came

"Calm down, Lord Grass God is with that person, nothing will happen to him, but then again, what are you... doing here?"

Obviously, the second half of the sentence was said by Seno to Dixia.

"Who made me have a worrying young lady in my family? Although I don't know why her magic scale disease suddenly got better, the worrying disease is still there. I have no choice but to come and see the result for her."

Dixia spread her hands helplessly.

Of course, this is just her excuse.

After hearing what Su Yan said two days ago, she hurried back to see Dina Zedai.

As a result, it was just as Su Yan said. Dina Zedai's magic scale disease was miraculously cured.

So Dixia guessed that the disappearance of the magic scale disease... was related to Su Yan.

She was very curious about this.

Moreover, what she said to Seno was true.

When Dina Zedai learned about the news released by the Decree Court later, she was anxious and even wanted to come out.

But she was a weak woman. If she was not careful in this situation, she would die without knowing how.

In the end, Dixia finally persuaded her to go to investigate and wait and see on her behalf... and just when she was helpless.

Seno next to her suddenly shrank his pupils

"he came!"

"Where is it?!"

Everyone perked up. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then, they saw Seno pointing in the direction of the Church House.

"" Just two seconds ago, Su Yan, Xiao De, and Nashida appeared above the Church Order Court at the same time. That's right , only the three of them


And Nashida was riding on the back of the druid...

Buyer, Dream and Celebi did not appear with them.

At this time, Su Yan said

"Azar, I am here to take your life."

Su Yan did not use telepathy, but he deliberately raised his voice, which was so loud that almost half of Xumi City could hear it.

After a few seconds,……

"What? Do you think you will be fine if you hide in the House of Religion?"

At the same time

, a man appeared on the roof of the House of Religion through the elevator.

Who else could it be but Azar?

He was wearing a void terminal. After looking at Su Yan, he looked at Nashida.

"Lord Grass God, do you and other outsiders want to destroy Xumi City?"


Looking at Nashida's surprised expression, it was obvious that Su Yan had not told her what happened after she was taken away the day before yesterday.

In order not to expose her whereabouts, Nashida did not check the void terminal.

Now that Azar had put such a hat on her, Nashida was immediately furious.

"'Nonsense! Mr. Su Yan and I are here today just to destroy the forbidden things that shouldn't exist, and to punish you guilty people!"

"What is a forbidden thing?"

Seeing that Su Yan came with Nashida, Azar's previous plan had been successful, so he immediately pretended to be righteous and said

"The scholars of our Order House created power to protect Xumi and eliminate the disasters brought by the Death Zone. However, you, as the god of Xumi, not only did not take this goal as your own responsibility, but also colluded with outsiders to deal with the Order House, and even wanted to destroy the power that could protect Xumi.……"

At this point, Azar gritted his teeth and said coldly:"You are not worthy of being the god of Xumi."


Nashida was so angry about Azar's slander that she clenched her fists tightly.

She knew that Azar was wearing a void terminal and saying this just to let all the people in Xumi hear it.

Even if Nashida wanted to defend herself at this moment, her voice could not be spread so widely...

In fact, after coming to the Order Institute, she tried to enter the void terminal many times.

But it was obvious that the opponent was well prepared, and some kind of power was interfering with her, making Nashida unable to connect to the void...

At this moment!


Bang! Bang bang...!!!


Xumi There were explosions in several directions of the city at the same time.

Except for Su Yan, everyone else looked in the direction of the explosion.

In Xumi City, there were more than ten houses with flames and black smoke...

There was no doubt about it.

Azar took action. He sent people to create explosions in Xumi City, and then prepared to blame it all on Nashida.

In this way... even those who trusted the Little Grass God would despise this god who attacked his own people.

In addition, he was wearing a void terminal.

His expression changed drastically, and he shouted at the Taoist priest in an angry and trembling tone.

"You, you actually attacked your own people? You, you are unworthy of being a god of Mount Xumi!"


I , Azar, will pronounce judgment on you on behalf of the Faith Court... From now on, you are no longer the god of Xumi, but the enemy of Xumi!".

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