
"What are you talking about?!!!"

The sudden explosion, coupled with Azar's sudden accusation, showed that Nashida had not yet fully reacted.

But soon, her eyes suddenly became sharp.

"You, you don't even care about the lives of civilians in order to frame me."

It's a pity that Nashida's voice couldn't be transmitted to the people at this moment.

But Azar was different.

He controlled the void terminal, and with the machine, every word seemed to be deliberately transmitted to everyone in Xumi.

Azar couldn't accept Xida's words.

"Little Grass God, you have such a cruel heart. Those are your people, how can you be so cruel!"


Nashida clenched her fists in anger. But she also knew that it was useless to defend herself now.

"How could there be an explosion?!"

Sino and the others standing on the roof looked towards the direction of the explosion.

They were all surprised.

Only Sino looked very angry at this time, because he���Clear your mind

"The Church of the Lords actually did such a thing, damn it, these people really deserve to die!"

After saying that,

Seno was about to leave the roof to rescue people.

But at this moment, Dixia suddenly stopped him.

"Don't be impulsive, have you forgotten what that person said before?"


Sai Nuo stopped immediately.

That's right, Su Yan said at that time that no matter what happened today, they should not do anything.


Sai Nuo looked at the direction of the explosion of Xumi City. After calming down, he suddenly felt a sense of disharmony.

And soon, he found out what this disharmony was.

"So that's it."

He stood up straight again, and no longer had the intention to go to the rescue.

When he looked back at the direction of the Order, his eyes were full of hatred.

At the same time...

Su Yan suddenly moved forward slowly in the air. He already knew what Azar would do.

The reason why he didn't tell Nashida was that he had to play the whole play today.

He didn't take action, just to let Azar dig his own grave.

"Haha...Hazard, you're done"


Azar was stunned, as if he couldn't understand what Su Yan meant.

But he quickly smiled and said

"What, you, an outsider, want to seize Xumi from the Grass God? Humph, if you do something like this, even if you can destroy the Church of the Lord, the people of Xumi will not believe you."


At this moment, Su Yan's smile gradually faded, and his eyes gradually turned cold.

"Don't you find it strange? There was an explosion in Xumi City just now, but why haven't we heard any cries for help or shouts until now?"

After saying this,

Azar was stunned again.


He arranged for people to create an explosion in Xumi City, but apart from the explosion, there seemed to be no riots in the city until now.

This was also the incongruity that Seno had just discovered.

"How come you, a great sage, can't figure this out?"

Su Yan continued to look at Azar indifferently, and then said softly:"Buyer, start."

However, at this moment

, a voice that was extremely unfamiliar to Azar suddenly responded to Su Yan from the void terminal.


Although they can use the power of the God of Righteousness to repel Nashida 's connection, it is impossible for them to repel me.

""Who are you?"

If Azar had just had a smug look on his face, now it was completely gone.

Because his biggest support, the void, was invaded!

And it was connected to his void terminal. Who was it?

Apart from the Little Grass God, who could do it?

"It's normal that you don't know me. After all... you weren't even born when my former Grass God was in power. I didn't expect that the Church of the Order, which once made Xumi glorious, would fall to this point. I'm really disappointed."

When the voice came from the terminal, only Azar could hear it in the whole Xumi.

At this time, Azar's eyes were already wide open. Just because of the four words"former Grass God", he couldn't even hear the rest of the words.

"Impossible, this is impossible! The Great Compassionate Tree King has died a long time ago. You absolutely cannot be the former Grass God!"

"Humph, it doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not. Now let me show your true face to the people of Xumi!" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, the sound of the void terminal stopped abruptly!

Azar’s expression suddenly became panicked because his voice was cut off.

"No, no... What do you want to do?!"

Suddenly, a picture flashed on the void terminal.[]

That was the direction of Xumi City, where the explosion had just occurred...

Huanhuan was deploying a protective shield to protect a residential building.

Under Huanhuan's protection, the explosion had only blown open the door of the residential building.

A woman was holding a one-year-old baby, and she was expressing her gratitude to Huanhuan:"Thank you, thank you, thank you for protecting us, otherwise we would have died in the explosion. Thank you."

The woman looked very excited, but after expressing her gratitude to Huanhuan, her eyes suddenly became bloodshot, and she cursed fiercely at the person outside the door.

"I have seen you before. You are from the Church Order, right? Why did you blow up my house? And you want to put the blame on Little Grass God? What do you think of us?!!!"

The picture slowly moved forward.

At the door of the woman's house, there were two people who had been controlled by Huanhuan.

Although the two men were wearing ordinary clothes and holding a handful of unlit explosives in their hands, the woman was very familiar with one of them and immediately remembered that he was from the Church Order.

Of course, it is also possible that the woman remembered it wrong.

But now, almost everyone in Xumi City is watching this picture.

Under Buyer's operation, the identity information of the two people instantly popped up on the void terminal.

In addition... other pictures are still playing in the void.

Celebi, like Huanhuan, guarded another house.

Similarly, there were two people at the door who were also controlled by Celebi.

Soon... the void terminal popped up the information of the two people.

As expected, they are from the Church Order again.

Not only……

""Ah! What the hell is this?!"

At several other explosion locations, before the explosion, a bunch of Zygarde cells were attached to the front of the bombed houses.

The impact of the explosion did not cause them any damage, let alone damage to the houses.

On the contrary, after the explosion, Zygarde cells attacked and subdued those people from the Church Order in a blink of an eye.

Several screens popped up the identities of these people at the same time.

Undoubtedly... they were all people from the Church Order.

Their names, positions, and residences were all clearly displayed.

"The House of Religion!!!"

"Could it be that this explosion was planned by the Ministry of Education, and then the blame was put on the Little Grass God?!"

"Well, is the Ministry of Education crying"stop thief"?"

"I have seen that pink cat. It was the cat that caused a commotion in Xumi City a few days ago. It, it is actually saving people?!"

"That onion head is so cute, is it also an elf? It looks so gentle too"

"Ah! What are those green cells? Are they Pokémon too?"

Although the Xumi people wearing the void terminal could not communicate, they reacted immediately after seeing these scenes.

At the same time, this scene seemed to tell them that Pokémon were not as harmful as the Order Institute said.

The fact is just the opposite...

At this moment, the Order Institute is killing people, but Pokémon are saving people.

Of course.

Because Azar was wearing a void terminal, he could also see the pictures released by Buyer.

But his face had already become extremely ugly...

And he finally knew why there was no crying or shouting for help after the explosion.

"Damn it, damn it, you, you stop it!!!"

If he wanted to make the reputation of Little Grass God plummet to the bottom before, then the situation has been reversed now.

And... before, he blocked the void terminal, so that Little Grass God could not speak.

After being cut off by Buyer, even if he wanted to defend himself, he could not do it now.

It can only be said that this retribution came really quickly.

However, at this time, Su Yan looked at Azar with a livid face, and his eyes were still indifferent.

"Humph, how does it feel to be bitten back by your own means, but... you don't think this is the end, do you?".

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