In the sky.

Nashida had tears in her eyes.

She looked at Su Yan and only then did she see through his plan.

"Thank you, thank you."

Su Yan nodded:"This is what you deserve, don't worry, it will be over soon."

However, at this moment,

Hazard suddenly laughed

"Hehe...what gentleness, what kindness, you are just a cowardly god. Now the whole Xumi is suffering. If you really have the ability of a god, you would not let Xumi suffer from the invasion of the Death Zone for hundreds of years. What have you done?!"

After these words came out.

Nashida suddenly didn't know how to speak for a moment.

If Azar had been slandering her before, then Nashida could not refute his words now.

But, at this moment...

Su Yan said coldly:"She has been imprisoned by you for five hundred years, and now you want her to fulfill the responsibility of protecting Xumi?"

"Hahaha...Okay, well said. She couldn't fulfill it in the past, so what about in the future? Does she have the ability?""Two, four, seven,"

Azar immediately scolded,"Xumi is suffering from disasters. As a newborn god, she can't protect her people and can't dispel disasters. What qualifications does she have to sit on the position of god?"

"She is not qualified, but does that false god you created have the qualifications?"

Su Yan's words just came out.

Azar raised his eyelids and said,"How do you know?"

However, Su Yan did not answer him, but looked at him coldly.

"During this time, the rangers and Pokémon outside were desperately fighting the dead zone, but you only knew how to fiddle with that scrap metal every day. What's funny is that you haven't even checked the information that the magic scale disease has been cured.……"

"Fighting the Death Domain? Has the Demonic Scale Disease been cured?"

Indeed, in the past few days, Azar has been in Lidu Valley, doing his best to repair the God of Righteousness.

The documents in the office have piled up like a mountain, but he didn't even look at them... not to mention the existence of the convenient Void Terminal.

It can be seen that he doesn't care about Xumi at all, and only thinks about how to use the God of Righteousness to save his life.

At this moment.

A new picture appeared on the Void Terminal again.

In the picture, there was an evil red light all over, and the flowers and plants withered.

The people of Xumi knew at a glance that this was a disaster unique to Xumi... the birth of the Death Domain.

The Death Domain is a fear engraved in the hearts of every Xumi person.

However, at this moment... there were people dressed as rangers, and they rushed into the Death Domain in one fell swoop.

""Please, Zygarde!"

The next second, green cells rushed to the blood-red flowers in the dead zone and attached to them.

Just a few seconds later...


The dead zone exploded.

The surrounding scenery regained its vitality. Although the infected flowers and plants still needed time to recover, the dead zone had indeed disappeared.

"Hey, good job, Zygarde, let's move on to the next one!"

In the picture, the rangers are excited, but their clothes are covered with dirt and mud, and their shoes are even more worn and dirty.

It can be seen that... they have run a lot of roads, climbed over many mountains, and crossed many ridges in the past few days.

"Wow, so powerful, that little green thing actually eliminated the dead zone in one go?"

"Hey, this little guy looks so familiar. By the way, in the explosion in Xumi City just now, it was them who saved innocent people and subdued the people from the Ministry of Education!"

"Is this a Pokémon? Too strong, they seem to be able to control the dead zone, and……"

"Those forest rangers would never have imagined that while they were fighting desperately outside, the Order of the Lords was doing such a thing!"

"By the way, those little guys and the rangers match up really well. Who said that Pokémon are harmful and therefore should be banned from entering Xumi?"

"The Order of the Church! Pokémon is harmless. It can not only save people, but also eliminate the dead zone. You, you have done all kinds of bad things!!!"

The public resentment is boiling again.

At the beginning, the people of Liyue brought Pokémon to Xumi, but the Order of the Church excluded them because they were threatening.

This is completely understandable, after all, they are creatures from outside the world.

However, when they learned that Pokémon has extraordinary combat power and can get close to humans... the Order of the Church not only did not accept it, but continued to brainwash the people of Xumi.

And told the people of Xumi that Pokémon are terrible existences, and their appearance will only bring disasters.

The reason for saying this is nothing more than fearing that the popularity of Pokémon will cause the position of the Order of the Church to be shaken. (To read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But now, the people of Xumi look at Kiger German cells, and the forest rangers cooperated with each other tacitly, and easily broke through the dead zone.

They finally learned the truth.

In addition, now the ugliness of the Order Institute has been exposed.

How can they not be angry, how can they not feel wronged.

If Pokémon had been accepted a little earlier, how many people would have been reduced from innocently dying in the dead zone? []

At this time... in the sky.

Su Yan slowly moved towards Azar.

Everything he had done these days was to expose the great sage Azar to the eyes of the entire Xumi people today.

If Azar was killed when he first came to Xumi, then the Xumi people would still believe in him, and would still regard this great sage as a hero of the Xumi people.

On the contrary, himself and Mew will become the murderer in the eyes of the people of Xumi.

Even if Nashida returns to the position of god, it will be even more difficult to promote Pokémon.

Of course, Su Yan can also choose to destroy the entire Xumi.0

But this is different from his philosophy.

Besides... the people of Xumi were just kept in the dark by Azar.

So he first played the villain and announced the countdown to Azar's death, and then helped him activate the God of Righteousness, so that he felt that he had the power to fight back.

Only then, with the confidence, he would step into his own trap step by step.

Just like now...

Azar has become a sinner of Xumi.

On the other hand, Nashida has become the kind god in the minds of the people of Xumi.

And Cleaning up the dead zone is also to let the people of Xumi understand that Pokémon can not only coexist with humans, but also solve the dead zone that they have had to fear all the time for hundreds of years.

There were some accidents during the period, that is, Tinari volunteered, but it developed in a good direction...

Su Yan used a little trick here, that is, to eliminate the largest Wuliudao and rescue the Great Ci Tree King.

Of course, he will not broadcast this part, let alone tell the people of Xumi.

As for Buyer herself, she did not intend to appear in public. She would rather entrust Xumi to Nashida and then follow Su Yan.

She did this five hundred years ago...

At this time.

Su Yan has already walked into the air and is less than a hundred meters away from Azar.

"You are useless now, I will take your life!"

Indeed, in terms of reputation, Hazard is doomed.

But... do you want him to accept his fate?

Absolutely impossible!

"Hehehe... I haven't lost yet. As long as I kill all of you, I can still have the last laugh."

At this point, Azar still showed a ferocious smile and looked at Su Yan

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you. If you hadn't given me these few days, I'm afraid I really wouldn't be able to see the masterpiece I created at 2.8. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as regret in this world.���"


Su Yan naturally knew what Azar was referring to, but he hadn't made a move yet. No, it should be said that he had already planned the way Azar would die.

Seeing Su Yan suddenly stop,

Azar immediately raised his hands frantically and laughed.

"Hehehe... Don't think that you have already won. Now I will show you the divine power that I have created!"

"Come out!"

""God of Righteousness!!!"

Just after he shouted...


A huge mechanical arm suddenly broke through the ceiling from the bottom of the teaching house.

However, an unexpected scene happened.

No... it should be said that a scene that Azar could not imagine happened.

At this moment, the huge mechanical arm not only broke the ceiling, but also grabbed Azar in the palm of its hand.

This made Azar look stunned.


Huh ?".

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