"You, what are you doing?!"

Seeing himself being held, Hazard tried to struggle desperately, but this was the hand of the God of Righteousness, how could he break free?

"What do you mean, scattered soldiers?"

"Hehehe... scattered soldiers?"

A playful voice sounded from the God of Righteousness. If you listen carefully, it is indeed the voice of scattered soldiers.

However, he said

"The scattered soldier was already dead."


Hazard was completely confused.

Because the voice he heard was definitely from a scattered soldier.

There was no way he could have heard it wrong.

What was going on?

"I don't understand, what do you mean?!"

As soon as the voice fell, the mechanical arm that grabbed Azar slowly moved to the core position.


The door of the core opened... A figure slowly flew out from inside.

Who else could it be but Sanbing!

Seeing this figure, Azar immediately shouted angrily:"Sanbing, what exactly do you want to do? Have you forgotten our agreement?!!"

However, Sanbing still showed a playful smile.

He slowly approached Azar. Then he said in a sneering tone

"Lord Azar, I have just said that I am not a Sanbing, and it was Mr. Su Yan who asked me to help you 11 activate the God of Righteousness, and then use this God of Righteousness that you spent countless efforts on and combined with the countless wisdom of the Order Institute to create, to personally crush you to death."

After the voice fell,

Azar was stunned.

He, he still didn't understand.

Why is Sanbing Su Yan's man?

And... from what Sanbing said, Su Yan helped him to activate the God of Righteousness?

How is this possible?

I still remember that the doctor did bring back Sanbing's body a few days ago, and without him as a medium, the God of Righteousness was not enough to drive it.

However, just after Su Yan appeared, Sanbing suddenly came back to life, so the God of Righteousness could be restarted.

Now thinking about it carefully... isn't this too coincidental?

Although Azar was held in the hand of the God of Righteousness, only his hands and feet could not move, but his head could still turn.

At this moment, he looked at Su Yan with a stunned and dazed look.

But he found that Su Yan was also looking at him with a smile at this moment.

"Why, before you died, I let you see my masterpiece with your own eyes, shouldn't you thank me? Oh... By the way, you will be crushed to death by your own creation later." After saying that, Su Yan immediately looked at the scattered soldiers and said,"Send the great sage of Xumi on his last journey."

"No problem!"

After the scattered soldiers responded, they returned to the core.

"Wait, wait, what's going on? I don't understand... why would you cooperate with him?!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Azar became more and more confused.

What's more, his life and death is now in the hands of others, and the god he created with all his strength.

At this moment.

Puzzled, stunned, frightened, terrified, all kinds of emotions are constantly changing on Azar's face.

However, the scattered soldiers who have entered the core did not pay attention to him...

Zila, Zila!!!

The God of Righteousness suddenly aroused purple electric light all over his body.



Countless arcs of electricity spread over the great sage of Xumi, causing him to scream in agony.

You know, this is the power of the gods.

Although the scattered soldiers did not exert much power, for Azar, blaming his heart was not enough to express such pain...

Look... his body began to emit a burnt smell, and his skin began to erode.

Even so, he still couldn't figure it out.

"I, I won't accept it, why, why did I lose, why, why, would you cooperate with him, why, why would I, die at the hands of the god I created myself……"

But I haven't finished talking yet.


The God of Righteousness immediately squeezed hard.


Azar, the great sage of the Xumi Supreme Church, had turned into a bloody mist in the hands of his masterpiece.

Even until his death, he didn't know which step he had gone wrong. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Who is this scattered soldier...

In whose hands did he die?

It's a pity... He will never get the answer again.

For Azar, this is undoubtedly the most severe punishment!

And the only people who can see this scene, except for Su Yan's people, are Seno and his friends.[]

"Dead, dead……"

Seno felt sad. He was the most powerful person in the Church, and he could even be said to be the most respected person in the whole Xumi. But now he died at the hands of his own creation.

Nilu cheered and said,"It's a good death! That bad guy actually wanted to slander the Little Grass God. If he doesn't die, who will die?"


Dixia sighed. She didn't feel sorry for the Great Sage. On the contrary, after what happened today, she felt that Azar's death was not enough.

But... now that the Great Sage of Xumi is dead, the entire Xumi will be transformed.

As a mercenary, what should she do then?

And Seno's eyes were still on the top of the Church Order. He twisted his chin and looked thoughtful.

"By the way, why did the forbidden creature attack Azar in return?"

It's a pity... they were some distance away from the Church Order Institute. Apart from Azar's screams before his death, he couldn't hear anything else.

At the same time...

Su Yan stood in front of the God of Righteousness out of thin air. He was at ease, but he suddenly asked an inexplicable question through telepathy.

"After experiencing the power of God, don't you want to attack me?"

But soon, the voice of the scattered soldiers came from the God of Righteousness.

"You must be joking...Mr. Su Yan, how dare I attack you."

But Su Yan shook his head:"I am right in front of you now, and there is no Pokémon protecting me. This is your best chance to take revenge."

However, the scattered soldiers in the core did not even hesitate.

"Mr. Su Yan, please stop testing me."

"Haha, okay."

Su Yan smiled slightly. It was more like he wanted to see what the other party would do than to test him.

Since the other party was so cowardly, Su Yan would not continue to make trouble.


But I can give you a chance to experience the power of a god... Use your full strength as a god to attack Nashida.


The voice coming from the core was clearly full of surprise.

But just when San Bing wanted to speak again, Su Yan interrupted him.

"This is not a test, it's an order. Besides, you haven't tried out the toy's true power since you got it, right? Don't you want to try it? Don't you want to see with your own eyes how big the gap is between the gods you talk about and the gods of elves?"

Just wait for the core to be silent for a while.

"……Is this the difference between the power of gods and the power of the gods of elves?"

This time, Sanbing did not refuse. In fact, he already knew what Su Yan wanted to do.

Even so... he was still very interested in it.

Su Yan smiled slightly, then whispered:"Go, it's a reward for you."


After the scattered soldiers responded, they immediately injected the maximum power of the core into the God of Righteousness.

""God of Righteousness, activate!!!"

A powerful force suddenly burst out from the core.

The sky suddenly became dark. The black clouds seemed to feel this power and immediately covered the entire sky.

There were also purple lightning leaping above it.

Then... the God of Righteousness locked his target on... Nashida who was still sitting on Zygarde!.

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