The sky.

The black clouds seemed to be burning, and lightning was leaping all over the sky.

The aura that could match the gods was now all over the city of Xumi.

The ground was shaking.

The Xumi people who were hiding at home ran out of the house after feeling the earthquake.

As soon as they walked out of the door... the terrifying scene in the sky instantly made everyone's face covered with fear.

"What is going to happen?"

At this moment, people began to shout:"Look, there is a big guy on the top of the Church Order Hall!!!"

At this moment... people began to look towards the Church Order Hall.

However, what they saw was an even more terrifying scene.

Thunder roared in the sky, and lightning struck one after another. Each divine thunder accurately struck the God of Righteousness.

With each additional strike, the aura of the God of Righteousness became more powerful.

"Hahaha... This power is simply amazing! No wonder Sanbing is so persistent in wanting to become a god."

In the core, Sanbing felt this power and knew very well how powerful it was.

But he soon calmed down.

""Huh... what a pity."

It seemed that he knew very well that even if he was as strong as a god, he would be just a paper tiger that could scream when he met the one in front of him.

To be honest...

Su Yan asked himself just now, after controlling the God of Righteousness, did he not want to attack him?

In fact, he did not even dare to think about it.

However, he was deeply curious about how big the gap was between his current power and the God of Elves...


The God of Righteousness turned his head slowly and finally landed on Nashida's side.

Seeing this……

"Is it coming?"

When Nashida saw the other party suddenly locked onto her, she seemed to have expected this to happen.

In fact, before returning to Xumi, Su Yan had told her...

Nashida, after dealing with Azar, the God of Righteousness will attack you, and then you just need to do what I say.

"This is the last……"

Nashida muttered to herself, then gently stroked Xiaode and chuckled,"Xiaode, I'll leave it to you."

Xiaode's mouth curled up slightly.

"Leave it to me. To be honest, this God of Righteousness is indeed a little stronger than I thought."

As soon as the voice fell...


Above the Church Order Court, the God of Righteousness suddenly rose up, and the lightning runes surrounding his body suddenly burst out with powerful power.

In the explosion of this power... a rotating lightning matrix suddenly aimed at Nashida and Xiaode.

Seeing this... the whole Xumi City suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

"Oh no, that guy is going to attack Lord Little Grass God!"

"What the hell is that thing? Could it be a forbidden item secretly created by the Ministry of Education?!"

"Damn it, the Order of the Lords is damned for wanting to replace our gods with this man-made thing.……"

"Is it out of control now? Or is that bastard Azar controlling it?"

Before, the residents hid in their homes for shelter and did not see the scene where the God of Righteousness crushed Azar to death.

It was only because of the earthquake caused by the power of the God of Righteousness that people ran out of their houses one after another to take shelter.

In addition, the people of Xumi now know the truth and understand that Nashida is the successor of the Great Compassion Tree King. They also know that during the five hundred years of imprisonment, she secretly did so many things for the people of Xumi.

Now, the people of Xumi have regarded her as a god in their hearts. So when they saw that the God of Righteousness was about to attack their gods, how could these people not feel anxious...

It's a pity...

This level of battle is no longer something that ordinary people can intervene in.

At this moment!

"Lightning Matrix!! ~"

The Lightning Matrix of the God of Righteousness exploded with greater energy.

A large lightning suddenly flooded towards Nashida and Xiao De...

The terrifying lightning arrived in the blink of an eye, and Nashida and Xiao De were in the air, so there was no way to avoid it.

On the roof, Nilu clasped her hands together, and she couldn't help but shouting out in tension!

""Little Grass God!!!"

But the voice fell.


Countless green cells came from all directions.

These are Zygarde's cells...

They are faster than the lightning, and they immediately turned into shields to block Nashida.

The next second!


The purple lightning suddenly exploded, turning into thousands of electric currents dancing in the sky.

The strong electric light even submerged the figures of Nashida and Xiaode.

The horrible scene made the whole Xumi City fall into a dead silence.

Most people made prayer gestures in their horrified faces.

Only the lightning snakes in the sky were sizzling one after another, like a network of electric nets, as if they wanted to trap those green cells.

But... no matter how the currents exerted their strength, the shields formed by Zygarde's cells did not seem to be loose at all.

It seemed that as long as the currents touched them, they would disappear cleanly.

"How is this possible?!"

The scattered soldier in the core of the God of Righteousness also saw this scene.

He knew very well that even if he had the power of a god, he could not compete with the God of Elves.

But this was after all a blow he made with all his strength... but in the end he couldn't even defeat those small cells?

Only Su Yan saw this scene and shook his head slightly.

"How could the electric system have any effect on Zygarde, a ground system, not to mention that the power of the God of Righteousness is far inferior to it."

Just as the words were finished.

At this moment, the lightning in the sky was gradually dissipating because it had exhausted its power.

The light also became less intense...

People only saw clearly at this time that Nashida was still sitting steadily on the little druid, and in front of her, the green cells turned into a huge shield to protect her.

As soon as the picture came out... (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Look! It's the Pokémon. It's those Pokémon who protected Lady Nashida!"

"Really... Wait, did these elves just rescue the people of Xumi City, and are they still fighting the Dead Zone in the wild with the rangers?"

"When did they appear just now? It’s amazing!!!!"

The people of Xumi cheered immediately.

This was the third time that Zygarde appeared in their perception.[]

The first time, the Order of the Lords secretly created an explosion, and it was Zygarde's cells that saved the residents.

The second time, it was the image in the void terminal, that time they easily swept the dead zone, together with the rangers.

This time... they protected the little god of Xumi.

And Zygarde's cells just condensed too quickly, except for the few people on the roof just now, no one else saw their movement trajectory.

But Nashida knew it better.

These cells all obeyed the orders of the little druid.

She immediately touched the little druid again.

"Thank you, Xiao De."

Xiao De nodded, and then said:"Nashida, Lord Su Yan said that he didn't want to keep this false god, and he wanted you to command it, so... do you still remember my two moves?"


Nashida nodded repeatedly.

Before coming to Xumi, Su Yan told Nashida that in order to let the whole city of Xumi see that humans and elves can cooperate with each other, he would lend Zygarde to Nashida.

And let her defeat the God of Righteousness, and let Nashida memorize the steps to command Zygarde.

Let the god in the hearts of the people of Xumi come to promote it personally... Nothing can be better than this.

At this time...

Nashida jumped down from behind Xiaode.

"Xiaode, let's start."

""Okay!" As soon as the druid nodded, Nashida shouted loudly:"Zygarde, group transformation, 100% form!!!""

"Got it!!!"

Druid suddenly stepped out in the air.


Druid's body suddenly exuded an extremely strong green aura.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

Unprecedented huge energy continued to collide with the entire Teyvat, and the space was shattered, like countless glass shattering.

At the same time!

The cells that had turned into shields before, under Druid's call, all came towards its body.

The dazzling green light has already submerged Druid and the cells...

But, even so, it can still be vaguely seen that Druid is changing...

From more than one meter, gradually, two meters, three meters... and still growing.

At the same time.

In a forest, Xiao Ge suddenly stopped while looking for the dead zone.

"..Tinari, I'm going to leave for a while. I'll continue searching for the dead zone with you after I finish my work."


Before Tinari could react, both Xiao Ge and the cells attached to him flew up into the sky, turned into green arrows, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Of course

, the same thing happened to the rangers in other places.

In the blink of an eye... the sky of Xumi turned into thousands of green meteors, all of which crossed the sky in the direction of Xumi City.

It was still daytime... but the meteor shower was not robbed of its edge by the scorching sun.

The people of Xumi City raised their heads and looked at the meteor showers from all directions... Everyone's face, which was still horrified just now, now revealed warmth.

"" Good, beautiful... Really beautiful."

Nilu looked up at the sky. Such a beautiful scene was the most beautiful she had ever seen in her life.


"This, this power, why can I feel the God of Righteousness trembling?!"

But he soon discovered that it was not the God of Righteousness trembling, but himself.

"No, that's not right. It's me who is trembling... Is this the power of the God of Elves? Even the gods would tremble at the power!"

During the few seconds when Zygarde was gathering his strength, he thought about launching an attack, but the fear from his heart made him unable to move at all.

No... It's the space!

After Zygarde started the group form, the space of heaven and earth seemed to restrict the actions of the God of Righteousness.

And now... the state of Zygarde's condensation has reached more than fifty meters.

Although the green light blocked everyone's sight, it was still vaguely visible that it was a huge python?

But not only that...

At this moment, a dog that looked exactly like Zygarde flew in the sky. It was Zygarde.

"Come on, Z1!"

As soon as a deep voice sounded in the green light...

Xiao Ge rushed into the green light without hesitation.

Only at this moment!


The originally dense space in the sky was completely broken.

In an instant, the world seemed to fall into a deep abyss, without light, without anything else.

Only the green light remained... and this green light had expanded to more than 60 meters.

It can be vaguely seen... The original big snake in the green light has now turned into a sturdy giant.

It seems to have a sense of overlap with the God of Righteousness, but its size is more than many times larger than the God of Righteousness...

As soon as the green light gradually faded, the world returned to its previous brightness.


The giant fell from the sky and landed next to Nashida.

And under its huge body... The God of Righteousness was almost only an arm's length away from it.

"I, the guardian of the ecological environment... Zygarde!".


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