In recent days, Liyue has been thriving in all aspects.

Since the second game, people have paid more attention to Pokémon.

At the same time, they also maintain awe of Pokémon.

It has been six days since the last game!

Those who won that day have been working hard to train their partners in recent days, just to win the championship in two days.

At this time, outside Liyue...

Whoosh, whoosh!!!

Two figures suddenly broke through the sky.

They were Zhongli and Venti!

"Barbatos, can you sense it?"

"This, this power comes from the direction of Xumi."

Zhongli was drinking tea just now, and Wendy happened to be singing in the teahouse.

They didn't need to maintain the tension before the game. After all... one of them gave up.

The other was eliminated in the first round... and just when they were about to spend this leisurely day, they, as gods of the two countries, suddenly felt a force coming from Xumi.

This power... is stronger than any power they have ever seen before!

Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Groudon are all incomparable to it.

Just when Wendy was shocked, Zhongli suddenly asked:"Did Su Yan go to Xumi?"

Wendy said without thinking.

"It must be him. He can allow us to feel the power from Xumi while in Liyue. Only he can be so abnormal."

The words are rough but the truth is true.

Zhongli could feel how strong this power was. He nodded immediately and then became curious.

"This time... what kind of spirit god did he summon?"

There was a moment of silence.

Wendy suddenly raised his eyebrows:"Could it be Rayquaza? Eh... why do you have to go to Xumi to summon Rayquaza? I've always wanted to see it."

But the next second, Zhongli shook his head.

"No... This breath contains a strong ground elemental power, which is very similar to that of Groudon. This should not be the sky god you mentioned."

Recently, after Su Yan left Liyue, Zhongli curiously asked Wendy why he named the caterpillar Rayquaza, and why he thought that the caterpillar could defeat his Shakira.

As a result, Wendy told Zhongli everything that Su Yan had said before.

At that time, Zhongli realized that Rayquaza was the sky god of the elves.

"The ground?"

After hearing Zhongli's words, Wendy was slightly startled, and then she jumped up and down.

"The ground again? Didn't your Yukira say that there is no god of rock attribute in the spirit world?"

Zhongli glanced at Wendy and said,"It is now Shakira. In fact, I also asked it, and it said that there is indeed no god of rock attribute in the spirit world, but... there is a god of earth."


Wendy blinked. Why couldn't he understand Zhongli's words when they were clearly human language?

There was no God of Rock?

But there was a God of Earth?

Wendy blinked and blinked:"What's the difference?"

"I don't know."

Zhongli knocked his forehead, he couldn't understand either.

Rock and ground... Aren't they both soil?

How can there be a difference?

At the same time...

Inazuma, the castle tower.

Nowadays, Ying personally manages the entire Inazuma.

During this period of time, she and Yaezakami have opened up various ways of popularizing science about Pokémon.

Drawings, picture albums, novels, and figures are all under the charge of Yaezakami.

Legislation, founding a country, and suppressing rebellions are all under the charge of Ying.

Although only a few days have passed... the effect has been seen.

At this time, Kujo Sara was kneeling in the main hall of the castle tower, reporting:"General, I have added a new force to prepare for the arrival of Pokémon. At that time, this team will specifically arrest criminals in this regard."

"Well, Kujo Sara, you did a great job, and this team will be led by you in the future."

The Shadow Lord sits on the throne of the God of Thunder, and now she does everything personally, just to avoid making the same mistakes as before.

Kujo Sara immediately nodded and responded,"Yes!"

Don't say it...

Ever since Shadow took over Inazuma again, the whole country has begun to inject new vitality.

Although the feeling of everyone being in danger has not been completely eliminated, it is much better than before.

Although merchants from all over the country still need to register from the offshore islands, they no longer have to pay sky-high taxes, nor do they have to be deducted by the Kande Bugyo.

And just when Kujo Sara finished her report and was about to leave the hall...

Shadow suddenly stopped Kujo Sara.

"By the way... this year's celebration will be held in Inazuma Castle. You go and tell that girl... I think she's called Xiao Gong, to order some fireworks for the castle tower. I want to invite a very important person to the event."


Although Kujo Sara responded, she felt very strange in her heart...

Very important person?

She didn't dare to ask, but as long as the general said so, she would obey and get it done.

After all, this person was the one she admired the most...

Although General Lei Dian seemed to have changed a lot during this period of time.

Of course, it was a change for the better... This made Kujo Sara work harder.

"Go ahead."

After Ying had given instructions to Kujo Sara... suddenly,

Ying turned her head and looked in the direction of Xumi...

Apparently, she also sensed the power from Zygarde.

"He seemed to have said before that he was going to Xumi, so it seemed that something must have happened there, but... I think no matter what, he could handle it."

After saying that, Ying turned around.

She was not worried that Su Yan would have an accident, because in her opinion, that was absolutely impossible.

Compared to this...……

"He will come to Inazuma in a while, and I don't know if he will accept my invitation."

After saying that, Ying felt a little hot on her face.

If it was because the general had hit Su Yan before, both sides were unhappy.

During that time, Ying was more afraid of Su Yan.

But... since she witnessed Liyue, she realized that she was always thinking about it.

In addition, after getting to know him for a while, Ying found that Su Yan was not that scary.

On the contrary... he was really gentle sometimes.

At this time, Ying slowly took out a Poké Ball and a Pokémon Book from her body.

"I'll be able to see him soon."


You can imagine. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Liyue and Inazuma can feel the power of Zygarde.

Naturally, other countries can too.

Not to mention the city of Xumi, which has been deeply affected by it...

When the giant in the 100% form landed next to Nashida...

It was about sixty meters long, with a mainly black body, with a green prismatic core, and claws as sharp as blades, extremely sharp.

Behind it are four ribbon-like wings, one with a blue core and the other with a red core. Each wing is controlled by a core, and can move and transform independently.

The tail is also like a wing, controlled by a green core.

This is Zygarde in 100% full strength form.

Compared to the God of Righteousness in front of him... it's like the difference between an adult and a child.

"So, so handsome!!!"[]

At this moment , everyone in the city was looking at Zygarde. His handsome appearance immediately fascinated many people.

"And did you see that? It was the Little Grass God who was directing it just now!"

Ordinary people were shocked by the appearance of Zygard.

Moreover, they all witnessed with their own eyes that Nashida's voice made Zygard change into this form.

But... in the eyes of Nashida and those who possessed the Eye of God.

What they saw... was a destructive force.

Not to mention Nilu and Senor...

At this time, Nashida asked uncertainly:"Are you, are you a druid?"

However, the answer she got was……

"I am the guardian of the ecological environment... Zygard!"

Just when Nashida suddenly became nervous, Zygard's voice came again:"Nashida, don't be afraid, Xiaode is me, and I am also Zygard. I will follow the arrangements of Lord Su Yan and obey your command."


Nashida finally felt relieved.

But little did she know... at this moment, the scattered soldiers in the God of Righteousness were more nervous than anyone else.

"Hey, hey, are you kidding me? You want me to fight it? Mr. Su Yan, you are not looking for an excuse to kill me, are you?!"

To be honest, he had never experienced the power of the Elf God before, he only knew that the Elf God was stronger than the gods.

At the beginning, the little druid he saw was still in 10% form, so he wanted to see how big the gap was between this false god and it.

What was the result?

After Zygarde condensed into shape, it was completely beyond his imagination... size, strength... The Elf God in front of him was many times stronger than the God of Righteousness.

How to fight?

This is not the way to hit an egg against a stone, right?!

" seems that I have no choice. If I don't do what he says, I will die. If I do what he says, I at least have a chance to survive."

Thinking of this, the soldier suddenly gritted his teeth.

"For Tok and the others, I absolutely cannot die! I also cannot face them in this puppet form!!"

"Take it!!!"

""Instantaneous birth and death!!!!"

Just when everyone was immersed in Zygarde's appearance... the God of Righteousness was finally able to move.

It completely untied the restrictions, and the purple lightning on its chest shook the sky, condensing a huge lightning ball above it.

This lightning ball was still gradually growing...

In the blink of an eye, it was even bigger than the God of Righteousness, and its aura was even more terrifying.

"not good!!!"

"Does he want to destroy the entire Xumi City?!"

Seeing this scene, people realized that the disaster of Xumi has not disappeared.

The energy aura condensed by the God of Righteousness at this moment can destroy the entire Xumi City at any time, not to mention the people of Xumi City.

No matter who sees this kind of power, there is only a deep sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

Some people even kept muttering……

"It's over."

However, Nashida saw the opportunity and pointed at the God of Righteousness with her little finger, then shouted loudly:

"Please, Zygarde, save Xumi City, destroy its core, and then... use the Core Punisher!!!"

Nashida's voice was firm and powerful, and it could be said that it spread from the sky to the streets and alleys.

At the same time... the instantaneous birth and death of the God of Righteousness had been condensed.

"As you wish."

Zygard finally took action.

As mentioned before, with Zygard's size, he is only an arm's length away from the God of Righteousness.

He raised his arm high, opened his blade-like claws, and landed on the lightning ball that was about to be ejected.

Then, he just exerted a little force.


The lightning ball that was powerful enough to destroy the entire Xumi City was suddenly crushed into dots of light.

The purple lightning element was even more scattered in the void.

But it's not over yet...

While crushing the instantaneous birth and death, Zygard's fist was unstoppable. It stopped, and it blasted into the core of the God of Righteousness.

The next second!

The claws penetrated the body of the God of Righteousness.

One punch!

Zygarde pierced the God of Righteousness with just one punch.

Seeing this scene... including Nashida, everyone became stunned.


Zygarde raised his fist lightly, and lifted the entire God of Righteousness to a higher level in the sky.

At this moment!

Zygarde opened his arms, and the core of his heart suddenly gathered seven-colored energy elements.

It... aimed at the God of Righteousness who was lifted up.


Hardcore Punisher!".

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