""Core Punisher!"

When Zygarde opened his arms, colorful energy suddenly flashed at his heart.

This is his ultimate move, and also a dragon-attributed move.

You should know that there is no concept of dragon attributes in Teevata.

But dragons are real creatures.

When the dragon element energy gathered, it gave people an illusion...

In this instant.

In the blur, people looked at Zygarde in the sky, as if he was no longer a giant, but an unrivaled dragon.


Just after Zygarde aimed at the God of Righteousness, the beam of energy was suddenly released from his heart.

In a blink of an eye, the seven-color energy beam was like a sky-breaking blow, submerging the entire body of the God of Righteousness. The God of Righteousness, who was thrown away, had already lost his core. Now he was just a piece of scrap copper and iron. How could he escape?


Even if the core still remained, it could not escape this blow.

It was even more impossible to resist...

When the seven-color energy beam engulfed the God of Righteousness, the cast body gradually annihilated into ashes...



Xumi... No, the top of the world suddenly ushered in a violent explosion.

The fire wave stretched for thousands of miles and tens of thousands of miles.

Whether in Mondstadt, Liyue, or even Inazuma, Fontaine... and so on.

People on the continent of Teyvat now only need to raise their heads to see a circle of green waves sweeping the entire sky.


Sky Island!

A pair of eyes suddenly woke up.

"who is it……"

This was a powerful voice, but it sounded very weak.

And the owner of these eyes was...Tenri Phanes!

The connection between dimensions failed to wake her up.

The advent of the elves failed to wake her up.

Even Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Groudon failed to wake her up when they displayed their power.

But Zygarde's attack woke her up.

Zygarde's attack just now pierced through the sky of Teyvat!

At this moment, Su Yan in Xumi City suddenly looked towards a certain direction in the sky, and suddenly muttered

"What an unexpected development.……"

Su Yan smiled and then looked at another part of the sky, which was also the location where Zygarde had just released the core punisher.

At this moment.

The explosion that was enough to blow through the sky no longer existed, only a Z-shaped energy, which was engraved on the top of the blue sky and white clouds for a long time.

This... is the symbol of Zygarde.

There is nothing else.

As for the God of Righteousness... he was annihilated into ashes in the moment when the energy beam passed by.


At this moment, the whole Xumi City swallowed up one after another.

Including Seno and Nilu...

They could all feel the destructive power of the last counterattack of the God of Righteousness just now.

That was the power that only gods could possess, enough to destroy Xumi.

Even so... that power was not only easily defeated by Zygarde, but even the taboo that could use this power was destroyed in one blow.

It is conceivable how shocking this scene is.

Not to mention them... even Nashida stayed where she was, unable to come back to her senses for a long time.

Thinking back, when they were at Xiangzui Slope, Buyer told her that Zygarde was stronger than any god.

Now it seems that this is just a question of strength?

This is a gap between two dimensions.

Just when people were immersed in shock,

Zygarde suddenly landed beside Su Yan.

"Lord Su Yan, what should you do with the people who left this core behind?"

Zygard opened his hand, and the Scattered Soldiers were in his hand.

Obviously, Zygard first broke the core of the God of Righteousness with a punch, and then destroyed it, just to save his life.

Of course.

The Scattered Soldiers also saw what happened just now.

At this moment, his whole body was trembling...

If Zygard hadn't caught him in his hand first, after that blow just now, he would no longer exist in this world.

Before, he also wanted to see the gap between the gods and the gods of elves.

What about now?


In the eyes of these terrifying gods of elves, the gods are not vulnerable at all.

At this moment, the Scattered Soldiers' eyes moved to Su Yan in fear. Coincidentally, he was also looking at himself.

"Mr. Su, Su Yan……"

The soldier tried to show a friendly smile, but his stiff face made him look very funny.

"Don't worry, I always keep my word."

After the words fell, Su Yan slowly flew into Zygard's hands. He moved like the wind, and his fingertips touched the forehead of the scattered soldier.

"Soul transfer."

When he was in Inazuma, he hit too hard and broke up General Raiden's life form.

Then General Raiden followed him, but like a puppet, except for executing orders, he was like a robot without any emotions.

During this period, Su Yan tried to give her a soul several times, but he gave up in the end.

After all, he promised Yinghui to return her body to her.

But during this period, he had nothing to do and studied the characteristics of life and soul several times.

So... when Menghuan pretended to be Azar and found the God of Righteousness, he also saw the scattered soldiers brought back by the doctor, but unfortunately he had no vital signs.

So... in order to verify his idea, Su Yan went to the endless dark space and found Tartaglia, who was already a little crazy.

In fact, Tartaglia was just a petty theft to Su Yan.

In his opinion, a month's punishment was about right.

"Do you want to leave here?"

Tadalia nodded without even thinking.

He had been locked up for more than a month.

And he was still hungry...

It was a miracle that he hadn't gone crazy in there.

"Since you still have brothers and sisters who need to be taken care of, I can give you a chance to leave here. After you finish this, don't play any tricks in front of me, otherwise... it won't be as simple as confinement."

So, Su Yan drew out the soul of Tartaglia and injected it into the scattered soldiers.

In order to activate the God of Righteousness, the power of the scattered soldiers is indispensable. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Only in this way can the Order of the Church be completely overthrown and Nashida become a god.

That's right, it is the real Nashida who ascended to the throne of God... not the Nashida who forgot the Great Compassion Tree King!

"It can be regarded as a wish come true."

A soul light ball slowly fell into Su Yan's hand, and after whispering something incomprehensible, he didn't even look at it, and slapped the other palm directly on the forehead of the soldier.[]

The next second!

The scattered soldiers turned into ashes and dissipated with the wind.

To Su Yan... the scattered soldiers were no longer useful and there was no need to keep them.

After doing all this……

"Grass God!"

"Little mascot Grass King!"


The fanatical voices in Xumi City have been resounding slogans since the beginning.

There is no doubt that

Nashida truly lives in people's hearts and is the only god in Xumi.

This is not only because she commanded Zygarde and defeated the God of Righteousness. What really made Xumi people accept this new god from the bottom of their hearts was that she persisted in silently protecting Xumi people for five hundred years...

What's more, Nashida still has loyal fans.

"That's great, it's really great!"

Looking at the whole city shouting Nashida, it's conceivable how touched Nilu was.

And Senor next to her suddenly said,"

Please give me flowers."

"It's really a good show."

After saying that, his eyes fell on Su Yan.

Seno now thinks carefully...

Su Yan was in charge of this matter from beginning to end.

First, he pushed Azar to the brink of death, making him more and more crazy, then controlled the void terminal, exposed the true face of the Order Institute to everyone, and then pushed Nashida to the throne.

Finally, he used absolute crushing power to wipe out Azar and the God of Righteousness.

"Everything is going as he planned."

Seno shook his head.

Apart from some details, he did see through Su Yan's plan.

Although he saw the clues only after Zygarde defeated the God of Righteousness.

But no matter what...Seno didn't hate the result now.

"That's it."

After he uttered a word, he immediately shouted,"Where are the discipline officers?!"

After a while... many people dressed as discipline officers appeared beside Saino.

"Lord Senor!"

Senor immediately waved his hand and shouted:"Take away all those who caused the explosion, don't let any of them go!"


After receiving the order, the disciplinary officers disappeared on the roof again.

At this time...

Dixia looked at Seno and raised her eyebrows:"It seems that you have done something."

"I am just fulfilling my duty."

Seno did not agree with what Dixia said. Although Su Yan told him not to do anything, he thought it would be better to arrange some people nearby, so that if there was any accident, he would have more plans. But he did not expect that he would use them to arrest the scum of the Order of the Church.

"Mr. Seno, I can ignore the others, but the scholars who follow Azar sincerely, and those who caused the explosion... I don't want them to stay until the end."

"……I understand. After I have collected the evidence, I will send them off."

Sino slowly closed his eyes.

He had never understood the principle of cutting the grass and eradicating the roots.

But after all, those people were from Xumi. To be honest, he didn't want to kill them all.

However, Sino knew very well who was the mastermind behind all this.

He had to do this.

""Haha, I'm at ease with you doing the work."

When Senor opened his eyes again,

Su Yan was no longer in the sky.

Zygarde was still there...

Then he looked at Nashida.

Now she was receiving the faith of the people, a result that she had never imagined before.

At the same time, she knew very well that all this was because of Su Yan's help.……

"Mr. Su Yan."

When Nashida turned around to thank Su Yan, she realized that he had left.

"Hey, where is Su Yan?"

"have no idea……"

Zygard shook his head and then said,"Nashida, Lord Su Yan has asked me to help Xumi clear the dead zone. From now on, you just need to concentrate on handling the things he asked you to do. This is the best way to repay him."

Nashida nodded without thinking.

"I will, I will make Pokémon and Xumi people coexist in harmony."

The voice fell.


Zygarde once again turned into countless cells, and then scattered in all directions in the sky.

Obviously... he wanted to return to the rangers and completely eradicate the dead zone before the Pokémon came.

As for why Su Yan left suddenly? He didn't even take Mew and Celebi with him...

That was after dealing with Azar, there was another person he would never let go.

This time, he wanted to do it himself!

And that person was... the second doctor of the Fatui executive. At this time, he was in a secret laboratory in Xumi, looking at the three patients who were cured of the magic scale disease..

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