"Where is this place?"

In the deep dark space, there was no light, nothing, but the doctor appeared here.

He still remembered clearly that Su Yan's move was as fast as the wind, and it seemed that he had touched his forehead with his fingertips.

Then... when the doctor came to his senses, he had appeared in this inexplicable place.

Even so, the doctor still did not seem to be in any panic.

He looked around, but unfortunately, it was pitch black, but he could stand and jump.

Because of this, even a smart man like him could not see any clues.

Combined with Su Yan's performance...

The doctor twisted his chin with his hand and looked like he was thinking.

He was sure that he had seen Su Yan for the first time in Xumi City.

At that time, he thought that Su Yan relied on the pink Pokémon...

Now it seems that the real scary thing is this person.

Someone who can even control time?

As for Su Yan, the doctor only knew that he was from outside the world.

Just as he was thinking……

"What? Is there something you can't figure out?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the front.

The doctor looked up, and the surroundings were still dark.

But at some point, a person who looked exactly like the doctor appeared in front of him.

That's right.

This is one of the doctor's time slices, and it was cut recently...

The doctor asked,"Why are you here?"

"Haha, you are in such a mess. Not only are you being controlled by someone, but you don't even know what method the other party is using."

The doctor's time slice shook his head and sighed,"If you are so useless, why don't you die here? I will solve the problems you can't solve."

However... facing his own time slice, the doctor did not get angry.


He knew very well that his time slice would never appear in this place.

In other words, the guy in front of him who looked exactly like him... was just an illusion.

What exactly did Su Yan want to do?

Who knew that when the doctor just raised the question


The time slice suddenly laughed:"You are so useless that you actually think I am just an illusion?" As soon as the voice fell

, another younger slice suddenly appeared in the darkness.

His steps were slightly lighter and his voice was slightly childish.

"I didn't expect your judgment to have become so bad. Time really makes people grow old. You can't escape the concept of time after all."

Just as this time slice was finished, another younger voice suddenly sounded.

"He has no future, and my future is still full of uncertainty, so you might as well disappear."

Listening to the three people coming towards him, the doctor said nothing.

Now, he is more certain that the three of him in front of him are just hallucinations.

"So that's what he was thinking."

Want me to kill my own time slice?

Since he had seen through this, the doctor would not be led by Su Yan.

At this time... three people had already walked up to the doctor.

They looked to be 30, 25, and 20 years old respectively.

Only the doctor himself knew how old they were.

Just now, they all looked normal.

But at this moment...……


The three of them all smiled strangely, and each of them held a dagger in his hand.

Seeing this scene, the doctor still had no expression on his face. It was better to say that he had always remained rational.

"Do you think you can disturb me like this? You underestimate me.……"

The doctor wanted to raise his hand to do something.

But at this moment... he found that he couldn't do it.

He only felt that an invisible force was really restraining him, and he couldn't move his hands and feet.

"Humph, the more you want to disturb me, the less likely I will fall for your tricks."

The doctor remained calm. After all, in his opinion, these three time slices could not be here, let alone do such a thing.

Then there was only one answer.

Su Yan must have used some method to make himself fall into a hallucination.

It was fake, everything was fake.

As long as he didn't have the intention to kill, as long as he didn't do anything, what could Su Yan do to him?

Little did they know... at this moment!

The expressions of the three time slices suddenly became extremely ferocious.


Without any hesitation, they stabbed the doctor's waist with daggers almost at the same time.


The doctor felt a sharp pain in his waist. This pain was so real.

"No, this can't be true."

At this moment, the doctor showed panic for the first time.

Although it was an illusion, the pain was too real... so real that he was shaken for a moment, but he quickly suppressed this moment of hesitation.


A strong light burst out in the darkness.

When the doctor reacted, he was back in the laboratory.

He wanted to search for Su Yan as soon as possible.

But there was no need to search, because as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Su Yan carrying him on his back and reaching out to the three children who were kidnapped by the Fatui.

"Have a good sleep. When you wake up, you will return to Xumi City and forget about what happened today, so as not to cause any bad shadows to you."


As soon as Su Yan's hand passed in front of the children, the three children suddenly felt sleepiness in their minds.

The next second, they felt that their eyelids could no longer hold up, and then they slowly fell asleep on the chair. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing this scene……

"This is your method. You wanted to hypnotize me and let me kill my own clone with my own hands, right?……"

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief���At the same time, he said in a sarcastic tone:"You underestimate me."

"Underestimate you?"

Seeing that the three children had fallen asleep, Su Yan turned around and smiled playfully.[]

It's like... the smile of a cat teasing a mouse

"Otherwise, take another look at what's flowing from the corner of your mouth?"


The doctor subconsciously wiped his mouth with his hand.

Sure enough, something like water or liquid was flowing down from the corner of his mouth.

He looked closely and found that the hand that had just wiped the corner of his mouth was covered with blood.

There was more than that...

After coming out of the illusion he thought he had, his attention was focused on Su Yan.

Only then did he realize that there was a sharp tingling sensation in his waist.

He quickly lowered his head to see


There were three wounds on his waist, and blood had already stained a large area of his clothes. Blood was even pouring out.

"It's not an illusion!"

The doctor finally began to step back in panic.

"No, if it wasn't an illusion, there should be three daggers on my waist."

Confused and panicked, he didn't realize that he had recovered.

Who knew...

At this time, Su Yan laughed again and said,"Is it possible that the three daggers were not stabbed at you, but……"

Having said that.

Su Yan suddenly stretched out his index finger and drew a circle out of thin air.

Then... the circle drawn out of thin air turned into a solid entity, and then a picture gradually emerged.

This was exactly the same as when he used Hoopa's golden ring to play the video for the audience in Guyun Pavilion.

As mentioned before, Su Yan can also use Hoopa's skills, but he had a ready-made golden ring in his hand at the time, and he was too lazy to do it himself.

Back to the topic.

When the picture in the circle appeared, the doctor who was covering his wound also looked inside.

I saw... there was a figure kneeling on the ground in pain, and there was a dagger stuck in his waist.

That's right, the person in the picture was one of the ones the doctor had just seen.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"


Su Yan swiped his hand in the circle.

The next second, the scene suddenly changed.

In another place, another younger doctor also knelt on the ground, with a dagger on his blood-stained waist.

At this point...

Su Yan suddenly smiled and said,"Do you think what you just experienced was just an illusion? In fact, the place where you just stayed was a time anchor point created by me."

Of course, he didn't finish his words, but continued

"As a human being, you can touch the threshold of time, which is a very remarkable thing. But in the time anchor point I created, you, or the time you cut off, whether they are the future or the past, can only be decided by me. After all, I have complete control over... time."

"No, this is absolutely impossible. 663."

The doctor was slowly retreating. He couldn't fully understand Su Yan's words, but the facts were right in front of him...

Thinking of this, the doctor suddenly shouted:"It's impossible for them to hurt themselves"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I still don't understand."

Su Yan still said in a teasing tone:"Of course they can't hurt themselves, because what they want to kill... is just you who has no future. It's a pity that they don't know that I have connected all the time slices with you. If you get hurt, they will also get hurt. If you die, they will all die."

At this time, Su Yan raised another finger

"I've said before, you only have the tip of the iceberg of time, which is nothing compared to me."

"I have no future?"

The doctor's mouth opened slightly, showing how unbelievable he was.

He was never afraid of life and death.

Because even if he encountered a stronger opponent, as long as his time slice was not completely destroyed, it meant that he had countless lives.

But now he encountered someone who could control time...

In other words... If the other party wanted to, could he erase his own time at any time?

Then how should he do it?

And why would the other party bother to do this?

At this time, Su Yan's voice sounded faintly again.

"You have been studying others all your life, now study yourself, by the way, I will not restrict your actions this time, you just study how to save your life."

After saying that, he tapped his fingers lightly...

The doctor felt himself spinning.

When he came to his senses, he appeared again in the space he just appeared in...

No, it was in the time gap.

As Su Yan said, there is no future here, and there is no past.

Time has stopped flowing.

But this is not terrible...

What is terrible is that the doctor needs to make a decision, whether to be killed by himself or kill himself.

At this moment.

The doctor looked at the wound on his waist.

The blood was still pouring out.

Seeing this, he laughed, and laughed a little crazy.


"I have spent my whole life studying others, but I never thought that I would have to study my own life and death one day?".


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