"Kill the past and I will die"

"If I am killed by the past, I will die too."

In the gap of time, the doctor kept thinking about how to get out of this dilemma.

But this is not the most unsolvable problem.

What is even more unsolvable is...

Even if he can survive to the end, he will be killed by that person, right?

"Hahahaha… I never thought I would be trapped in this dead end!"

Just after his crazy laughter

, a selfish voice sounded in the dark gap of time.

"That's right, you have no future, and if I kill you, the future won't fall into this dead end."

The doctor looked up.

Sure enough... it was his own time slice again.

"Have you ever thought that if you kill me, you will die too?"

But the time slice laughed and said,"Haha, what do you want to say? You and I are not on the same timeline at all. You are just an uncertain future, not my past."

"Different timelines?"

The doctor was even more confused.

Although his slices were cut according to time, they were actually living in the same era, the same timeline.

What does it mean now?

You know, the doctor only knows a little about time. The more he thinks about this problem, the more his thinking will be blocked.

Only when he is still thinking hard……

"If you can't figure it out, then stop thinking about it and prepare to die, future me."

The time slice immediately high-fived the doctor.

""Damn it!"

Facing his own attack, the doctor, who still had no idea what to do, could only fight back angrily.

As expected.

This time Su Yan did not restrict his actions.

The time slice on the opposite side was much weaker than the doctor in terms of skills.

In the fight between himself and himself... the doctor found the right opportunity and slapped the slice on the chest.

Who knew... bang!!!

At the moment when the opponent was hit by the palm, the doctor himself suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart.


The doctor and his slice spat out blood almost at the same time.

Just as Su Yan said...

During this time gap, whether he attacked the slice or was attacked by the slice, he would suffer corresponding damage.

"Damn it!"

In this situation, he had no idea what to do.


That's right, what lay before him now was only despair.

He vaguely remembered that he had experimented on many humans over the years. At that time, the people he caught for experiments would all have expressions of despair on their faces.

Was his expression now the same as those people?

On the other hand, when the slice saw that the doctor himself was injured, he became more and more certain.

"You have no future, and now your mentality is even more shaken. If this is the case, you might as well be killed by me."

"It's useless. If you kill me, you will die too."

The doctor couldn't understand why these slices kept saying that they had no future.

But Su Yan said... if he died, these slices would die too.

Unfortunately, these slices didn't listen to his explanation at all, and they attacked him without even a little hesitation.

Just like this moment!

The slice attacked the doctor again.

"Stop lying, you're the only one who will die."

Facing Slice's attack again, the doctor did not panic this time, but murmured:"In this case... I will take back the time from you.."

Just wait for the voice to fall


The slice's expression suddenly changed, and then it fell to the ground with lifeless eyes.

When it landed... the slice was just a lifeless doll.

But the doctor did not feel any joy or relief because of this.


He covered his chest, and when he was retracting the slice, he felt like he was hit by his own palm again.

In addition to the three knife wounds on his waist before.

At this moment, he could only squat in pain with bruises all over his body, and his breath became very weak.

"Damn it, he could have just killed me, but now he’s treating me as a guinea pig?"

"You are right. You have used many people as guinea pigs and put them on the experimental table. I just want you to have a taste of the same feeling.

The voice in the gap of time came from Su Yan.


Su Yan was also watching every move here.

"I think you have discovered that you and these slices do not belong to the same time node. They belong to the past, and you belong to the present. However, you can still recycle the time of these slices, but if you do so, both the slices of the past and the slices of the present will disappear."

"Unfortunately, this is your only way out, but don't let them get hurt before you take back the time, otherwise the injuries they suffer will be fed back to you again."

Listening to Su Yan's narration... the doctor naturally discovered it.

Just now he recovered his own time, although the corresponding slice died, but he did not die. He just slapped the slice before, and when he took back the time, he suffered the same injury again.

But... so what?

Can he survive in the end?

The most terrifying thing is... Su Yan said that if he died, the other slices would also die.

Otherwise, why would he face despair?!

Although he didn't know whether what Su Yan said was true or false, the doctor didn't dare to gamble.

Thinking of this

"Have you rested enough?"

Su Yan suddenly said again, and then said:"If you have rested enough, then continue to play with yourself. I am curious, you are so smart, can you find a little hope in despair?"

As soon as Su Yan's voice fell.


In the gap of time, eight people appeared this time.

Their appearance is almost the same, representing every age group of the doctor.

When they appeared and saw the doctor again... the eight people immediately showed murderous intent on their faces.


Seeing this, the doctor could only stand up with great pain.

His mind was working rapidly, trying to find a glimmer of hope from this despair.

But the eight slices would not give him this time...

The doctor had no choice but to fight with them.

But what?

The slices' moves were fatal, but the doctor could not attack them, otherwise he would be the only one hurt.

After a few moves... the doctor was completely at a disadvantage.

Whether in terms of number or status, he could not have too much time to think.

If this continued, he and all the slices would perish together. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this moment, he only felt that time was not enough.

Before meeting Su Yan, time was obviously the thing he had the most.

But now... the doctor had only one choice

"Return, Recycling……"

Just when he made this most helpless decision, the eight slices were exactly the same as the previous one, and they fell to the ground and lost their breath.

But the doctor didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief.

Swish, swish, swish...

In the gap of time, sixteen time slices appeared this time.

They were no different from the slices that appeared before.

The eyes of all the slices just wanted the doctor to die.[]


Looking at the slices he had made in the past, which now wanted to kill him, the doctor suddenly laughed.

"Okay, okay, isn’t it just forcing me to reclaim my own time?"

"Then I'll do as you wish!"


At the same time...

Su Yan, who was in the laboratory, was watching this scene.

However, the doctor's repeated struggles did not bring him any pleasure.

The reason why he did this was nothing more than to want the doctor to get the corresponding punishment.

Human experiments are cruel.

What he is experiencing now... is just paying for what he did before.

Moreover, the doctor cut out his own time in order to have the capital to save his life.

But now the capital to save his life has become a weapon aimed at himself.

How ridiculous!

"Compared to those who have been tortured by you, this kind of despair is far from enough for you, but I am not you after all, it's time to end it."

Su Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, under his control.

At this time.

In the gap of time where the doctor was, he looked around and saw all the time incarnations he had cut out in the past.

He knew very well how many incarnations he had just destroyed. He knew even more that Su Yan was not going to continue.

In front of him... were all the time slices he had cut out in his life.

""Cough, cough, cough."

Looking at his own injuries becoming more and more serious, the doctor knew very well that he didn't have much time left. He was going to die anyway.……

"."Recover, recycle."

The doctor finally made a decision, that is to recycle all the time slices... just as the incarnations in the vast crowd fell one after another.

Countless memories also poured into his mind with the passage of time.

Most of the memories belong to him, and he also owns these memories.

But a small part of the memories belong to the incarnation's own memories after the time slice.

There are cruel ones.

There are also warm ones.

The doctor closed his eyes, his expression enjoying these memories that belong to him and not to him.

Sometimes he would be gentle, sometimes sad, and sometimes he would show an evil smile.

And at this moment... a hand was quietly placed on his neck.

When the doctor opened his eyes... he found that he was back in the laboratory again.

It's just that... his neck had been choked by Su Yan.

The doctor did not struggle, nor did he beg for mercy, but said:"Give me another minute... okay?"


Su Yan did not refuse. Although he could break the doctor's neck at any time, he still nodded and agreed.

""Thank you, thank you."

The doctor slowly closed his eyes again, and continued to feel the memories of the recovered time.

One minute.

For anyone, it is a fleeting countdown.

Not to mention someone like the doctor who has no concept of time...

But now, this minute is very fulfilling for him.

57 seconds.

58 seconds.

59 seconds.

One minute!

Only when the countdown ended, Su Yan exerted a little force with his palm.


The second doctor, the Fatui executive officer, has been forever explained in this laboratory...

But before the moment, the corners of his mouth revealed regret.

Obviously... one minute is not enough for him to read the memory of all the slices.

At this moment.

Su Yan suddenly sounded with emotion.

"Alas... a big shot like him has never even looked at me, but I didn't expect that today I would see his end with my own eyes."

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Yan raised his palm slightly.

A soul light ball suddenly appeared in his palm.

Su Yan smiled and said,"Why, do you want to accompany him?"

Soon, Tartaglia's anxious response came from the soul light ball:"Ahem, Mr. Su Yan, you are joking, the doctor and I are really not familiar with each other"


Su Yan immediately took away Tartaglia's soul light ball.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside Su Yan.

It was Buyer.

As soon as she looked at the postdoctoral……

"Su Yan, what are your plans next?"

"Let Nashida handle Xumi for now. I plan to go back to Liyue to finish the last event."

At this point, Su Yan suddenly turned his head and looked at Buyer, asking curiously.

"By the way, you said that if Morax and Barbatos saw you... would their expressions be very interesting?"

"Hehehe... I'm looking forward to it too."

Buye immediately covered his mouth and laughed.


I haven't seen those two old friends for a long time.

How will they react when they see me


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