Liyue Square.

There are many vendors setting up stalls, and many people are selling Pokemon-related things.

At this time.

Zhongli and Wendy followed the smell to the square.

Soon, they saw a young elf girl looking at one of the stalls.

She bent down and picked up a puppet from the stall.

This puppet was made according to the appearance of Pokemon, small and exquisite.

"So cute~"

Looking at the puppet in his hand, Bu~yer liked it very much.

"Miss, do you like this charcoal servant doll? It only costs 3,000 Mora."


Although Buyer knew that this was a Pokémon, he didn't recognize it.

In fact, the two most popular Pokémon in Liyue right now are Keqing and Ningguang.

It's a pity...

So far, no one has drawn these two Pokémon except them.

Not to mention that Tan-Shi-Shu and Roundland Shark have evolved into a stronger stage.

Although Buyer also likes this Tan-Shi-Shu puppet.

It's just……

"Sorry, I forgot to bring Mora with me when I came out. I'll come back to buy it later."

After that, Buyer gently put the puppet back on the stall, and the boss looked a little disappointed.

At this moment!

""Bu, Buyer?!"

Behind Buyer, two voices that she missed suddenly rang out.

She turned her head slowly...

Who else could it be but Morax and Barbatos?

Buyer immediately showed a smile that she hadn't seen with her friends for a long time.

"Long time no see, my two friends.

Seeing that the gentle Grass God was still in front of him, Zhongli suddenly let out a relaxed smile.

"Long time no see, my friend."

Wendy pointed at Buyer with an exaggerated expression:"Buyer! Am I seeing right?! It's really you!"

"Yes, it's me."

Buyer nodded to Wendy, then turned his gaze to Zhongli and asked,"Mo……"

Just as he was about to say the word Morax,

Zhongli interrupted him and said,"My name is Zhongli now."

"Oh, that's right."

Buyer blinked quickly and immediately understood what Zhongli meant, but then she asked mischievously:"Zhongli, did you bring Mora?"


Zhongli raised his eyebrows. They were old friends after hundreds of years of not seeing each other.

As soon as they met, he asked if I had brought Mora with me... Is that interesting?

Fortunately, he did bring her today.


After a while,

Buyer borrowed 3,000 Moras from Zhongli and bought the doll of Tan Xiaoshi.

She couldn't let it go, so she left the square with Zhongli and Wendy.

After all, there were too many people here, and it was not a good place to talk. They only found a more remote corner...

Buyer immediately told the two what happened in Xumi recently.

After hearing this, Zhongli and Wendy were both surprised.

"So you are not dead?"

For a long time, Xumi has been rumored that the Great Kindness Tree King has disappeared, and the Little Auspicious Grass King has inherited her will.

Zhongli and Wendy naturally thought that she had fallen.

That's why they had this expression.

Seeing the surprise of the two, Buyer pursed his lips.

" should I put it? Actually, it's not wrong to say that I'm dead, but because of Su Yan, I've been reborn now."


Zhongli raised his eyebrows, and a hint of disappointment flashed across his eyes silently.

Listening to Buyer's narration, he found that the other party's condition was somewhat different from resurrection.

But there was one thing that made Zhongli very concerned.

"Buyer, I can feel that you are now very powerful, stronger than me and Wendy.……"

"Well... hehe."

Buyer smiled slyly and said,"Now I can beat you two without any problem."

After Su Yan gave Buyer the power of the World Tree... in fact, the power she now possessed has exceeded the limits of Teyvat.

In terms of preparation... she is probably comparable to the God of Elves.

"Is that really the case?……"

This is not too different from what Zhongli guessed.

On the other hand, Wendy looked sad.

"Eh... so now I am the weakest among the Seven Gods?"

Who knew that the next second, Zhongli and Buyer rolled their eyes.

Zhongli was too lazy to pay attention to Wendy and asked Buyer immediately:"So what are your plans next?"

"I will stay with Su Yan, forever."

Buyer said this without any hesitation.

As soon as the words fell.

Wendy suddenly jumped to her side, and then asked shamelessly:"Hey, you are so familiar with Su Yan, why don't you help me ask him if he needs someone to help him? I can do it."


Buyer covered his mouth and laughed,"When we were in Xumi, Su Yan mentioned you to me. By the way, Barbatos, how did you come up with the idea of giving away the unfinished wine?"

""Ah? He, he still remembers this incident?"

Wendy took two steps back after hearing this.

Su Yan really holds a grudge.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn’t say anything just now."

Zhongli, who was standing next to him, kept shaking his head. It was really shameful that Mondstadt had such a god.

As the host, he immediately said,"Hey…Buyer, ignore him. By the way, I just saw you walking around Liyue. Is there any place you want to go?"

Buyer thought for a moment and shook his head again,"No, I’m just walking around. I want to see the current Liyue with my own eyes, and I can give Nashida some reference opinions in the future." After the voice fell, Zhongli spoke

"How about this? I will take you around Liyue and introduce you to its history. I think you, the god of wisdom, can definitely give me some good advice."

"Well, it's better to have you, the Rock God, lead the way than wandering around on your own. I'll leave it to you, Morax."

Buyer didn't refuse, but nodded to Zhongli.

"You're welcome."

After Zhongli made an invitation gesture……

"Buyer, why don't you come to Mondstadt when you have time? Compared to the hustle and bustle of Liyue, it is a city of wind." (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

"Does Mondstadt have Pokémon?"

"Ah... not yet."

The three ancient gods met.

The three old friends had a great conversation and began to tour Liyue under the leadership of Zhongli.


Death, wear and tear, the existence that can survive, there are only a handful of them in this world.

This moment is precious to the three of them.

It is worth mentioning that...

Buyer did not talk to Zhongli and Wendy about the real world tree.

In fact, at the moment of transcending this world, wear and tear no longer has any effect on Buyer.……



Jade Pavilion.

After leaving the Elf House, Su Yan came to look for Ningguang.

At that time, she was training the Sharptooth Land Shark.

You can imagine how happy Ningguang was to see Su Yan return.

After dismissing the people below...

At this time, in the Jade Pavilion,

Su Yan picked up Ningguang and said with a smile

"It can be seen that you have been working hard recently. You have trained the Sharptooth Land Shark very well.

Ningguang did not resist at all, but instead put her arms around Su Yan's neck.

"Of course, I am determined to win tomorrow's game. By the way, did you come to see me just after returning to Liyue?"

"What else?"

Su Yan smiled gently and said,"I just came back less than ten minutes ago and ran to find you."

This is the truth...

After returning to the Elf House from Xumi, he only spent a few minutes to solve the problem of Tartaglia.

It was indeed less than ten minutes to get to Ningguang.

When he heard him say this...

Ningguang felt warm in her heart. At least, Su Yan now put her first.

"You're thoughtful."


Su Yan gently put Ningguang down, then brushed her cheek with his fingertips and lifted her long hair

"You have a competition tomorrow, so don't be distracted today. How about who will be your teammate?"

Su Yan had said before that the first few games of the final competition would be in the form of two teams of two.

In other words... every contestant has to find a teammate.

Ningguang naturally needs one too.

But after Su Yan opened his mouth, Ningguang jokingly said,"You are so smart, can you guess it?"

"……Um, Keqing?"

Su Yan has been in Xumi during this period, and his attention is all on Azar and Doctor, so he didn't pay special attention to this side.

So he was really relying on guessing.

After all, anyone can see that this is the best combination.

Who knows...

Ningguang shook her head:"Actually, Keqing and I had this plan at the beginning, but it would be too boring to win the championship so easily, so... I chose Ganyu!"


Su Yan blinked and then burst into laughter.

"You are right. This is indeed more interesting. A suspenseful game is more exciting. It seems that you have carefully considered choosing Ganyu. What about Keqing? Who did she choose as her teammate?"

Since Ningguang had planned to cooperate with Keqing from the beginning, and then suddenly decided to re-select, then it should not be a secret for the two of them to choose their teammates.

Ningguang must know Keqing's choice.

Sure enough...

Ningguang raised her eyebrows and gave an unimaginable answer.



Su Yan touched his chin. Obviously, he didn't expect this answer.

But soon, he saw that the two people's choices were similar.

"So that's how it is. Although Ganyu and Lisa's Pokémon are not as good as yours, their knowledge of Pokémon is better than any of you."

You know.

During the second game exam, Ganyu and Lisa easily passed the test of Diancie's questions.

It can be seen that their knowledge of Pokémon is undoubtedly the best among all the contestants.

Although Lisa's Mimosa is a little worse in terms of combat power... but the competition is suspenseful, who knows what will happen?

At this moment...

Su Yan thought of a cute little girl.

He then asked:"By the way, Ningguang, do you know who Klee will partner with? Kaeya? Or Diluk?"


Ningguang is indeed the Heavenly Power Star of Liyue, and her intelligence network is spread all over Liyue.

She naturally has the answer that Su Yan wants.

"No, Klee's teammates are... 10,000".

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