"Liyue is so good now……"

Outside the mountains and rivers of Liyue, under the guidance of the tour guide Zhongli...

Buyer and Wendy had a good tour of the entire city.


Buyer said he wanted to see outside Liyue, and Zhongli agreed.

Liyue is dominated by towering mountains. No matter which direction you look at it from, it is like a fairyland.

Of course, Liyue is originally a country with many immortals.

The fairy-like picture itself has a strong sense.

In addition, after Pokémon came to Liyue, they took away many hillbillies and cleared many monsters.

Where there is ecology... there are battles in the wild.

Compared to a month ago, Liyue is no longer the same as it was in the past.

Just when Buyer was feeling the beautiful atmosphere of Liyue...

Wendy spread his hands at an inappropriate time:"Speaking of which, today is really thanks to Buyer. I have been in Liyue for so long, and I have never seen Morax take me to visit Liyue."

However, Zhongli next to him gave him a contemptuous look.

"You used to fight with Pokémon for food at a fixed spot every day. Do you, an old hand, still need me to lead you?"

As soon as these words came out,

Buye blinked immediately:"Fighting with Pokémon for food?"

"Ahem...it's okay."

Wendy's face suddenly became embarrassed, and he quickly explained:"My special"870" Valin has a big appetite, so he often competes with Pokémon in the wild for food." But when he said this, he didn't notice that Zhongli next to him rolled his eyes.

"I don't know why Tevarin chose you, Barbatos."

Of course, Zhongli didn't say this. He was too lazy to say it...

Instead, he turned to Buyer and suddenly asked curiously:"By the way, you said you would follow Mr. Su Yan in the future. Does that mean you also have Pokémon?"

At this point, Wendy also became interested.

""Oh, right, Buyer, what is your Pokémon? Did you collect it from Xumi? Or was it given by the owner of the Elf House?"

Now Zhongli, Wendy, and Ying all have their own Pokémon.

Under the influence of Su Yan, four of the seven countries are willing to escort the arrival of Pokémon.

With this trend, the whole of Teyvat will be full of Pokémon in no time.

Be it Zhongli or Wendy.

They have never doubted the arrival of this day...

Especially these two gods, who are now living a carefree life.

Naturally, they are interested in this topic.

Besides... who is Su Yan?

The Lord of all Pokémon.

Now that Buyer follows him, it would be unreasonable if he didn't have Pokémon, right?

However, seeing the curiosity of his two old friends, Buyer shook his head.

"No, I don't have Pokémon."

""Huh?" Wendy was surprised, and then whispered,"Is he so stingy?"


Buyer smiled slightly, and then gradually closed his eyes in front of the two.

Suddenly, a breath of vitality, like warm lake water, rushed in all directions.

The breath was very peaceful and gentle... but Zhongli and Wendy could sense the power contained in it.

The most special thing was... this power was completely different from what they had seen before.

Just as Zhongli had sensed before, the power that Buyer now possessed had surpassed all gods.

Wendy, on the other hand, was puzzled.

""Buyer, what are you doing?""

Aren't you asking about Pokémon?

Why did Buyer suddenly release his aura?

But, just as Wendy finished speaking.

Suddenly... the ground around the three of them bulged one after another.

They were pangolins one after another.

It's not over yet...

In the nearby forest, Pokémon such as Walking Grass, Trumpet Bud, and Shuttlecock Grass ran out with friendly eyes.

In the sky, there were Pidgeots, Prideful Swallows, Blue Birds, and even grumpy Toucans.

They began to hover over Buyer's head.

Wherever Buyer's aura passed, the water Pokémon such as Tadpoles, Slowpokes, and Horned Goldfish in the surrounding lakes were all jumping and boiling, and some even climbed onto the shore.

This scene made Zhongli and Wendy stunned.

And just after this situation lasted for a few minutes... now.

Those Pokémon that sensed this aura have already begun to form a group around Buyer.

These wild Pokémon are not violent or aggressive.

Even the Pokémon that originally had a hot temper became very kind around Buyer.

Look at Buyer again...

She was surrounded by Pokémon, and now she was squatting on them, sometimes touching the leaves of the walking grass, and sometimes touching the wings of the bluebird.

She smiled brightly, gentle and beautiful, as if she was an old friend with these Pokémon in Liyue.

And the Pokémon did not reject her touch, but instead rubbed Buyer's hand.

This scene...

Zhongli and Venti were already speechless.

Pokémon have been in Liyue for so long, and except for Su Yan, they have never seen anyone be so intimate with wild Pokémon.

"This, this... Morax, what is this ability of Buyer?"

Zhongli raised his eyebrows at Wendy's question, and finally... he came to a conclusion


Zhongli is indeed the oldest demon god.

He immediately saw why Buyel was so close to the elves.

Yes, it was affinity. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This kind of power was impossible for Buyel to possess in the past.

But now it is different...

The World Tree emanating from Buyel���The breath of the World Tree is like the cradle of all Pokémon, a familiar feeling of home in the other world.

Therefore, even the most ferocious Pokémon become gentle after feeling the breath of the World Tree.


Wendy jumped up immediately, even with a sad face.

"Buyer is so lucky, doesn't that mean she can easily get any Pokémon she wants?"

Just as Wendy's envious voice fell.

Suddenly, Zhongli and Wendy heard a familiar voice coming from behind them.

"That's not entirely true. Right now, Buyer's power is not enough to make all Pokémon feel friendly."

As soon as the words fell.

Zhongli and Wendy turned around quickly...

After seeing the newcomer, Wendy's unreliable energy was slightly restrained.

Zhongli nodded to the newcomer:"Mr. Su Yan, you are here."

The newcomer was Su Yan.

After staying in the Qun Yu Pavilion for a while and chatting with Ningguang, Su Yan suddenly sensed that Buyer released the breath of the World Tree, so he came to take a look.

"Well, I haven't seen you three for hundreds of years, so I went somewhere else just now."

At this moment.

Su Yan slowly walked towards Buyer, and then asked the Pokémon surrounding her:"Little guys, go play, Sister Buyer is tired......"

When the voice fell.

All the elves nodded respectfully to Su Yan.



Then they dispersed and returned to their original living places.

Compared with the means that Buyer just showed, Su Yan's gentle words were obviously more effective.

The elves obeyed his words even more.

At the same time, Zhongli and Wendy only saw that Buyer's forehead was already sweating.

It seemed that he was overworked.

As mentioned above, the breath of the world tree can make the elves feel the affinity of their hometown.

However, this breath requires Buyer to continuously output.

Seeing the Pokémon surrounding her, and seeing the joy on the faces of the elves.

Buyer really couldn't bear to interrupt her breath.

She has been forcing herself to output the breath of the world tree...

Fortunately, Su Yan came.

Buyer raised her head, with a smile in her beautiful eyes, but with a delicate tired look.

"Su Yan, why are you here?"

"If I don't come, how long do you want to hold on?"

Su Yan shook his head helplessly:"You are not proficient in this power, and it is beyond the level of Teyvat. Before you fully master it, don't do this kind of continuous output method."

Although Su Yan's words were accusatory, they also revealed concern.

Buyer quickly took his arm, and then said apologetically:"I promise, I won't do it again in the future"


Su Yan expressed his helplessness again.

He can be cruel to his enemies... but he is always gentle to those around him.

Not to mention that after the transformation, Buyer will only put Su Yan first.

Just looking at the intimacy between the two...

Wendy, who didn't know the ins and outs, immediately nudged Zhongli and asked quietly:"Hey, Morax, are Su Yan and Buyer a couple?"

Unexpectedly, Zhongli's eyes expressed a cold

"Barbatos, some words will kill you if you say them."

Wendy quickly covered his mouth after he said this.

He almost forgot how powerful this person was.

What if he was silenced?

Of course.

Although Wendy's voice was quiet, how could he escape Su Yan's ears?

"Wendy, you haven't changed.……"

Fortunately, Su Yan did not intend to pursue the matter. He turned to look at Zhongli and said with a smile:"Zhongli, you seem to have something to ask me?"

Since Su Yan came here, he found that Zhongli seemed to have something to say several times, but did not dare to...

It can be seen that Zhongli was not afraid of Su Yan, but was more afraid of being disappointed after getting the answer.


After a moment of silence, Zhongli finally summoned up his courage and asked,"Mr. Su Yan, do you have a way to resurrect people who have been dead for hundreds of years?"

Zhongli still used honorifics.

After seeing Buyer reappear, this question has been lingering in his mind.

Although he later learned that Buyer's resurrection was completely different from what he imagined.

Even so...

Zhongli still asked.

Unexpectedly, Su Yan nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, it is quite troublesome, especially for those who have been dead for hundreds of years and whose souls and bodies have been worn out. It takes special means to revive them."

Just as he finished speaking,

Zhongli was obviously trembling all over.

"Really, really?!".


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