"What needs to be done?"

"No... Zhongli, you should ask this: what can you do?"

"What can I do?"

On the outskirts of Liyue

, Zhongli and Wendy were the only ones left.

After Su Yan learned about the possibility of resurrection, he left with Buyer after saying a few words.

Undoubtedly, Wendy also heard their conversation.

"He, he really has the ability to resurrect? Isn't this too incredible?"

"……From what I know about him, he always keeps his word."

At this moment, Zhongli recalled the conversation when he first met Su Yan.

Su Yan once said...

Pokémon will come from another world.

Now it has come true.

He also said that he has the power to break the dimension.

Zhongli also witnessed it with his own eyes.

The above two things sounded beyond common sense to Zhongli at that time.

Now Su Yan said again...

People who have been dead for hundreds of years can also be resurrected.

Zhongli had to believe that Su Yan definitely had this ability...

Of course, there is no free lunch in the world.

He, the oldest god, naturally understood this truth.

"Mr. Su Yan is right. Liyue's contract is based on fairness. If I want to revive someone, I need to pay the same price."

Just as Zhongli finished speaking, Wendy took a deep breath.

"Morax, you don't want to exchange one life for another, do you?"


Zhongli shook his head. He knew very well that this approach was not advisable.

So... what price would be paid to achieve the same level of resurrection? 16

Zhongli needed to think carefully.



It is night.

Liyue's thousands of lights are still bright.

Even though it is already night, there is no sign of the night being quiet.

Because... tomorrow is the day of the final competition!

Whether it is the contestants who advance to the third round or the audience who are eager to see the exciting showdown, tonight is destined to be difficult to sleep.

Especially the underground bank.

It has been bustling since the first day of the competition.

Everyone wants to bet on the contestant they are optimistic about to win the corresponding Mora.


Tonight is the last closing of the underground bank, but more people come here than ever before.

Of course.

The rules of betting here are not just about the final winner.

For example, how much will the winner of the first round pay, and how much will the winner of the second round pay.

Various odds are given after rigorous investigation.……

"Come on, guess who will make it to the end of tomorrow's game?!"

"It must be Lady Ningguang. Her Fanged Land Shark is so powerful that everyone can see it. I bet 740,000 Mora in one go."

"It's hard to say. Don't forget, Lady Ningguang was almost in Lady Keqing's hands. I bet Lady Keqing can win."

"Hey, everyone knows that Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing are the biggest favorites, but the odds of 1 to 1.1 are really……"

"Hehe, if you want to get rich, you have to rely on underdogs. I bet one thousand sparks of Mora Qianyan Army, maybe he can make it to the end? This one-to-one odds is exciting!"

"Brother, are you betting on an upset? You are being stingy."

"By the way, Miss Ganyu is also very outstanding, and the ratio is only 1 to 3."

"That Mondstadt guy... Oh, by the way, the guy named Diluk, is 1 to 4. Is he that powerful?"

"Very impressive. In the first round of confrontation, the speed of dealing with opponents was ranked among the top five."

In addition to being a place for people to place bets, the bustling underground bank is also the best place to exchange information.

There is no doubt that

Ningguang and Keqing are the biggest favorites in this competition.

How strong their Fanged Land Shark and Blue Blade Demon are is obvious to all.

As for the others, there are also strong ones.

Like Diluk, it took him a few seconds to defeat his opponent in the first game.

His Scorch evolved from Litten from the three starter Pokémons.

Of course, Diluk didn't know what the three starter Pokémons were, but when he bought it at the Pokémon House, he heard from Su Yan that Litten was a very strong Pokémon.

So he bought it.

After that, Ganyu performed very well in the finale of the first game and against the Dragon King Scorpion.

She is the favorite after Ningguang and Keqing.

The others... their odds are higher.

However, these data are from seven days ago.

During these seven days, everyone has been training Pokémons. Who knows what kind of surprises there will be tomorrow?

And in the crazy hustle and bustle of the last night of Liyue...

A familiar beautiful woman suddenly came to the Pokémon House.

"Handsome guy~ I'm here again."

Dianci and Gardevoir have been looking after the store for seven consecutive days.

After bringing Buyel back today, Su Yan asked Diancie and Gardevoir to go back and rest first, and also asked them to take Buyel to familiarize himself with the residence.

At this moment,

Su Yan was the only one in the store, and he looked at the woman who walked in from the door.

"Why, are you here to watch the game?"

"Yes, tomorrow is the final match, of course I have to cheer for Klee."

Yes, the person who came was Alice.

Ever since she played the villain before, she went back obediently. (To read the exciting novels, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, Alice walked to the counter, she leaned on it with her arms, and suddenly asked curiously:"Tianli is awake, what are your plans?"


Zygarde broke through the sky with one blow, affecting the power of the seven countries, and finally awakened the sleeping Tianli.

But then, neither Tianli nor Su Yan made any move.

Alice came here today, in addition to cheering for her daughter Klee, she also wanted to see what Su Yan planned.[]

Unexpectedly, Su Yan just looked up at her and then continued to fiddle with Rotom's parts.

"I'm awake now. I don't have any plans for the time being."

This unexpected answer immediately puzzled Alice.

"Eh? Aren't you afraid that she'll cause trouble for you?"

"She is Tianli, not a fool. Besides, everyone thinks that Phanes has done all kinds of bad things, but they don’t know that she is protecting Teyvat. If it weren’t for her, the continent of Teyvat would have been destroyed long ago."

Su Yan obviously has his own views on Tianli Phanes.

Since he came to Teyvat, he realized that the lifespan of Teyvat has been running out.

Without Tianli's suppression, it would be difficult for this planet to survive until now.

But the lifespan of Teyvat is not a big problem for Su Yan.

Otherwise, he would not let Pokémon come.

Because of the appearance of Pokémon, the ecology of this planet will gradually improve.

This is why Tianli did not run out of Sky Island as soon as he woke up.

But Alice didn't know what Su Yan was thinking.

She was very curious why Su Yan could be so calm.

Although she knew that Su Yan was very strong, very strong, but Alice didn't have an answer to how strong he was.

"Aren’t you afraid that justice will come to you?"

"Do you want to test my bottom line?"

Su Yan still didn't look up, and continued to fiddle with the parts of the illustrated book, but he answered Alice's question.

"You should ask this... Is the law of nature afraid of me?"

""God is afraid of you?!"

Alice raised her eyebrows. She had thought about this answer before.

Because she knew that Phanes had woken up yesterday, but now he was the same as usual, without any change.

Was he waiting and watching?

Or was he really afraid of Su Yan?

As far as Alice was concerned, she was more inclined to the second one.

Otherwise, it didn't make sense at all...

Thinking of this, Alice's heart suddenly palpitated.

However, she still maintained that calm and playful spirit in front of Su Yan.

"Hey, there's a beautiful woman standing in front of you, but you don't even look at me. You just focus on fiddling with the machine. That's too much."


Su Yan slowly raised his head and then his eyes fell on Alice.

Seeing this, Alice quickly blinked and waited for Su Yan's praise.

Who knew that the next second...

Su Yan lowered his head again and continued to add parts to the Rotom Atlas in his hand.

At the same time, he said leisurely:"Madam, you are not as fun as the machine."

"Ah...ah, I, I……"

Alice paused for a moment before reacting, and then she became weak.


It turns out that in Su Yan's eyes... she is not as good as a machine.

Of course.

No third person knew about the conversation between Su Yan and Alice.

At the same time, only a few people in this world knew that Tianli had awakened.

At this time, Su Yan raised his head again and glanced at Alice, but he was thinking in his heart……

"Forget it, I'll go to Sky Island after the game is over."

After all... tomorrow is the day when the eighth seat of the Elf League will be born.

At present, the wind god Barbatos and the rock god Morax have already obtained two seats.

Not to mention Baalzebub (Shadow) and Nashida, as long as Su Yan opens his mouth, he can get two more seats...

What's the point of the Fatui's seat?

As long as the Elf League truly gathers the seven gods, the whole of Teyvat will tremble.

At that time, the gods of the seven countries will create a new era for Pokémon.

This is Su Yan's ultimate goal.

"Fontaine and Natta should not be a big problem"

"But... the Ice Nation was able to produce the Ice Queen of the Fatui, so why not... just destroy her."

Thinking of this,

Su Yan's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent.

According to his guess, the Ice Queen wanted to collect seven God's Hearts to fight against the law of nature.

But because of Su Yan's appearance, the Fatui only collected Wendy's God's Heart.

Zhongli ignored the transaction with the lady, and did not hold a funeral for himself. Although he and the Ice Queen had an agreement, this agreement had a prerequisite. Although

General Lei Dian's God's Heart was in the hands of the Son of God, the scattered soldiers were dead, and the God's Heart was naturally not handed over.

The same is true for Nashida, and the doctor has been killed by himself.

Although, even if the Ice Queen collected seven God's Hearts, it would not have any impact on Su Yan.


Su Yan seemed to have made a decision in his heart.


It's time to think about how to deal with the Ice Kingdom!".

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