The next day!

Early this morning, the whole of Liyue was in an uproar.

Yes, the final match is finally coming.

Since Pokémon came to Liyue, how much do the 16 contestants who made it to the end know about Pokémon battles?

Undoubtedly, today is the time for them to hand in their answers.

And those who can make it to the end will not only get a legendary Pokémon egg of Articuno, but also get an invitation from Su Yan.


Early in the morning, the ferries at the port were one after another, all heading to Guyun Pavilion.

Because everyone wants to witness the birth of the final winner.

"The final moment has finally arrived, and I don’t know who will make it to the end."

"Most likely it's Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing. They were the most impressive in the second match in the volcano. Their improvement is the most obvious among all the players."

"Having said that, I don't think they can win. The owner of the Elf House once said that the attribute restraint of Pokémon is very important. Sometimes being strong does not necessarily mean winning."

"That's true.……"

"Speaking of which, the duel between Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing on Liyue Street a month ago has not yet been decided. I think there should be a result today."

"Yes, but today's match is by lottery, and I don't know if they can draw each other."

"Let's not talk about it, we've arrived at Guyun Pavilion!"

On the ferry, everyone who took the boat to Guyun Pavilion was talking about this game.

Especially for those who have been eliminated.

This last game is undoubtedly a good opportunity to learn.

People came to Guyun Pavilion from Liyue Harbor one after another.

Today's competition venue is the largest one among the hundreds of arenas in front of Guyun Pavilion.

At this time, Ningguang's secretaries have been waiting here.

Since the competition was held, Ganyu and them have been responsible for all the trivial matters.

Now that Ganyu has advanced to the third game, naturally, she can only hand over all the affairs to them.

Not to mention...

Ningguang's three secretaries are also very efficient.

I still remember that before the game started, Ningguang said to Su Yan

"Baiwen, Baishi, and Baixiao can be used by you, Mr. Su Yan. Of course, you have to pay them the corresponding salary."

At that time, Ningguang had not yet confirmed her relationship with Su Yan.

Even so... she was still willing to lend these three capable secretaries.

And the way of contract in Liyue is equal trade.

Su Yan would naturally not treat the three of them unfairly...

After all, what he lacked the most was Mora.

At this time, Baiwen took a step forward and then made an invitation gesture to the venue next to the ring, where thousands of people were already sitting.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, although today's competition is open, in order to avoid accidental injuries during the competition, please go to the designated location to watch. Otherwise, we will not be responsible for any accidents during the period."

The power of Pokémon has long been witnessed by the people of Liyue.

Especially for today's contestants, the Pokémon they have are no longer those that can only fight wild boars.

Pokémon around level 30 are enough to fight some powerful monsters.

You know, the power of Pokémon is now enough to easily destroy a house.

If it is directed at people... the consequences can be imagined.

Because in the second game, everyone knew what the outcome would be.

It's just that dying in the game is not really dying.

But dying here... that would really be a bargain for Hu Tao.

So, when Bai Wen spoke, the audience who came to Guyun Pavilion immediately looked in the direction she invited.

I saw that the place that was used as the audience seat, under the reflection of the sun, a faint light shield could be vaguely seen, covering the entire audience seat.

"It seems that this light shield is to protect us from accidental injuries."

"Miss Baiwen is always right, but this light shield should be left by the owner of the Elf House."

"Yeah, let's go over there quickly."

""Go, go, go."

Guests continued to arrive, and under the guidance of the three secretaries, they entered the protected venue one after another.

In just half an hour... the entire Guyun Pavilion was almost full.

The audience in the front was fine. But the audience in the back... when they finally found an empty seat, they looked at the three secretaries standing on the main stage. At this moment, they were as small as ants in their eyes.

"Oh my god, I should have come earlier. I can’t even see the game from this distance!"

"Alas, there is no way, who made us come so late"

"Didn't we say the game starts at nine in the morning? It's only eight now, okay?!"

"Just now I heard a guy in front say that he checked in at Guyun Pavilion last night, but he only managed to get a seat in the third row."

"Huh?! Is it this curly?!"

"That's not right... Let's just accept it."

There are only so many protected seats.

Helplessly, those who didn't come in advance to reserve seats had no choice but to wait in line to take their seats, even if they were too far away.

Not to mention... there will be more spectators later.

Time passed bit by bit.

Almost everyone in Liyue came today. Even

Hu Tao and others who were eliminated in the last game were close to the venue.

However, Hu Tao did not squeeze with the spectators.

She found a seat with a good viewing angle and sat down.

For ordinary people, the power of Pokemon is fatal, but for those who have the Eye of God, there is still a gap between the two.

Hu Tao suddenly scratched her face with an embarrassed look.

"Hey, Xiangling and the others will be here soon, right? It’s amazing that we were eliminated so early. Yunjin laughed at me a few days ago.

Xin Yan also expressed his helplessness:"Ah, it’s our fault that we didn’t learn about the living habits of Pokémon. I thought that Roaring Bomb’s favorite thing was singing, but... he was eliminated."

However, Xin Yan’s words were quickly refuted by Hu Tao.

"Who said I didn't get to know the Crying Mask? I have a deep relationship with it." (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

But as soon as she finished speaking, Xin Yan gave her a look of contempt.

"Have you forgotten how you were eliminated?"

"Ah this……"

Kurumi tapped her cheeks again and stuck out her tongue to ease the embarrassment.……[]

"Miss Walnut, question seven, what Pokémon will Crying Mask evolve into?!"


Oh... why did it just come out so easily at that time.

At the same time……

"Master, you are here too."

On the mountain peak behind Guyun Pavilion, two figures were moving.

They were Xianyun and Shenhe... but it looked like they did not make an appointment to be together.

When Xianyun glanced at Shenhe, she did not answer the question, but said:"You can't tell any immortals or other people about this competition in the future, understand?"

"Oh, I won't say anything."

Shen He nodded obediently.

However, just when Xianyun was relieved...

Shen He suddenly asked:"Master, you said that you can't tell others. Do you mean that you were eliminated because you didn't even answer a single question correctly?"

It would have been better if he didn't say anything.

As soon as these words came out, Xianyun's face turned red with shame:"Why, you said that as if you passed the exam."


Shen He silently made a"yeah" gesture again, and then slowly said

"Master, from now on, as long as you don't talk about my childhood with other people, I promise I will never mention anything about this game."


After hearing this, Xianyun was stunned.

This disciple was actually threatening him, right?

So Xianyun immediately said,"First, it's a deal."

"'s a deal."

Shen He nodded with satisfaction. The biggest benefit for her from participating in the competition this time was that she had mastered the dark history of Master Liuyunjiefeng.

Of course, all of them came.

What's more, Zhongli and Wendy, the two idle gods.

They still came to the scene today, but they were hidden behind people.

At this time.

Wendy suddenly asked curiously:"Morax, have you ever thought about catching another Pokémon?"

Zhongli only thought about it and answered.

"I have thought about it, but I can't find the one I like."

Wendy nodded, and then asked:"By the way, why haven't you gone to the port to chat with Groudon these days?"

A while ago, Zhongli's daily routine was to go to the teahouse for a drink, and then go to the port to chat with Groudon.

But recently... he has never seen Zhongli go to the port again.

This is very strange.

Who knows...

Zhongli's face suddenly became (money-making) not very good.

After hesitating, he still sighed.

��Barbatos, can you help me analyze what's going on? A few days ago, I did want to talk to Groudon, but as soon as we met, it said it was annoyed by me and said it would kill me if I dared to go to the port to find it again. To this day, I don't know why it hates me."After the words fell,

Wendy's face suddenly became blank.

"Do I get annoyed just by seeing you?"

He made a 7 with his chin, thinking.

Finally, Wendy came to a conclusion.

"Maybe you look disgusting."


Zhongli was suddenly speechless

"……I shouldn't have asked you to help me analyze it. That's it. After the game is over, I will go and ask Mr. Su Yan for advice."

At this point,

Zhongli and Wendy suddenly stopped talking.

Because at this time, a ferry was approaching Guyun Pavilion. This was also the last ferry of the day.

The people standing on the ferry were the protagonists who would appear today.

There were a total of sixteen people.

"Here it comes, it's about to begin"

"By the way...Where is the boss of the Elf House? Why hasn't he come yet? And it seems that the Qianyan Army who acted as the referee before has not been seen."

Just when Wendy was wondering, whoosh!

A figure suddenly appeared in the center of the main stage.

Who else could this be but Su Yan?……

I want to say:

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