"Good morning, everyone."

Su Yan stood in the middle of the main stage, his voice was like a bell.

Although he looked effortless, everyone present could hear his voice clearly.

"Today is the last day of the competition. I won’t say more. Let’s just enjoy the exciting competition ahead."


The audience responded immediately.

Now someone asked

"Boss, why don’t I see anyone from Qianyan Army today? Are you going to act as the referee yourself?"

"Not bad."

Su Yan smiled and nodded. Compared with other countries, he liked the lively atmosphere of Liyue more.

Moreover... although Su Yan had only been in Liyue for a little over a month, his position in the hearts of the people of Liyue was already comparable to that of a god.

After seeing the enthusiastic audience, he... also became more talkative.

"This is the last round, so naturally I have to be the referee myself." As soon as the voice fell

, the last sixteen contestants who took the ferry came over and heard Su Yan's voice.

"Mr. Su Yan is the referee?!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then, more or less, they showed their worries.

After all, in the minds of many people, Su Yan is very strict.

Especially when it comes to Pokémon...


Su Yan seemed to see through the minds of these contestants at a glance.

He still smiled, and then said:"Just fight with peace of mind. This competition is based on fairness, so I will only speak out when it is unfair, you just need to show your skills." As soon as he finished speaking.

This remark was supported by a large number of voices at the scene.

"Boss Su Yan is right, what we in Liyue value most is the spirit of fair contract!"

"Very good, very good, the competition should be fair, open and just!"

"Now that all the contestants have entered, is it about to start?!"

Many people can't wait.

The ones who can stand on this stage now are the sixteen strongest Pokémon in Liyue.

As for the battle... people are very excited and just look forward to it starting quickly.

Of course, Su Yan did not disappoint everyone and immediately signaled to his secretary Bai Xiao:"Secretary Bai Xiao, Secretary Bai Shi, I'll trouble you two now."

""Boss Su Yan, you are too polite."

Bai Xiao nodded, then took out a closed box from behind, and walked towards the sixteen contestants.

At this moment, Bai Shi also followed.

Just as the two of them walked in front of the contestants...

Bai Shi opened his mouth and said,"Well, everyone, according to the rules announced by Mr. Su Yan before, the next two games need to be played in two-on-two formations, so before the draw, you should first assign your teams."

That's right.

The first two games will be two-on-two duels, and there will be no rest time until the two games are completed.

In other words... if one of the partners' Pokémon falls, the game can continue, but the fallen Pokémon cannot be treated and rejoined.

The worst case scenario may be a 1-on-2 situation.

Su Yan had already expressed this to everyone a week ago.

During this period, in addition to strengthening the training of Pokémon, the contestants also need to find partners who can cooperate.

Therefore, after Bai Shi finished explaining the rules... the sixteen people began to form teams in pairs.

Ningguang moved lightly and stood with Ganyu next to her.

Keqing stood with Lisa. Both of them liked purple, so they looked particularly conspicuous.

Ningguang had already told Su Yan all this... but others didn't know

"Eh, Lady Keqing didn't form a team with Lady Ningguang?"

"Yeah, didn’t the two of them match well together in Volcano?"

"That’s right… When they were at the volcano, they relied on cooperation to defeat countless wild Pokémon. If they were teamed up, no one would be able to beat them in the first two games."

Just as Su Yan was surprised before.

Before the game, everyone was optimistic about Ningguang and Keqing, thinking that they would form a team.

In that case, at least entering the top four would be no problem.


In fact, only Su Yan saw through another point.

"Ningguang and Keqing are undoubtedly the strongest among these people, but if they form a team, they can only attack. Instead, they chose Ganyu and Lisa, who can complement each other. It's very smart."

Of course.

Ningguang and Ganyu, Keqing and Lisa, these are just two of the groups.

Let's look at the others.……

"Yunjin, we have to cheer each other on."

Xiangling and Yunjin formed a team without a doubt.

They were good friends and had a unique understanding.

Yunjin smiled faintly and said,"Of course, it's a pity that Hu Tao and Xin Yan were eliminated. Otherwise, it would be very interesting if they could be in the game."

At the same time……


Hu Tao rubbed her nose, but her eyes were still looking at the combination of Xiang Ling and Yun Jin in the distance.

"Yunjin must be teasing me with Xiangling."

Xin Yan beside him also spread his hands helplessly:"Maybe he said that about me too."

With that, three groups came out.

On the other side...

At this moment, Yanfei slowly walked to Klee's side and then made a gesture of encouragement.

"Little Klee, we must win. Just follow the way I cooperated with you before, and we will definitely make it to the end."

After the words fell, Klee smiled happily.

"Hehehe... Klee really likes that cooperation. Klee and Thunderbolt will work hard."

To be honest, Klee's smile is super cute, and you can tell she's very happy.

But this smile... in the eyes of Lisa, Kaeya, and Diluc, there is always a���A feeling of fear from the bottom of my heart. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

And looking at Klee's smile, on a certain unknown mountain peak

"Come on, Klee."

Alice came to cheer for Klee.

Although she didn't appear in front of Klee because it was not a good time, she still showed her love and care.[]

And staring at Klee is fellow contestant Kaia.

"I didn’t expect that Lisa and Klee both refused to team up with me, ah~"

At first, Kaeya had planned to team up with Lisa, but unexpectedly, Keqing got there first.

This made him very puzzled.

Could it be that his friendship with Lisa was not as good as that with Keqing, whom he had only met a few times?

"I team up with Miss Keqing, and my chances of winning are greater than teaming up with you."

(bgfa) This is Lisa's answer to Kaeya.

Kaeya has no choice but to find Klee.……

"Brother Kaeya, I have already agreed with Sister Yanfei to win the game, so Klee can't team up with you, sorry."

Well, Kaeya was rejected again.

As for the others, he didn't know any of them.

Ren Kaeya never thought that he would be stuck at the first step. If he continued like this... wouldn't he even be eligible to participate in the competition?

Just as he was looking for people to team up with, he was repeatedly rejected and walked on the streets of Liyue, sighing from the bottom of his heart.……

""Hey, have people got there first?"

Suddenly, the same words passed by him.

The same tone, the same helplessness, and... the same familiarity, and it also came from Mondstadt.

Kaeya stopped walking.

The other party also stopped suddenly...

Yes, Diluk had the same experience as Kaeya.

After all, this is in Liyue City, and the sixteen people who advanced all know each other.

As a Mondstadt native, Diluk's situation is naturally similar to Kaeya's.

Especially since Lisa and Klee already have teammates...

At that time, Kaeya immediately waved and greeted Diluk:"Haha, Master Lu, it seems that you and I can't find teammates, how about... let's get together as a group?"

Who knew that as soon as he finished speaking, he received a cold response from Diluk

"I'm not interested in teaming up with you. I might as well give up directly."

Then... time goes back to the present.

At this time in the ring, Diluk stood next to Kaeya and said,"Don't hold me back."

""Okay, okay, I'll try my best."

Kaeya spread his hands helplessly, looking at the other teams talking and laughing, only their side was embarrassed.

At this time, five teams have been formed.

Xinghuo of the Qianyan Army is a team with a Liyue man named Zhou Ping.

There is also Wanyou who was sent away by Alice in the second game.

Thinking back to that time, he did not compromise in the face of Alice's intimidation, and he perfectly answered Diancie's ten questions, which shows how much he values his Pokémon.

In addition to luck, Wanyou's ability to get to where he is now is also a performance he deserves.

It is worth mentioning that he and a man named The Liyue people who were Tang Ming formed a team.

It seems that both of them know each other.

Although the four people looked very nervous...

After all, in this competition, there are two favorites, Ningguang and Keqing, and everyone can only pray secretly that they will not be drawn as opponents.

There are seven groups.

As for the last group...

That's right.

The last two people are only Beidou and Xingqiu.

Beidou rubbed Xingqiu's hair and said confidently:"Xingqiu boy, as long as we cooperate well with each other, maybe we can even defeat Ningguang and Keqing!"

However, compared with Beidou's optimism, Xingqiu shook his head.

"Miss Beidou, you are too optimistic. If we meet them at the beginning, we will most likely be eliminated."

"Hey, that's not necessarily true. Ningguang's is a quasi-god Pokémon. Could my precious dragon lose to her mother?"

Beidou patted his chest confidently.

With her personality, she naturally didn't know the word fear.

Although she had sparred with Ningguang many times a while ago.

Although she had never defeated Ningguang... and since she chose Xingqiu as her partner, Beidou naturally confessed these things.

So Xingqiu had to spread his hands.

"Hey, Miss Beidou, I really don't know where your confidence comes from, and... please stop rubbing my hair"


At this point, the eight groups of players have been assigned.

After they stood together...

Bai Xiao immediately raised the lottery box in his hand.

"Now that everyone is ready, who would like to draw first?"

Just as Bai Xiao finished speaking, Ningguang suddenly said,"Everyone, Bai Xiao is my secretary. To be fair, I will draw the lot last." Ningguang's words made everyone nod secretly.

……This spirit is worthy of being the Tianquan Star, the first of the seven stars.

"Then I'll go first!"

At this moment, Kaeya suddenly pulled up his sleeves and then looked at Diluk beside him.

"You don't mind, do you? Master Diluk."

But Diluk didn't even look at Kaeya.

Kaeya knew why the other party didn't like him, and he didn't mind.

"Since you have no objection, I will go.……"

I want to say:

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